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RPMPackage python3-trytond-purchase-blanket-agreement-7.4.0-1.lbn36.noarch
RPMPackage python3-trytond-purchase-amendment-7.4.0-1.lbn36.noarch
The purchase amendment module allows you to change purchases that are being processed and keep track of the changes. An amendment is composed of action lines which can: Recompute taxes (if the supplier tax rules or product taxes have changed) Change the payment term Change the party and the address Change the warehouse Change a purchase line: the product (for one with the same UoM category) the quantity and unit of measure the unit price the description When the amendment is validated the purchase is updated and given a new revision. Generated documents (like moves and invoices) that are still in a draft state are replaced with new ones based on the new values.
RPMPackage python3-trytond-purchase-7.4.0-1.lbn36.noarch
Purchase Module The *Purchase Module* provides everything that is required to create and manage purchases made by the company. It adds the idea of a purchase to Tryton, and allows it to be tracked as it moves through various states from draft to done. It makes it easy to create supplier shipments for the purchase, and includes the ability to automatically create related supplier invoices.
RPMPackage python3-trytond-project-revenue-7.4.0-1.lbn36.noarch
Project Revenue Module The project revenue module computes revenue and cost per task and project. The revenue uses the list price of the product. If the product's unit of measure is time based, the revenue is computed as the product of the price and the hours of effort otherwise the price is considered as fixed. The cost is computed by summing the cost of all the linked time sheets and the...
RPMPackage python3-trytond-project-plan-7.4.0-1.lbn36.noarch
Project Plan Module The Project Plan module adds planning features on top of the ProjectAllocation **********An allocation links together an employee, a task and a percentage. It defines which part of his time the employee should dedicate to thisWork The Work model is extended to support planning features:- Tasks dependencies: Each work may have predecessor and successors. Predecessor and...
RPMPackage python3-trytond-project-invoice-7.4.0-1.lbn36.noarch
Project Invoice Module The Project Invoice module adds invoice methods on project. The methods are:- Manual: Tryton doesn't create any invoice. - On Effort: The invoices are created based on the *Effort* hours for all children works with 100% progress. - On Progress: The invoices are create proportionally to the *Progress* of the *Effort* hours of each children work. - On Timesheet: The...
RPMPackage python3-trytond-project-7.4.0-1.lbn36.noarch
Project Module The *Project Module* contains the basic concepts that are needed for managing simple projects.
RPMPackage python3-trytond-production-work-timesheet-7.4.0-1.lbn36.noarch
Production Work Timesheet Module The production work timesheet module allows to enter timesheet for production
RPMPackage python3-trytond-production-work-7.4.0-1.lbn36.noarch
Production Work Module The production work module allows to manage work order for each production. It also adds in the production cost for the work cost.Work Center ***********Work center are places in the warehouse where production operations are performed. They can be organized in a tree structure and each center can be linked to a category. A cost can be defined on the work center with two...
RPMPackage python3-trytond-production-split-7.4.0-1.lbn36.noarch
Production Split Module The Production Split module adds on the production a wizard that allows to split it. The production is split into productions of *Quantity*. If *Count* is set, it will be split only this number of times. On occasion there can be a production with the remaining quantity.
RPMPackage python3-trytond-production-routing-7.4.0-1.lbn36.noarch
Production Routing Module The production routing module defines the routings for production: Routing, Step and Operation.Routing Routings are a list of steps to follow with one of the BOMs to produce a****Steps define the operation to perform at a specific point of the routing.Operation *********An operation is a generic action.
RPMPackage python3-trytond-production-outsourcing-7.4.0-1.lbn36.noarch
The production outsourcing module allows to outsource production order per routing. When such outsourced production is set to waiting, a purchase order is created and its cost is added to the production. To define an outsourced production, the routing must have a Supplier, a Service and its Quantity defined. Those values will be used to create the purchase order. The bought quantity is computed by multiplying the Quantity by the factor between the bill of material and the production quantity.
RPMPackage python3-trytond-production-7.4.0-1.lbn36.noarch
Production Module The production module defines basics for production management: Bill of material and production order. Bill of Material ****************Bills of Material are list of products and quantities needed to produce a product. It is often shorten with BOM.Production **********A Production is mainly defined by a product, a BOM, a location, a quantity and two lists of moves:* Inputs...
RPMPackage python3-trytond-product-price-list-parent-7.4.0-1.lbn36.noarch
The product_price_list_parent module adds a Parent to the price list and the keyword parent_unit_price for the formula which contains the unit price computed by the parent price list.
RPMPackage python3-trytond-product-price-list-dates-7.4.0-1.lbn36.noarch
The product_price_list_dates module adds Start Date and End Date conditions to the Price List Lines.
RPMPackage python3-trytond-product-price-list-7.4.0-1.lbn36.noarch
Product Price List Module The product price list module provides formula to compute prices per product or category.
RPMPackage python3-trytond-product-measurements-7.4.0-1.lbn36.noarch
Product Measurements The Product Measurements module adds this following measurements to Product:- Length- Width
RPMPackage python3-trytond-product-kit-7.4.0-1.lbn36.noarch
The Product Kit Module adds kits and components to products. This enables a defined set of products to be sold or purchased using a single line.
RPMPackage python3-trytond-product-image-attribute-7.4.0-1.lbn36.noarch
The Product Image Attribute Module adds attributes to product images.
RPMPackage python3-trytond-product-image-7.4.0-1.lbn36.noarch
The Product Image Module adds images to each product and variant.