The account_payment_stripe module allows to receive payment from Stripe.
It uses Stripe.js and Stripe Elements in a checkout form to handle Setup
Intent and Payment Intent by card.
The Account stores the information about the Stripe account like the secret
key, the publishable key and the webhook signing secret.
The account’s webhook endpoint is the URL used by stripe webhooks. For
additional security, the Stripe’s requests signature can be verified if the
webhook signing secret is set on the Account.
If no webhook is setup, a cron task fetches the new events.
The Customer allow to register parties as Stripe customers.
The checkout button opens the Stripe checkout form.
A cron task runs every hour to create new customers on Stripe and another to
delete them if they are inactivated.
The journal has a new field for the Stripe account.
The payment has also a checkout button which opens the Stripe checkout form.
A payment can be processed off-session