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OpenStack test framework and test fixtures.
OSProfiler is an OpenStack cross-project profiling library.
Python client library for interacting with OpenStack Sahara API.
Shaker is the distributed dataplane testing tool built for OpenStack. Shaker wraps around popular system network testing tools like iperf < iperf3 < and netperf (with help of flent < Shaker is able to deploy OpenStack instances and networks in different topologies. Shaker scenario specifies the deployment and list of tests to execute.
OpenStack tacker client
python-tempestconf will automatically generates the tempest configuration based on your cloud.
The TOSCA Parser is an OpenStack project and licensed under Apache 2. It is developed to parse TOSCA Simple Profile in YAML. It reads the TOSCA templates and creates an in-memory graph of TOSCA nodes and their relationship.
This is a client for the Trove API. There's a Python API (the troveclient module), and a command-line script (trove). Each implements 100% (or less ;) ) of the Trove API.