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Allows reporting of Chef run metrics from Zenoss event console. You'll need the chef_handler recipe and something like the following in a recipe of your own: chef_handler 'Chef::Handler::ZenossHandler' do action :enable arguments [node[:zenoss][:server_url], node[:zenoss][:server_username], node[:zenoss][:server_password] ] source ::File.join(::Gem.all_load_paths.grep(/chef-handler-zenoss/).first, 'chef', 'handler', 'zenoss') end
easy_install egg information
The core libraries and utilities to support writing ZenPacks etc in Bastion-style.
Monkey patches to port/backport Zenoss Python and Zope modules to the BastionLinux Zope stack. The core libraries and utilities to support writing ZenPacks etc in Bastion-style - pure Python eggs that are standard Zope product's and auto-registered/removed from ZenPackaManager upon start/stop of Zope Application Server. Amongst the many advantages of this approach, these ZenPacks are easily installed without any operator assistance via RPM.
The core libraries and utilities to support writing ZenPacks etc in Bastion-style - pure Python eggs that are standard Zope product's and auto-registered/removed from ZenPackManager upon start/stop of Zope Application Server. Amongst the many advantages of this approach, these ZenPacks are easily installed without any operator assistance via RPM. This package also monkeypatches a range of dastardly Zenoss foibles.
The core libraries and utilities to support writing ZenPacks etc in Bastion-style - pure Python eggs that are standard Zope product's and auto-registered/removed from ZenPackaManager upon start/stop of Zope Application Server. Amongst the many advantages of this approach, these ZenPacks are easily installed without any operator assistance via RPM.
Amazon Web Services require Marketplace images to have application-level passwords set dynamically to the the running instance id. This suite ensures that upon firstboot that policy is applied. Outside of AWS, this tool can be used to reset an applications admin password. This utility uses cloud-init such that it can platform-agnostically dynamically set passwords. Currently supported applications are OpsCode/Chef, Zenoss, and Zope/Plone.