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RPMPackage java-21-openjdk-static-libs-
The OpenJDK 21 libraries for static linking.
RPMPackage java-21-openjdk-jmods-
The JMods for OpenJDK 21.
RPMPackage java-21-openjdk-headless-
The OpenJDK 21 runtime environment without audio and video support.
RPMPackage java-21-openjdk-
The OpenJDK 21 runtime environment.
RPMPackage zuul-webui-3.19.1-5.fc36.noarch
This package provides the Zuul web interface source code. Please refers to README.fedora for build and deployment instruction.
RPMPackage zuul-web-3.19.1-5.fc36.noarch
A web server that receives “web-hook” events from external providers, supplies a web dashboard, and provides web-socket access to live streaming of logs.
RPMPackage zuul-scheduler-3.19.1-5.fc36.noarch
The main Zuul process. Handles receiving events, executing jobs, collecting results and posting reports. Coordinates the work of the other components. It also provides a gearman daemon which the other components use for coordination.
RPMPackage zuul-migrate-3.19.1-5.fc36.noarch
Migrate zuul v2 and Jenkins Job Builder to Zuul v3
RPMPackage zuul-merger-3.19.1-5.fc36.noarch
Scale-out component that performs git merge operations. Zuul performs a large number of git operations in the course of its work. Adding merger processes can help speed Zuul’s processing. This component is optional (zero or more of these can be run).
RPMPackage zuul-fingergw-3.19.1-5.fc36.noarch
A gateway which provides finger protocol access to live streaming of logs.
RPMPackage zuul-executor-3.19.1-5.fc36.noarch
Scale-out component for executing jobs. At least one of these is required. Depending on system configuration, you can expect a single executor to handle up to about 100 simultaneous jobs. Can handle the functions of a merger if dedicated mergers are not provided. One or more of these must be run.
RPMPackage zuul-3.19.1-5.fc36.noarch
Zuul is a program that drives continuous integration, delivery, and deployment systems with a focus on project gating and interrelated projects.
RPMPackage nodepool-launcher-3.13.1-2.fc36.noarch
Nodepool launcher service.
RPMPackage nodepool-builder-3.13.1-2.fc36.noarch
Nodepool builder service.
RPMPackage nodepool-3.13.1-2.fc36.noarch
Nodepool is a service used by the OpenStack CI team to deploy and manage a pool of devstack images on a cloud server for use in OpenStack project testing.
RPMPackage python3-sphinx-pytest-0.1.1-1.lbn36.noarch
Helpful pytest fixtures for sphinx extensions. This extension provides pytest fixtures to "simulate" converting some source text to docutils AST at different stages; before transforms, after transforms, etc.
RPMPackage python3-pytest-xvfb-2.0.0-4.fc36.noarch
With Xvfb and the plugin installed, your testsuite automatically runs with Xvfb. This allows tests to be run without windows popping up during GUI tests or on systems without a display (like a CI). If Xvfb is not installed, the plugin does not run and your tests will still work as normal. However, a warning message will print to standard output letting you know that Xvfb is not installed. If you're currently using xvfb-run in something like .travis.yml, simply remove it and install this plugin instead - then you'll also have the benefits of Xvfb locally.
RPMPackage python3-pytest-xprocess-0.18.1-2.fc36.noarch
Experimental py.test <>_ plugin for managing processes across test runs.Usage install via:: pip install pytest-xprocessThis will provide a xprocess fixture which helps you to ensure that one ore more longer-running processes are present for your tests. You can use it to start and pre-configure test-specific databases (Postgres, Couchdb, ...).Additionally there are two new command line...
RPMPackage python3-pytest-xdist-3.6.1-5.lbn36.noarch
The pytest-xdist plugin extends pytest with new test execution modes, the most used being distributing tests across multiple CPUs to speed up test execution: pytest -n auto With this call, pytest will spawn a number of workers processes equal to the number of available CPUs, and distribute the tests randomly across them.
RPMPackage python3-pytest-webdriver-1.7.0-1.lbn36.noarch
Pytest Webdriver FixtureThis fixture provides a configured webdriver for Selenium browser tests, that takes screenshots for you on test failures.