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RPMPackage R-geepack-devel-1.3.2-5.fc36.x86_64
Development files for R-geepack.
RPMPackage R-geepack-1.3.2-5.fc36.x86_64
Generalized estimating equations solver for parameters in mean, scale, and correlation structures, through mean link, scale link, and correlation link. Can also handle clustered categorical responses.
RPMPackage R-gee-4.13.20-9.fc36.x86_64
Generalized Estimation Equation solver.
RPMPackage R-gdtools-0.2.3-5.fc36.x86_64
Useful tools for writing vector graphics devices.
RPMPackage R-gdata-2.18.0-14.fc36.noarch
Various R programming tools for data manipulation, including: - medical unit conversions, - combining objects, - character vector operations, - factor manipulation, - obtaining information about R objects, - manipulating MS-Excel formatted files, - generating fixed-width format files, - extricating components of date & time objects, - operations on columns of data frames, - matrix operations, - operations on vectors, - operations on data frames, - value of last evaluated expression, and - wrapper for 'sample' that ensures consistent behavior for both scalar and vector arguments.
RPMPackage R-gamlss.dist-5.3.2-4.fc36.x86_64
A set of distributions which can be used for modelling the response variables in Generalized Additive Models for Location Scale and Shape, Rigby and Stasinopoulos (2005), <doi:10.1111/j.1467-9876.2005.00510.x>. The distributions can be continuous, discrete or mixed distributions. Extra distributions can be created, by transforming, any continuous distribution defined on the real line, to a distribution defined on ranges 0 to infinity or 0 to 1, by using a "log" or a "logit" transformation respectively.
RPMPackage R-future-1.24.0-1.fc36.noarch
The purpose of this package is to provide a lightweight and unified Future API for sequential and parallel processing of R expression via futures. The simplest way to evaluate an expression in parallel is to use `x %<-% { expression }` with `plan(multisession)`. This package implements sequential, multicore, multisession, and cluster futures. With these, R expressions can be evaluated on the local machine, in parallel a set of local machines, or distributed on a mix of local and remote machines. Extensions to this package implement additional backends for processing futures via compute cluster schedulers, etc. Because of its unified API, there is no need to modify any code in order switch from sequential on the local machine to, say, distributed processing on a remote compute cluster. Another strength of this package is that global variables and functions are automatically identified and exported as needed, making it straightforward to tweak existing code to make use of futures.
RPMPackage R-futile.options-1.0.1-8.fc36.noarch
A scoped options management framework.
RPMPackage R-futile.logger-1.4.3-15.fc36.noarch
Provides a simple yet powerful logging utility. Based loosely on log4j, futile.logger takes advantage of R idioms to make logging a convenient and easy to use replacement for cat and print statements.
RPMPackage R-fts-
Fast operations for time series objects.
RPMPackage R-fortunes-1.5.4-12.fc36.noarch
A collection of fortunes from the R community.
RPMPackage R-filehash-2.4.2-10.fc36.x86_64
Implements a simple key-value style database where character string keys are associated with data values that are stored on the disk. A simple interface is provided for inserting, retrieving, and deleting data from the database. Utilities are provided that allow 'filehash' databases to be treated much like environments and lists are already used in R. These utilities are provided to encourage interactive and exploratory analysis on large datasets. Three different file formats for representing the database are currently available and new formats can easily be incorporated by third parties for use in the 'filehash' framework.
RPMPackage R-fastmatch-1.1.0-12.fc36.x86_64
Package providing a fast match() replacement for cases that require repeated look-ups. It is slightly faster that R's built-in match() function on first match against a table, but extremely fast on any subsequent lookup as it keeps the hash table in memory.
RPMPackage R-expm-0.999.6-5.fc36.x86_64
Efficient calculation of the exponential of a matrix. The package contains an R interface and a C API that package authors can use.
RPMPackage R-expm-0.999.6-5.fc36.x86_64
Efficient calculation of the exponential of a matrix. The package contains an R interface and a C API that package authors can use.
RPMPackage R-evaluate-0.14-10.fc36.noarch
Parsing and evaluation tools that make it easy to recreate the command line behaviour of R.
RPMPackage R-disposables-1.0.3-12.fc36.noarch
Create disposable R packages for testing. You can create, install and load multiple R packages with a single function call, and then unload, uninstall and destroy them with another function call. This is handy when testing how some R code or an R package behaves with respect to other
RPMPackage R-digest-0.6.27-4.fc36.x86_64
Implementation of a function 'digest()' for the creation of hash digests of arbitrary R objects (using the md5, sha-1, sha-256, crc32, xxhash and murmurhash algorithms) permitting easy comparison of R language objects, as well as a function 'hmac()' to create hash-based message authentication code. The md5 algorithm by Ron Rivest is specified in RFC 1321, the sha-1 and sha-256 algorithms are specified in FIPS-180-1 and FIPS-180-2, and the crc32 algorithm is described in For md5, sha-1, sha-256 and aes, this package uses small standalone implementations that were provided by Christophe Devine. For crc32, code from the zlib library is used. For sha-512, an implementation by Aaron D. Gifford is used. For xxHash, the implementation by Yann Collet is used. For murmurhash, an implementation by Shane Day is used. Please note that this package is not meant to be deployed for cryptographic purposes for which more comprehensive (and widely tested) libraries such as OpenSSL should be used.
RPMPackage R-dichromat-2.0.0-12.fc36.noarch
Collapse red-green or green-blue distinctions to simulate the effects of different types of color-blindness.
RPMPackage R-devel-4.3.2-2.lbn36.x86_64
This is a metapackage to install a complete (with Java) R development environment.