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Ironic Inspector is an auxiliary service for discovering hardware properties for a node managed by OpenStack Ironic. Hardware introspection or hardware properties discovery is a process of getting hardware parameters required for scheduling from a bare metal node, given it’s power management credentials (e.g. IPMI address, user name and password). This package contains an ironic-inspector WSGI service, which can be used to split ironic-inspector into API and conductor processes.
Ironic Inspector is an auxiliary service for discovering hardware properties for a node managed by OpenStack Ironic. Hardware introspection or hardware properties discovery is a process of getting hardware parameters required for scheduling from a bare metal node, given it’s power management credentials (e.g. IPMI address, user name and password). This package contains an ironic-inspector conductor service, which can be used to split ironic-inspector into API and conductor processes.
Ironic Inspector is an auxiliary service for discovering hardware properties for a node managed by OpenStack Ironic. Hardware introspection or hardware properties discovery is a process of getting hardware parameters required for scheduling from a bare metal node, given it’s power management credentials (e.g. IPMI address, user name and password). This package contains a dnsmasq service pre-configured for using with ironic-inspector.
This package contains a script to build an ironic-python-agent builder, as well as a diskimage-builder element for it.
Kuryr Kubernetes provides a Controller that watches the Kubernetes API for Object changes and manages Neutron resources to provide the Kubernetes Cluster with OpenStack networking. This package contains the Kuryr Kubernetes Container Network Interface driver that Kubelet calls to.
This package contains Kuryr files common to all services.
Kuryr Kubernetes provides a Controller that watches the Kubernetes API for Object changes and manages Neutron resources to provide the Kubernetes Cluster with OpenStack networking. This package contains the Kuryr Kubernetes Controller that watches the Kubernetes API and adds metadata to its Objects about the OpenStack resources it obtains.
Openstack Mistral Event Engine service. . This package contains the mistral event engine, which is one of the core services of mistral.
Openstack Mistral Notifier service. . This package contains the mistral notifier, which is one of the core services of mistral.
This package contains the Neutron BGP Dynamic Routing agent that will host different BGP speaking drivers and makes the required BGP peering session/s for Neutron.