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OpenStack RESTful API to cron.
Utilities to aid the setup and configuration of OpenStack packages.
Boto is a Python package that provides interfaces to Amazon Web Services. It supports over thirty services, such as S3 (Simple Storage Service), SQS (Simple Queue Service), and EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud) via their REST and Query APIs. The goal of boto is to support the full breadth and depth of Amazon Web Services. In addition, boto provides support for other public services such as Google Storage in addition to private cloud systems like Eucalyptus, OpenStack and Open Nebula.
OpenStack ceilometer provides services to measure and collect metrics from OpenStack components. This package contains the ceilometer python library.
This is a client library for Ceilometer built on the Ceilometer API. It provides a Python API (the ceilometerclient module) and a command-line tool (ceilometer).
OpenStack Volume (codename Cinder) provides services to manage and access block storage volumes for use by Virtual Machine instances. This package contains the cinder Python library.
Client library (cinderclient python module) and command line utility (cinder) for interacting with OpenStack Cinder (Block Storage) API.
Horizon is a Django application for providing Openstack UI components. It allows performing site administrator (viewing account resource usage, configuring users, accounts, quotas, flavors, etc.) and end user operations (start/stop/delete instances, create/restore snapshots, view instance VNC console, etc.)
Documentation for the Django Horizon application for talking with Openstack
Django OpenStack Auth is a pluggable Django authentication backend that works with Django's ``contrib.auth`` framework to authenticate a user against OpenStack's Keystone Identity API. The current version is designed to work with the Keystone V2 API.