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Jenkins workflow-scm-step
Jenkins workflow-step-api
Jenkins workflow-support
Jenkins xunit
Introduction This package provides an extension to the test runner to the one that ships with zope.testrunner, as well as a buildout recipe based on zc.recipe.testrunner to install a test script for this test runner.The test runner is identical to the one in zope.testrunner, but it is capable of writing test reports in the XML format output by JUnit/Ant. This allows the test results to be...
Jenkins monitors executions of repeated jobs, such as building a software project or jobs run by cron. Among those things, current Jenkins focuses on the following two jobs: - Building/testing software projects continuously, just like CruiseControl or DamageControl. In a nutshell, Jenkins provides an easy-to-use so-called continuous integration system, making it easier for developers to integrate changes to the project, and making it easier for users to obtain a fresh build. The automated, continuous build increases the productivity. - Monitoring executions of externally-run jobs, such as cron jobs and procmail jobs, even those that are run on a remote machine. For example, with cron, all you receive is regular e-mails that capture the output, and it is up to you to look at them diligently and notice when it broke. Jenkins keeps those outputs and makes it easy for you to notice when something is wrong.
Jenkins CLI tool (wrapper for jenkins-cli.jar) /usr/bin/jenkins-cli
The plugin manager downloads plugins and their dependencies into a folder so that they can easily be imported into an instance of Jenkins. The goal of this tool is to replace the Docker script and the many other implementations of plugin management that have been recreated across Jenkins. The tool also allows users to see more information about the plugins they are downloading such as available updates and security warnings. By default, plugins will be downloaded; the user can specify not to download plugins using the --no-download option. Usage ----- /usr/bin/jenkins-plugins --help
Slave setup for Jenkins/SSH/Java client. This does the static/software setup that Jenkins would perform launching a slave node. The global 'Remote working directory' may be set to /var/lib/jenkins.
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