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Ironic provides an API for management and provisioning of physical machines
Ironic API for management and provisioning of physical machines
Components common to all OpenStack Ironic services
Ironic Conductor for management and provisioning of physical machines
Ironic is service for the management and provisioning of physical machines This package contains a dnsmasq service pre-configured for using with ironic to support TFTP to enable initial PXE boot operations using TFTP.
Ironic Inspector is an auxiliary service for discovering hardware properties for a node managed by OpenStack Ironic. Hardware introspection or hardware properties discovery is a process of getting hardware parameters required for scheduling from a bare metal node, given it’s power management credentials (e.g. IPMI address, user name and password). This package contains Python modules and an ironic-inspector service combining API and conductor in one binary.
Ironic Inspector is an auxiliary service for discovering hardware properties for a node managed by OpenStack Ironic. Hardware introspection or hardware properties discovery is a process of getting hardware parameters required for scheduling from a bare metal node, given it’s power management credentials (e.g. IPMI address, user name and password). This package contains an ironic-inspector WSGI service, which can be used to split ironic-inspector into API and conductor processes.
Ironic Inspector is an auxiliary service for discovering hardware properties for a node managed by OpenStack Ironic. Hardware introspection or hardware properties discovery is a process of getting hardware parameters required for scheduling from a bare metal node, given it’s power management credentials (e.g. IPMI address, user name and password). This package contains an ironic-inspector conductor service, which can be used to split ironic-inspector into API and conductor processes.
Ironic Inspector is an auxiliary service for discovering hardware properties for a node managed by OpenStack Ironic. Hardware introspection or hardware properties discovery is a process of getting hardware parameters required for scheduling from a bare metal node, given it’s power management credentials (e.g. IPMI address, user name and password). This package contains a dnsmasq service pre-configured for using with ironic-inspector.
Documentation for Ironic Inspector.