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RPMPackage python2-xhtml2pdf-0.2.5-1.lbn36.noarch
xhtml2pdf is a html2pdf converter using the ReportLab Toolkit, the HTML5lib and pyPdf. It supports HTML 5 and CSS 2.1 (and some of CSS 3). It is completely written in pure Python so it is platform independent. The main benefit of this tool that a user with Web skills like HTML and CSS is able to generate PDF templates very quickly without learning new technologies.
RPMPackage python2-wsgiutils-0.7.2-1.lbn36.noarch
WSGI Utils (Version 0.7.1) -- WSGI Utils are a package of standalone utility libraries that ease the development of simple WSGI programs. The functionality provided is limited at the moment, patches to add new features and address defects are most The following components are included please refer to the documentation for more details:wsgiServer - This module provides a very simple...
RPMPackage python2-wsgiproxy2-0.4.6-1.lbn36.noarch
Installation With pip:: $ pip install WSGIProxy2Install optionnal backends:: $ pip install requests restkit urllib3Create a proxy:: >>> from wsgiproxy import HostProxy >>> proxy HostProxy(application_url)Then use it. Here is an example with WebOb but you can use it like a classic WSGI application:: >>> from webob import Request >>> req Request.blank('/form.html') >>> resp...
RPMPackage python2-wsgi_intercept-1.10.0-1.lbn36.noarch
Installs a WSGI application in place of a real host for testing.Introduction Testing a WSGI application sometimes involves starting a server at a local host and port, then pointing your test code to that address. Instead, this library lets you intercept calls to any specific host/port combination and redirect them into a WSGI application_ importable by your test program. Thus, you can avoid...
RPMPackage python2-wrapt-1.12.1-1.lbn36.x86_64
|Travis| |AppVeyor| |Coveralls| |PyPI|The aim of the **wrapt** module is to provide a transparent object proxy for Python, which can be used as the basis for the construction of function wrappers and decorator functions.The **wrapt** module focuses very much on correctness. It therefore goes way beyond existing mechanisms such as functools.wraps() to ensure that decorators preserve...
RPMPackage python2-wmctrl-0.3-1.lbn36.noarch
A tool to programmatically control windows inside X
RPMPackage python2-wicked-1.1.12-1.lbn36.noarch
Overview wicked is a compact syntax for doing wiki-like content linking and creation.Changelog 1.1.12 (2014-10-13) -- Invalidate cache when object has been moved or copied. [domruf] 1.1.11 (2014-04-15) -- Fix tests to work with auto csrf protection. [vangheem] 1.1.10 (2012-12-15) -- Fix minor white space test failures in combination with chameleon. [maurits]1.1.9 (2010-09-09) - Avoid the...
RPMPackage python2-webob-1.8.7-1.lbn36.noarch
WebOb provides objects for HTTP requests and responses. Specifically it does this by wrapping the WSGI < request environment and response status/headers/app_iter(body).The request and response objects provide many conveniences for parsing HTTP request and forming HTTP responses. Both objects are read/write:
RPMPackage python2-webencodings-0.5.1-1.lbn36.noarch
python-webencodings This is a Python implementation of the WHATWG Encoding standard < Latest documentation: * Source code and issue tracker: * PyPI releases: * License: BSD * Python 2.6+ and 3.3+In order to be compatible with legacy web content when interpreting something like Content-Type: text/html; charsetlatin1, tools need to use a particular set of aliases for encoding labels as well as...
RPMPackage python2-webcouturier.dropdownmenu-3.0.2-1.lbn36.noarch
webcouturier.dropdownmenu --The dropdown solution for Plone since 2007.You will get the dropdown menus for those items in global navigation that have the subitems.
RPMPackage python2-wcwidth-0.1.9-1.lbn36.noarch
Introduction This Library is mainly for those implementing a Terminal Emulator, or programs that carefully produce output to mimick or to be interpreted by an emulator.**Problem Statement**: The printible length of *most* strings are equal to the number of cells they occupy on the screen. However, there are categories of characters that *occupy 2 cells* (full-wide), and others that *occupy 0*...
RPMPackage python2-wcag_contrast_ratio-0.9-1.lbn36.noarch
wcag-contrast-ratio A library for computing contrast ratios, as required by WCAG 2.0.Usage Simple usage follows this pattern:.. code-block:: python >> import wcag_contrast_ratio as contrast >> black (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) >> white (1.0, 1.0, 1.0) >> contrast.rgb(black, white) Two useful helper functions are provided, to check if contrast meets the required level:.. code-block:: python >> import...
RPMPackage python2-watchdog-0.10.6-1.lbn36.noarch
Python API and shell utilities to monitor file system events. ⚠️ This is a branch where Python 2.7 and 3.5 support is being kept. It is in maintenance mode and follows the 0.10.x versioning.Works on Python 2.7, 3.4 and 3.5.If you want to use Python 2.6, you should stick with watchdog < 0.10.0.If you want to use Python 3.6 and newer versions with up-to-date patches, you should go with watchdog...
RPMPackage python2-wadllib-1.3.3-1.lbn36.noarch
Copyright (C) 2008-2013 Canonical Ltd. This file is part of wadllib. wadllib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License. wadllib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of...
RPMPackage python2-velruse-1.1.1-1.lbn36.noarch
Velruse is a set of authentication routines that provide a unified way to have a website user authenticate to a variety of different identity providers and/or a variety of different authentication schemes. It is similar in some ways to RPXnow with the exception of being open-source, locally installable, and easily pluggable for custom identity providers and authentication schemes. You can...
RPMPackage python2-van-testing-3.0.0-1.lbn36.noarch
.. contents::van.testing provides tools for testing zope3/WSGI based applications that do not use the ZODB or local utilities.Testing Utilities --The most common use of this testing module is functional testing zope applications. It provides tools to setup layers which load the configuration ZCML as well as setting up wsgi_intercept in a layer.This test is part of such a layer (setup in...
RPMPackage python2-urllib3-1.26.9-1.lbn36.noarch
urllib3 is a powerful, *user-friendly* HTTP client for Python. Much of the Python ecosystem already uses urllib3 and you should too. urllib3 brings many critical features that are missing from the Python standard libraries:- Thread safety. - Connection pooling. - Client-side SSL/TLS verification. - File uploads with multipart encoding. - Helpers for retrying requests and dealing with HTTP...
RPMPackage python2-unidecode-0.04.1-1.lbn36.noarch
It often happens that you have non-Roman text data in Unicode, but you can't display it -- usually because you're trying to show it to a user via an application that doesn't support Unicode, or because the fonts you need aren't accessible. You could represent the Unicode characters as "???????" or " BA A0q0...", but that's nearly useless to the user who actually wants to read what the text...
RPMPackage python2-typing-
Typing -- Type Hints for PythonThis is a backport of the standard library typing module to Python versions older than 3.5. (See note below for newer versions.)Typing defines a standard notation for Python function and variable type annotations. The notation can be used for documenting code in a concise, standard format, and it has been designed to also be used by static and runtime type...
RPMPackage python2-types-toml-0.10.7-1.lbn36.noarch
Typing stubs for tomlThis is a PEP 561 type stub package for the toml package. It can be used by type-checking tools like mypy, PyCharm, pytype etc. to check code that uses toml. The source for this package can be found at All fixes for types and metadata should be contributed there.See for more details. This package was generated from typeshed commit 4e946b74bf18dc932caf41d0257957d85bbabe91.