(npm(compression) >= 1.7.4 with npm(compression) < 2)
(npm(lodash.uniqby) >= 4.7.0 with npm(lodash.uniqby) < 5)
(npm(fireworm) >= 0.7.0 with npm(fireworm) < 0.8)
(npm(lodash.clonedeep) >= 4.4.1 with npm(lodash.clonedeep) < 5)
(npm(lodash.find) >= 4.5.1 with npm(lodash.find) < 5)
(npm(rimraf) >= 2.4.4 with npm(rimraf) < 3)
(npm(execa) >= 1.0.0 with npm(execa) < 2)
(npm(socket.io) >= 2.1.0 with npm(socket.io) < 3)
(npm(mkdirp) >= 0.5.1 with npm(mkdirp) < 0.6)
(npm(tmp) >= 0.0.33 with npm(tmp) < 0.0.34)
(npm(http-proxy) >= 1.13.1 with npm(http-proxy) < 2)
(npm(npmlog) >= 4.0.0 with npm(npmlog) < 5)
(npm(backbone) >= 1.1.2 with npm(backbone) < 2)
(npm(express) >= 4.10.7 with npm(express) < 5)
(npm(xmldom) >= 0.1.19 with npm(xmldom) < 0.2)
(npm(commander) >= 2.6.0 with npm(commander) < 3)
(npm(charm) >= 1.0.0 with npm(charm) < 2)
(npm(mustache) >= 3.0.0 with npm(mustache) < 4)
(npm(styled_string) >= 0.0.1 with npm(styled_string) < 0.0.2)
(npm(lodash.assignin) >= 4.1.0 with npm(lodash.assignin) < 5)
(npm(bluebird) >= 3.4.6 with npm(bluebird) < 4)
(npm(node-notifier) >= 5.0.1 with npm(node-notifier) < 6)
(npm(spawn-args) >= 0.2.0 with npm(spawn-args) < 0.3)
(npm(js-yaml) >= 3.2.5 with npm(js-yaml) < 4)
(npm(tap-parser) >= 7.0.0 with npm(tap-parser) < 8)
(npm(printf) >= 0.5.1 with npm(printf) < 0.6)
(npm(consolidate) >= 0.15.1 with npm(consolidate) < 0.16)
(npm(lodash.castarray) >= 4.4.0 with npm(lodash.castarray) < 5)
(npm(glob) >= 7.0.4 with npm(glob) < 8)