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Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS OpsWorks for Chef Automate (OpsWorksCM). This gem is part of the AWS SDK for Ruby.
Reset Chef Web UI Admin password
Terraform chef provider
A Chef server written in Go, able to run entirely in memory, with optional persistence with saving the in-memory data to disk or using MySQL or Postgres as the data storage backend. Docs:
`kitchen-cabinet` will create a chef cookbook skeleton complete with testing suite including: berkshelf, chefspec, test-kitchen, thor, foodcritic, rubocop, serverspec, thor-scmversion, and guard. It also creates a gemfile suitable for use in CI. .
Ironfan allows you to orchestrate not just systems but clusters of machines. It includes a powerful layer on top of knife and a collection of cloud cookbooks.
A set of helpers to write Chef cookbooks as Ruby gems.
Foreman extensions that are required for better Chef integration.
Framework for test-driven infrastructure development.