Dexterity behavior to enable a local Diazo theme. This package aims to make easier the creation of microsites on big web sites.
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Plone and Zope
BastionLinux 19
Dexterity behavior to enable a local Diazo theme. This package aims to make easier the creation of microsites on big web sites.
Located in
Plone and Zope
BastionLinux 25
Dexterity behavior to add a local plone.app.registry for content types, it adds a local component
with a layered proxy registry.
Located in
Plone and Zope
BastionLinux 19
Dexterity behavior to add a local plone.app.registry for content types, it adds a local component
with a layered proxy registry.
Located in
Plone and Zope
BastionLinux 25
collective.dexteritytextindexer provides a dynamic SearchableText indexer for dexterity content
types. It makes it possible to index fields of multiple behaviors as SearchableText.
Located in
Plone and Zope
BastionLinux 19
collective.dexteritytextindexer provides a dynamic SearchableText indexer for dexterity content
types. It makes it possible to index fields of multiple behaviors as SearchableText.
Located in
Plone and Zope
BastionLinux 25
This package provides the ability to assign geographical information to Dexterity-based (plone.app.dexterity) content types within Plone and does so using collective.geo.geographer and collective.geo.mapwidget.
By applying the behaviour Collective Geo Maps to a Dexterity content type, a Coordinates field becomes available when creating or editing said content.
This allows a user to either look-up coordinates for a place or feature via geo-coding, draw a geographical feature (such as a point, line or polygon) on a map, or enter details manually in Well-Known Text (WKT) format.
Collective.geo.behaviour also provides Collective Geo Styles behaviour. By this behaviour it is possible to customize the style of the features that will be displayed on the map for each content type.
Geographical information can be used by the rest of the collective.geo set of packages. For instance, the coordinates can be displayed on maps against Collections or Folders using collective.geo.kml.
Located in
Plone and Zope
BastionLinux 13
This package provides the ability to assign geographical information to Dexterity-based (plone.app.dexterity) content types within Plone and does so using collective.geo.geographer and collective.geo.mapwidget.
By applying the behaviour Collective Geo Maps to a Dexterity content type, a Coordinates field becomes available when creating or editing said content.
This allows a user to either look-up coordinates for a place or feature via geo-coding, draw a geographical feature (such as a point, line or polygon) on a map, or enter details manually in Well-Known Text (WKT) format.
Collective.geo.behaviour also provides Collective Geo Styles behaviour. By this behaviour it is possible to customize the style of the features that will be displayed on the map for each content type.
Geographical information can be used by the rest of the collective.geo set of packages. For instance, the coordinates can be displayed on maps against Collections or Folders using collective.geo.kml.
Located in
Plone and Zope
BastionLinux 19
This package provides the ability to assign geographical information to Dexterity-based (plone.app.dexterity) content types within Plone and does so using collective.geo.geographer and collective.geo.mapwidget.
By applying the behaviour Collective Geo Maps to a Dexterity content type, a Coordinates field becomes available when creating or editing said content.
This allows a user to either look-up coordinates for a place or feature via geo-coding, draw a geographical feature (such as a point, line or polygon) on a map, or enter details manually in Well-Known Text (WKT) format.
Collective.geo.behaviour also provides Collective Geo Styles behaviour. By this behaviour it is possible to customize the style of the features that will be displayed on the map for each content type.
Geographical information can be used by the rest of the collective.geo set of packages. For instance, the coordinates can be displayed on maps against Collections or Folders using collective.geo.kml.
Located in
Plone and Zope
BastionLinux 25
This package use the collective.geo.* suite with leaflet.
How to add baseLayer
What is a leaflet baseLayer :
In Plone, if you want to add a baseLayer, you have to add a subscriber on collective.geo.geographer.interfaces.IGeoreferenced (for exemple, in `configure.zcml`)::
After, create your factory in python (`maplayers.py`)::
from collective.geo.leaflet.maplayers import MapLayer
from Products.Five.browser.pagetemplatefile import ViewPageTemplateFile
class OpenStreetMap(MapLayer):
name = u"osm"
title = _(u"Open Street Map")
index = ViewPageTemplateFile('browser/layers/osm.pt')
And add your javascript into a template file `osm.pt`::
<script type="text/javascript">
var osmAttrib = '© <a href="http://osm.org/copyright">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors';
var osmUrl = 'http://{s}.tile.osm.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png';
var %(name)s = L.tileLayer(osmUrl, {
attribution: osmAttrib,
Located in
Plone and Zope
BastionLinux 19