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BastionLinux is now available for download. You do have to subscribe to gain access to BastionLinux ISO images. This image is a single CD installer disk. Once you've installed, you should register your system and subscribe to the channel(s) you require.

BastionLinux is agnostic - our goal is to reach beyond your underlying operating system choice and to supply added-value enterprise solutions for any RPM-based distro. Check these offerings out on our Software Channels.

Depending upon your bandwidth constraints, and current operating system, we've a few install or upgrade choices that may prove beneficial for you:

RedHat RedHat

If you already have a Fedora Core or RHEL installation, then you need not install BastionLinux, you can connect to our up2date server by keydownloading our CA certificate to /usr/share/rhn and adjust the sslCACert parameter in your /etc/sysconfig/rhn/up2date configuration.

Alternatively, you can simply rpm install bastion-release and let us manage this for you.

You will need to edit your /etc/sysconfig/rhn/up2date file's serverURL directive to set your username:password to the login information you created when creating your account on this portal.

You can also do this using your System Settings, Redhat Network Configuration on the desktop. Check for the icon on the channel for up2date support.

Fedora Fedora/Yum

This server is also a yum server. We'd prefer that you initially register your systems with up2date because we then have your hardware profile available and can make informed decisions about the kinds of drivers etc we need to support for our customers.

When you install bastion-release, you also get a definition for our yum server. This can be found in /etc/yum.repos.d/bastion.repo, and you should edit the username and password in the baseurl's to reflect your login information if you'd prefer to use yum as an update client.

Check for the Fedora icon on the channel for yum support.

Red Carpet Red Carpet and Rug

We support SuSE/Novell's updating suite. We have not made core channels available as there are some important differences between packages, particulary SuSE's kernel patches. Check for the SuSE icon on the channel.

To use these, you need to set up a service and activate it. You need to procure a subscription from your portal account on this site and set your username and password into the service url:

You can also use the newer zypper application by setting up each channel as a repository within this tool. You do need to pass your authentication credentials into this URL (or set these in a file and use their credentials parameter.

Mandriva Mandriva

The urpmi tool accepts a urpmi yum parameter which enables you to access any of our yum-aware repositories. At this stage, we don't intend to support native urpmi against our hdlist files as these are only generated for full distro's rather than our channels.

Look out for the Mandriva icon on the channel for urpmi support - and make sure your /etc/yum.conf is configured!

Oracle Unbreakable Linux

Oracle's Unbreakable Linux offering is simply a rebranding of RHEL. Please follow the instructions above.

Virtualised BastionLinux™

We use Boxgrinder in conjuntion with all of our RPM tools to generate installers for a wide range of virtualisation and cloud platforms. These include KVM, Xen, Amazon/EC2, OpenStack, and VMWare. Please do contact us for further details about where you can download these.

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To see exactly what is included in BastionLinux™, visit our online RPMDistro Builder.
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