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start/stop/control for swift-account
start/stop/control for swift-container
start/stop/control for swift-object
start/stop/control for swift-proxy
Bastion-themed Openstack Horizon Dashboard
RADOS is a distributed object store used by the Ceph distributed storage system. This package provides a REST gateway to the object store that aims to implement a superset of Amazon's S3 service as well as the OpenStack Object Storage ("Swift") API.
BastionLinux/CI/CD manual page
This is the OpenStack Keystone barclamp for Crowbar. Crowbar is a platform for server provisioning and deployment from bare metal. It provides server discovery, firmware upgrades, and operating system installation using PXE Boot. It deploys applications on top of functioning operating systems using Chef.
This is the OpenStack Master Environment barclamp for Crowbar. Crowbar is a platform for server provisioning and deployment from bare metal. It provides server discovery, firmware upgrades, and operating system installation using PXE Boot. It deploys applications on top of functioning operating systems using Chef.
Components of TripleO that are responsible for building disk images.