You are here: Home / LBN / Up2date / Plone and Zope / BastionLinux 13 / python-robotframework-imaplibrary-0.1.3-1.lbn13.noarch


Package Attributes
RPM  python-robotframework-imaplibrary-0.1.3-1.lbn13.noarch.rpm Architecture  noarch Size  25787 Created  2017/08/04 11:08:10 UTC
Package Specification
Summary Robot Framework IMAP Mail Check Library
Group Application/Internet
License Apache License 2.0
Home Page

Setup in the robotframework Settings section: Setting Value Library ImapLibrary

These keyword actions are available:

Open Mailbox: Open the mailbox on a mail server with a valid authentication: Arguments: - server: the server name (e.g. - user: the user name (e.g. - password: the user's password

Wait for Mail: Wait for an incoming mail. Check the mailbox every 10 seconds for incoming mails until a matching email is received or the timeout is exceeded. Returns the mail number of the latest matching email. Arguments: - fromEmail: the email address of the sender (not required) - toEmail: the email address of the receiver (not required) - timeout: the timeout how long the mailbox shall check emails in seconds (defaults to 60 seconds)

Get Links From Email: Finds all links in an email body and returns them

Arguments: - mailNumber: is the index number of the mail to open

Open Link from Mail: Find a link in an email body and open the link. Returns the links' html. Arguments: mailNumber: the number of the email to check for a link linkNumber: the index of the link to open (defaults to 0, which is the first link)

Get Email body: Returns an email body Arguments: mailNumber: the number of the email to check for a link

Mark as read: Mark all received mails as read

Close Mailbox: Close the mailbox after finishing all mail activities of a user.


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