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RPMPackage python3-pytest-error-for-skips-2.0.2-5.fc36.noarch
Pytest plugin to treat skipped tests a test failures.
RPMPackage python3-pytest-env-0.8.1-1.lbn36.noarch
pytest-env This is a pytest plugin that enables you to set environment variables in a pytest.ini or pyproject.toml file. Installation Install with pip: pip install pytest-env Usage In your pytest.ini file add a key value pair with env as the key and the environment variables as a line separated list of KEY=VALUE entries. The defined variables will be added to the environment before any tests are run: [pytest] env = HOME=~/tmp RUN_ENV=test Or with pyproject.toml: [tool.pytest.ini_options] env = [ "HOME=~/tmp", "RUN_ENV=test", ] Only set if not already set You can use D: (default) as prefix if you don't want to override existing environment variables: [pytest] env = D:HOME=~/tmp D:RUN_ENV=test Transformation You can use existing environment variables using a python-like format, these environment variables will be expended before setting the environment variable: [pytest] env = RUN_PATH=/run/path/{USER} You can apply the R: prefix to keep the raw valu
RPMPackage python3-pytest-enabler-1.2.1-1.lbn36.noarch
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RPMPackage python3-pytest-doctestplus-0.11.2-2.fc36.noarch
The doctestplus plugin provides advanced features for testing example Python code that is included in Python docstrings and in standalone documentation files. Good documentation for developers contains example code. This is true of both standalone documentation and of documentation that is integrated with the code itself. Python provides a mechanism for testing code snippets that are provided in Python docstrings. The unit test framework pytest provides a mechanism for running doctests against both docstrings in source code and in standalone documentation files. This plugin augments the functionality provided by Python and pytest by providing the following features: * approximate floating point comparison for doctests that produce floating point results * skipping particular classes, methods, and functions when running doctests * handling doctests that use remote data in conjunction with the pytest-remotedata plugin * optional inclusion of *.rst files for doctests
RPMPackage python3-pytest-django-4.1.0-5.lbn36.noarch
pytest-django allows you to test your Django project/applications with the pytest testing tool.
RPMPackage python3-pytest-datafiles-2.0-7.fc36.noarch
This plugin allows you to specify one or several files/directories that are copied to a temporary directory (tmpdir) before the execution of the test. This means the original files are not modified and every test runs on its own version of the same files.
RPMPackage python3-pytest-datadir-1.3.1-2.fc36.noarch
This package contains a pytest plugin for manipulating test data directories and files.
RPMPackage python3-pytest-cover-3.0.0-1.lbn36.noarch
RPMPackage python3-pytest-cov-4.1.0-1.lbn36.noarch
This plugin produces coverage reports. Compared to just using coverage run this plugin does some extras: • Subprocess support: you can fork or run stuff in a subprocess and will get covered without any fuss. • Xdist support: you can use all of pytest-xdist’s features and still get coverage. • Consistent pytest behavior. If you run coverage run -m pytest you will have slightly different sys.path (CWD will be in it, unlike when running pytest). All features offered by the coverage package should work, either through pytest-cov’s command line options or through coverage’s config file.
RPMPackage python3-pytest-click-1.1.0-4.lbn36.noarch
pytest-click comes with some configurable fixtures - cli_runner and isolated_cli_runner.
RPMPackage python3-pytest-checkdocs-2.7.1-1.lbn36.noarch
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RPMPackage python3-pytest-cases-3.6.12-1.fc36.noarch
Separate test code from test cases in pytest.
RPMPackage python3-pytest-capturelog-0.7-25.fc36.noarch
py.test plugin to capture log messages
RPMPackage python3-pytest-cache-1.0-27.fc36.noarch
Pytest plugin with mechanisms for caching across test runs for Python 3.
RPMPackage python3-pytest-browserstack-local-0.5.0-1.lbn36.noarch
May be useful for Continuous Integration. Read more <
RPMPackage python3-pytest-black-multipy-1.0.1-1.lbn36.noarch
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RPMPackage python3-pytest-black-0.3.12-1.lbn36.noarch
pytest-black [![Build Status]( pytest plugin to enable format checking with [black]( Requirements * [pytest]( * [black]( is a minimum requirement of black 19.3b0 or later.Installation $ pip install pytest-blackUsage To run pytest with formatting checks provided by black: $ pytest --black The plugin will output a diff of suggested formatting changes (if any exist). Changes will _not_ be applied...
RPMPackage python3-pytest-benchmark-3.4.1-4.fc36.noarch
This plugin provides a benchmark fixture. This fixture is a callable object that will benchmark any function passed to it. Notable features and goals: - Sensible defaults and automatic calibration for microbenchmarks - Good integration with pytest - Comparison and regression tracking - Exhausive statistics - JSON export
RPMPackage python3-pytest-beakerlib-0.7.1-18.fc36.noarch
Allows results of running a test suite under pytest to be reported to an active BeakerLib session.
RPMPackage python3-pytest-bdd-5.0.0-8.fc36.noarch
pytest-bdd implements a subset of the Gherkin language to enable automating project requirements testing and to facilitate behavioral driven development. Unlike many other BDD tools, it does not require a separate runner and benefits from the power and flexibility of pytest. It enables unifying unit and functional tests, reduces the burden of continuous integration server configuration and allows the reuse of test setups. Pytest fixtures written for unit tests can be reused for setup and actions mentioned in feature steps with dependency injection. This allows a true BDD just-enough specification of the requirements without maintaining any context object containing the side effects of Gherkin imperative declarations.