A gitter client for your console.
Usage: gitter-cli [options] [command]
join|j [name] Join a room with the specified name.
authorize|set-auth Set the access-key token for client authentication.
whoami|me Display your user information based on the existing token.
rooms|status Display a list of rooms that you are part of.
-h, --help output usage information
-V, --version output the version number
--token [token] Set the access-key token for client authentication. This won't be persisted.
On a room:
Use k or arrow-up to go up in the chat board.
Use j or arrow-down to go on down in the chat board.
When focusing on the screen, press i for writing mode.
Use ESC to toggle between the screen and the input box.
When focusing on the input box, press ctrl-s to send the message.