This is the pulp_certguard Plugin for the
Pulp Project 3.0+. This plugin provides X.509 certificate
based content protection. The X509CertGuard authenticates the web request by validating the client
certificate passed in the SSL_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE HTTP header using the CA (Certificate
Authority) certificate that it has been configured with.
All REST API examples bellow use httpie to perform the requests.
The httpie commands below assume that the user executing the commands has a .netrc file
in the home directory. The ~/.netrc should have the following configuration:
machine localhost
login admin
password admin
If you configured the admin user with a different password, adjust the configuration
accordingly. If you prefer to specify the username and password with each request, please see
httpie documentation on how to do that.
This documentation makes use of the jq library
to parse the json received from requests, in order to get the unique urls generated
when objects are created. To follow this documentation as-is please install the jq
library with:
$ sudo dnf install jq
Install pulpcore
Follow the installation
provided with pulpcore.
Users should install from either PyPI or source.
Install pulp-certguard from source
source ~/pulpvenv/bin/activate
git clone https:/
cd pulp-certguard
pip install -e .
Install pulp-certguard From PyPI
source ~/pulpvenv/bin/activate
pip install pulp-certguard
Make and Run Migrations
django-admin makemigrations certguard
django-admin migrate certguard
Create a content guard named foo
This example assumes that ~/ca.pem is a PEM encoded CA certificate.
$ http --form POST http:/localhost:8000/pulp/api/v3/contentguards/certguard/x509/ name=foo ca_certificate@~/ca.pem
"_href": "/pulp/api/v3/contentguards/certguard/x509/3046291f-d432-4a85-9d7e-fad12b0aaed7/",
$ export GUARD_HREF=$(http localhost:8000/pulp/api/v3/contentguards/certguard/x509/?name=foo | jq -r .results[0]._href )
Create a distribution with content protection
`` $ http POST http:/localhost:8000/pulp/api/v3/distributions/ name=bar base_path=files content_guard=${GUARD_HREF}``
"_href": "/pulp/api/v3/distributions/305adfe0-4851-432f-9de3-13f9b10fe131/"
Add content protection to an existing distribution
`` $ http PATCH http:/localhost:8000/pulp/api/v3/distributions/1/ content_guard=${GUARD_HREF}``
"_href": "/pulp/api/v3/distributions/0fbb102a-cb38-4d5c-afc2-b9a76e862a1d/"
Download protected content
The following examples assume there is a file named 1.iso published under the files distribution.
Further, they assume there is a PEM encoded client certificate at ~/client.pem signed by the CA at ~/ca.pem.
And, a PEM encoded private key at ~/key.pem.
Example of GET directly to the content application running on port 8080 over HTTP. When setting the
SSL-CLIENT-CERTIFICATE manually, the newlines need to be stripped due to restrictions
on legal characters in HTTP header values.
$ http localhost:8080/pulp/content/files/1.iso SSL-CLIENT-CERTIFICATE:"$(tr -d n < ~/client.pem)"
| NOTE: binary data not shown in terminal |
Example of GET through a reverse proxy using HTTPS (like apache or nginx) in front of the content
application. Its assumed that the reverse proxy has been configured to set the SSL-CLIENT-CERTIFICATE
header using the client certificate exchanged as part of the SSL negotiation.
$ http https:/localhost/pulp/content/files/1.iso --cert=~/client.pem --cert-key=~/key.pem --verify=no
| NOTE: binary data not shown in terminal |