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RPMPackage openstack-aodh-listener-15.0.0-1.lbn36.noarch
OpenStack aodh provides API and services for managing alarms. This package contains the aodh listener service.
RPMPackage openstack-aodh-expirer-15.0.0-1.lbn36.noarch
OpenStack aodh provides API and services for managing alarms. This package contains the aodh expirer service.
RPMPackage openstack-aodh-evaluator-15.0.0-1.lbn36.noarch
OpenStack aodh provides API and services for managing alarms. This package contains the aodh evaluator service.
RPMPackage openstack-aodh-compat-15.0.0-1.lbn36.noarch
This package only exists to help transition openstack-ceilometer-alarm users to the new package split. It will be removed after one distribution release cycle, please do not reference it or depend on it in any way.
RPMPackage openstack-aodh-common-15.0.0-1.lbn36.noarch
OpenStack aodh provides API and services for managing alarms.
RPMPackage openstack-aodh-api-15.0.0-1.lbn36.noarch
OpenStack aodh provides API and services for managing alarms. This package contains the aodh API service.
RPMPackage zope-python3-4.8.11-1.lbn36.noarch
Python 3 interpreter and packages for Zope
RPMPackage zope-httpd-python3-4.8.11-1.lbn36.noarch
Service Zope under Apache/mod_wsgi
RPMPackage python3-restrictedpython-5.4-1.lbn36.noarch
:alt: Current version on PyPI
RPMPackage jenkins-slave-3273.v4cfe589b_fd83-1.lbn36.noarch
Slave setup for Jenkins/SSH/Java client. This does the static/software setup that Jenkins would perform launching a slave node. The global 'Remote working directory' may be set to /var/lib/jenkins.
RPMPackage jenkins-plugin-installation-manager-2.13.0-1.lbn36.noarch
The plugin manager downloads plugins and their dependencies into a folder so that they can easily be imported into an instance of Jenkins. The goal of this tool is to replace the Docker script and the many other implementations of plugin management that have been recreated across Jenkins. The tool also allows users to see more information about the plugins they are downloading such as available updates and security warnings. By default, plugins will be downloaded; the user can specify not to download plugins using the --no-download option. Usage ----- /usr/bin/jenkins-plugins --help
RPMPackage jenkins-cli-2.483-1.lbn36.noarch
Jenkins CLI tool (wrapper for jenkins-cli.jar) /usr/bin/jenkins-cli
RPMPackage python2-zpublishereventsbackport-1.1-1.lbn36.noarch
RPMPackage python2-zc-async-1.5.4-1.lbn36.noarch
What is it? The zc.async package provides **an easy-to-use Python tool that schedules work persistently and reliably across multiple processes and machines.**For instance...- *Web apps*: maybe your web application lets users request the creation of a large PDF, or some other expensive task.- *Postponed work*: maybe you have a job that needs to be done at a certain time, not right now.-...
RPMPackage python2-z3c.coverage-2.1.0-1.lbn36.noarch
z3c.coverage This package contains tools to work with Python coverage data.coveragereport produces HTML reports from coverage data, with syntax- highlighted source code and per-package aggregate numbers.coveragediff compares two sets of coverage reports and reports regressions, that is, increases in the number of untested lines of code... contents:: Using coveragereport :: $ coveragereport...
RPMPackage python2-wildcard-fixmissing-1.0-1.lbn36.noarch
Introduction This package allows you to fix problems with missing classes when packages do not properly uninstall.To define which classes or interfaces need to be fixed, you need to specify them as environment variables in your buildout file.The format for replacement classes is MISSING_<Class Name> <module name>For instance:: [instance] recipe plone.recipe.zope2instance environment- vars...
RPMPackage python2-tox-3.24.5-1.lbn36.noarch
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RPMPackage python2-setuptools-46.1.3-1.lbn36.noarch
Setuptools is a collection of enhancements to the Python 3 distutils that allow you to more easily build and distribute Python 3 packages, especially ones that have dependencies on other packages. This package also contains the runtime components of setuptools, necessary to execute the software that requires
RPMPackage python2-quintagroup-z3cform-captcha-1.0.3-1.lbn36.noarch
Introduction quintagroup.z3cform.captcha is a package that allows to add captcha to the z3c.form. As a result such forms are prevented from automatic submit.Captchas in a z3c form -Using quintagroup.z3cform.captcha in a z3c.form form is simple. Just add a Captcha field to your schema, use CaptchaWidgetFactory widget factory for this field and away you go: >>> from zope.interface import...
RPMPackage python2-quintagroup-portlet-cumulus-1.2-1.lbn36.noarch
quintagroup.portlet.cumulus is a Plone product that allows you to add tag cloud portlets to your Plone site. Your site's tags (content categories are used as tags) are displayed using a Flash movie that rotates them in 3D. It works just like a regular tags cloud, but is more visually exciting. This is the WordPress WP-Cumulus plugin ported to Plone as a portlet.When you add this portlet...