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easy_install egg information
This package sets up the mysql database needed for ZenEvents. It is packaged separately so that you can deploy outside the Zenoss server - and with only minimal zenoss-related files in that environment. The zenoss is automatically set to accept as a remote user.
Allows reporting of Chef run metrics from Zenoss event console. You'll need the chef_handler recipe and something like the following in a recipe of your own: chef_handler 'Chef::Handler::ZenossHandler' do action :enable arguments [node[:zenoss][:server_url], node[:zenoss][:server_username], node[:zenoss][:server_password] ] source ::File.join(::Gem.all_load_paths.grep(/chef-handler-zenoss/).first, 'chef', 'handler', 'zenoss') end
This is a wrapper around the Zenoss JSON and REST APIs. For the most things it should feel very familiar to zendmd, but there are some changes do to the merging of the JSON and REST APIs. Please read the API docs for Zenoss and the YARDDoc for this gem (
Zenoss DataCollector module
Zenoss Jobber module
Zenoss ZenCallHome module