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Chef report handler to send messages to xmpp/jabber/gchat accounts.
Allows reporting of Chef run metrics from Zenoss event console. You'll need the chef_handler recipe and something like the following in a recipe of your own: chef_handler 'Chef::Handler::ZenossHandler' do action :enable arguments [node[:zenoss][:server_url], node[:zenoss][:server_username], node[:zenoss][:server_password] ] source ::File.join(::Gem.all_load_paths.grep(/chef-handler-zenoss/).first, 'chef', 'handler', 'zenoss') end
This InSpec resource pack uses the AliCloud SDK v0.8.0 and provides the required resources to write tests for resources in AliCloud. To install and use within you inspec installation; run the following $ inspec plugin install /usr/share/inspec-alicloud
A library for creating machines and infrastructures idempotently in Chef.