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Nodepool is a service used by the OpenStack CI team to deploy and manage a pool of devstack images on a cloud server for use in OpenStack project testing.
Boto is a Python package that provides interfaces to Amazon Web Services. It supports over thirty services, such as S3 (Simple Storage Service), SQS (Simple Queue Service), and EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud) via their REST and Query APIs. The goal of boto is to support the full breadth and depth of Amazon Web Services. In addition, boto provides support for other public services such as Google Storage in addition to private cloud systems like Eucalyptus, OpenStack and Open Nebula.
Generic Key Manager interface for OpenStack
Support of EC2 API for OpenStack
OpenStack Hacking Guideline Enforcement
Ironic Inspector is an auxiliary service for discovering hardware properties for a node managed by OpenStack Ironic. Hardware introspection or hardware properties discovery is a process of getting hardware parameters required for scheduling from a bare metal node, given it’s power management credentials (e.g. IPMI address, user name and password). This package contains Python client and command line tool for Ironic Inspector.
Keystoneauth provides a standard way to do authentication and service requests within the OpenStack ecosystem. It is designed for use in conjunction with the existing OpenStack clients and for simplifying the process of writing new clients.
OpenStack Cinder brick library for managing local volume attaches
The Oslo project intends to produce a python library containing infrastructure code shared by OpenStack projects. The APIs provided by the project should be high quality, stable, consistent and generally useful. The oslo-config library is a command line and configuration file parsing library from the Oslo project.
The OpenStack Oslo context library has helpers to maintain useful information about a request context. The request context is usually populated in the WSGI pipeline and used by various modules such as logging.