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RPMPackage python3-google-cloud-bigquery-3.23.0-2.lbn36.noarch
Python Client for Google BigQuery |GA| |pypi| |versions|Querying massive datasets can be time consuming and expensive without the right hardware and infrastructure. Google BigQuery_ solves this problem by enabling super-fast, SQL queries against append-mostly tables, using the processing power of Google's infrastructure.- Client Library Documentation_ - Product Documentation_.. |G .. |pypi| image::
RPMPackage python3-google-cloud-automl-2.13.3-1.lbn36.noarch
Python Client for Cloud AutoML API |ga| |pypi| |versions| 🔔 **AutoML API Python Client is now available in Vertex AI. Please visit** Vertex SDK for Python_ **for the new Python Vertex AI client.** Vertex AI is our next generation AI Platform, with many new features that are unavailable in the current platform. Migrate your resources to Vertex AI_ to get the latest machine learning features,...
RPMPackage python3-google-cloud-appengine-logging-1.4.3-1.lbn36.noarch
Python Client for App Engine Logging Protos API |stable| |pypi| |versions|App Engine Logging Protos API_: - Client Library Documentation_ - Product Documentation_.. |stabl .. |pyp .. |versions| image::
RPMPackage python3-google-cloud-aiplatform-1.54.0-1.lbn36.noarch
Vertex AI SDK for Python |GA| |pypi| |versions| |unit-tests| |system-tests| |sample-tests| Vertex AI_: Google Vertex AI is an integrated suite of machine learning tools and services for building and using ML models with AutoML or custom code. It offers both novices and experts the best workbench for the entire machine learning development lifecycle.- Client Library Documentation_ - Product...
RPMPackage python3-google-api-core-2.23.0-2.lbn36.noarch
Core Library for Google Client Libraries |pypi| |versions|This library is not meant to stand-alone. Instead it defines common helpers used by all Google API clients. For more information, see the documentation_... |pyp .. |version .. _documentation: Supported Python Versions -
RPMPackage python3-botocore-stubs-1.29.19-1.lbn36.noarch
botocore-stubs[![PyPI - botocore-stubs]( [![PyPI - botocore]( [![PyPI - Python Version]( [![PyPI - Downloads](
RPMPackage python3-boto3-stubs-1.26.19-1.lbn36.noarch
<a id"boto3-stubs"></a> boto3-stubs[![PyPI - boto3-stubs]( [![PyPI - Python Version]( [![Docs]( [![PyPI - Downloads]( annotations for
RPMPackage python3-azure-kusto-data-4.4.1-1.lbn36.noarch
Microsoft Azure Kusto Library for Python Overview .. code-block:: python from import KustoClient, KustoConnectionStringBuilder cluster "<insert here your cluster name>" client_id "<insert here your AAD application id>" client_secret "<insert here your AAD application key>" authority_id "<insert here your AAD tenant id>" kcsb...
RPMPackage python3-aws-xray-sdk-2.11.0-1.lbn36.noarch
![Build Status]( [![codecov]( :mega: OpenTelemetry Python with AWS X-RayAWS X-Ray recommends using AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry (ADOT) to instrument your application **instead of this X-Ray SDK** due to its wider range of features and instrumentations. See the [AWS X-Ray docs on Working with Python]( for more help with choosing between ADOT and X-Ray SDK.
RPMPackage text/h323 python3-aws-sam-translator-1.55.0-1.lbn36.noarch
AWS SAM transform[![Tests]( [![PyPI]( [![PyPI - Python Version]( [![Contribute with Gitpod](
RPMPackage password-reset-zope-2.0.4-3.lbn36.noarch
Reset Zope Admin password
RPMPackage password-reset-zenoss-2.0.4-3.lbn36.noarch
Reset Zenoss Zentinel Admin password
RPMPackage password-reset-pulp-2.0.4-3.lbn36.noarch
Reset Pulp Server Admin password
RPMPackage password-reset-jenkins-2.0.4-3.lbn36.noarch
Reset Jenkins UI Admin password
RPMPackage password-reset-grafana-2.0.4-3.lbn36.noarch
Reset Grafana Admin password
RPMPackage password-reset-chef-2.0.4-3.lbn36.noarch
Reset Chef Web UI Admin password
RPMPackage password-reset-2.0.4-3.lbn36.noarch
Amazon Web Services require Marketplace images to have application-level passwords set dynamically to the the running instance id. This suite ensures that upon firstboot that policy is applied. Outside of AWS, this tool can be used to reset an applications admin password. This utility uses cloud-init such that it can platform-agnostically dynamically set passwords. Currently supported applications are OpsCode/Chef, Pulp, Zenoss, and Zope/Plone.
RPMPackage python3-munch-2.5.0-8.fc36.noarch
munch is a fork of David Schoonover's **Bunch** package, providing similar functionality. 99% of the work was done by him, and the fork was made mainly for lack of responsiveness for fixes and maintenance on the original code. Munch is a dictionary that supports attribute-style access, a la JavaScript.
RPMPackage python3-jenkins-1.8.2-1.lbn36.noarch
Python Jenkins is a library for the remote API of the Jenkins continuous integration server. It is useful for creating and managing jobs as well as build nodes.
RPMPackage python3-flask-login-0.6.3-1.lbn36.noarch
Flask-Login provides user session management for Flask. It handles the common tasks of logging in, logging out, and remembering your users' sessions over extended periods of time.