You are here: Home / LBN / Up2date / Plone and Zope / BastionLinux 19 / redomino.tabsandslides-0.9.11-1.lbn19.noarch


Package Attributes
RPM  redomino.tabsandslides-0.9.11-1.lbn19.noarch.rpm Architecture  noarch Size  287100 Created  2019/09/30 06:51:34 UTC
Package Specification
Summary jquerytools tabs and slide implementations
Group Application/Internet
License ZPL
Home Page

A collection of useful views and portlets =========================================

The main purpose of this product is to provide series of useful views and portlets. Each of these can be applied to a folder or a collection.

Views --------------

  • Gallery: A scrollable carousel. - Tabs: Show the contents inside a tab. - Accordion: Show the contents inside an accordion. - Gallery with preview (image top): A scrollable carousel that shows a preview of each content. - Gallery with preview (image bottom): A scrollable carousel that shows a preview of each content. - Slideshow: Shows elements inside a folder (or collection) as a slideshow.

Portlets ------------ This product provides three portlets. For each portlet you can choose among many different views:

  • Gallery - Tabs - Accordion - Slideshow - Gallery with preview (image top) - Gallery with preview (image bottom) - List of items - All items

The portlets are:

  • TabsAndSlides Collection portlet: Show the items of a collection. - TabsAndSlides Content portlet: Show items with a certain ID inside a certain context (usually a folderish object). If the item is a Folder or a collection it returns the contained items. - TabsAndSlides Tal portlet: Show the items using a TAL expression. This expression can return a list of brain of a list of objects. This is a good reference:

For each of that portlet you can limit the elements to be shown, randomize the order of the items, show or not the border of the portlet.


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