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Usage To collect JMX notifications you must edit $ZENHOME/etc/zenjmxnotificationlistener.conf. This file must be used to specify which JMX agents to connect to, and what notifications to collect. After modifying this file you must run ``zenjmxnotificationlistener restart`` for the changes to be affected. Upon installing the ZenPack a default ``zenjmxnotificationlistener.conf`` will be created with the following contents. monitorName=localhost heartbeatInterval=60 heartbeatTimeout=75 connectionRetryInterval=10 xmlRpcUrl=http://localhost:8081/zport/dmd/ZenEventManager xmlRpcUsername=admin xmlRpcPassword=zenoss serverList=LOCALHOST server.LOCALHOST.zenossDevice=localhost server.LOCALHOST.url=service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://localhost:54107/jmxrmi The scope and attributeFilters properties are optional, and can be used to restrict the notifications captured from a given server. MBeanServerNotification type notifications are ignored by default as they are noisy and unlikely to be useful.
Features The features added by this ZenPack can be summarized as follows. They are each detailed further below. Discovery and periodic remodeling of Neighbor Switches using CDP/LLDP. Monitoring of MAC Address table or Forwarding Table for each network interface of device. Event suppression based on MAC Address table. Discovery CDP/LLDP based collector plugin zenoss.snmp.CDPLLDPDiscover performs discovery of switches located nearby a selected device. Monitoring The ZenPack binds Layer2Info monitoring templates to the /Network device class in Zenoss. This activates monitoring of Layer 2 MAC forwarding tables for devices under that class. On the detail view of Interfaces components, the Clients MAC addresses subpanel is added with a list of MAC addresses. Those addresses are grouped by the client device they belong to. Event suppression When an upstream switch goes down, a flood of Device is DOWN! events for every device in an affected subnet can be generated. This ZenPack adds a zenevent plugin which suppresses such subsequent events for leaf devices. As a result, a system administator receives only a primary, core error event.