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RPMPackage python3-trytond-product-cost-warehouse-7.4.0-1.lbn36.noarch
The Product Cost Warehouse Module allows the cost price of products to be calculated separately for each warehouse.
RPMPackage python3-trytond-product-cost-history-7.4.0-1.lbn36.noarch
Product Cost History Module The Product Cost History Module adds a *Cost History* relate on the product form showing the cost price evolution of the product. The history is based on the cost price stored on the incoming stock moves for goods and assets and based on the history table for service. When a historic cost price is needed the value is taken from this history for goods and assets.
RPMPackage python3-trytond-product-cost-fifo-7.4.0-1.lbn36.noarch
Product Cost FIFO Module The Product Cost FIFO Module add a *FIFO* option in the Cost Method field of the product form.The cost price of product whose cost price method is *FIFO* will be updated automatically when stock moves coming from a supplier or going to a customer are made. The page FIFO and LIFO accounting_ on Wikipedia gives some information about this costing method... _FIFO and LIFO...
RPMPackage python3-trytond-product-classification-taxonomic-7.4.0-1.lbn36.noarch
Product Classification Taxonomic Module The Product Classification Taxonomic module adds the taxonomic classification to the products.The available classifications are:Taxon A taxon < is defined by a name and a taxonomic rank < It is stored inside a tree structure.Cultivar A cultivar < is defined by a name, a taxon and a list of cultivar groups <
RPMPackage python3-trytond-product-classification-7.4.0-1.lbn36.noarch
Product Classification Module The Product Classification module defines the tools for other modules to create classifications of products. It adds a reference field *classification* to the product template.
RPMPackage python3-trytond-product-attribute-7.4.0-1.lbn36.noarch
Product Attribute Module The Product Attribute module defines the following models: Attribute and Attribute Set.Attribute *********An Attribute represents a property of a product, such as its colors, dimensions and so on.Attribute Set *************An Attribute Set is linked to products and allows to assign attribute values to products.
RPMPackage python3-trytond-product-7.4.0-1.lbn36.noarch
Product Module The *Product Module* defines the essential concepts needed to describe products in Tryton. It lets you define the basic properties of products and their variants, and allows you to record how the quantity of a product is measured.
RPMPackage python3-trytond-party-siret-7.4.0-1.lbn36.noarch
Party SIRET Module The party siret module adds the SIREN and SIRET on party and address.
RPMPackage python3-trytond-party-relationship-7.4.0-1.lbn36.noarch
Party Relationship Module The party relationship module allows to define different types of relations between parties.Each relation is defined by a relation type. A reverse relation type can be defined, so when creating a relation of a type, the reverse relation will be automatically created.It is possible to order parties by how closely related they are to a defined party. The distance is...
RPMPackage python3-trytond-party-avatar-7.4.0-1.lbn36.noarch
The Party Avatar Module adds an avatar to each party.
RPMPackage python3-trytond-party-7.4.0-1.lbn36.noarch
Party Module The *Party Module* is used to store and manage information about people, businesses, organisations, and associations. It allows you to save information such as contact details, addresses, identifiers and the language used by each of these different entities.
RPMPackage python3-trytond-notification-email-7.4.0-1.lbn36.noarch
The notification email module allows to define email templates which will be sent to a list of recipients when a trigger is fired on a record event. Extra reports from the same record can be attached to the email. Configuration The notification_email module uses parameters from the section: [notification_email]: from: The default From for the email.
RPMPackage python3-trytond-marketing-email-7.4.0-1.lbn36.noarch
The marketing_email module manages mailing lists. Mailing List A mailing list groups emails under a name and a language Email It stores emails for a mailing list and provides links to the related party or web user. Two actions are available: Request Subscribe which sends an e-mail to confirm the subscription to a list. Request Unsubscribe which sends an e-mail to confirm the unsubscription of an email address from the list. Message It stores a message to send to all e-mails addresses on a list. A message is defined by: From: the address from which the message is sent. List: the list of addresses to send the message to. Title Content State: Draft Sending Sent A wizard is available that sends a message to a unique e-mail address from the list for test purposes. Configuration The marketing_email module uses parameters from the section: [marketing]: email_from: The default From for the e-mails that get sent. email_subscribe_url: the URL to confirm the subscription to w
RPMPackage python3-trytond-marketing-campaign-7.4.0-1.lbn36.noarch
The Marketing Campaign Module helps collecting data about marketing campaigns.
RPMPackage python3-trytond-marketing-automation-7.4.0-1.lbn36.noarch
The marketing_automation module allows marketing actions to be automated. It is based on scenarios and activities that are executed on selected records. Scenario A scenario provides the entry point for records into an automated marketing campaign. Each record can only enter a scenario once. A scenario is defined by: Name Model: the type of record for the scenario (by default Party and Sale) Domain: used to filter records State: Draft Running Stopped A cron task runs periodically to find new records to apply the scenario to. Activity The activities form a scenario. They define which action should be triggered and when it should happen. The activities are organized as a tree and defined by: Name Parent Children On: event from the parent that triggers the activity: E-Mail Opened E-Mail Not Opened E-Mail Clicked E-Mail Not Clicked Condition: that the record must match to execute the activity Delay: before the action is executed Action: list of available actions Action
RPMPackage python3-trytond-marketing-7.4.0-1.lbn36.noarch
The marketing module defines the fundamentals for marketing modules.
RPMPackage python3-trytond-ldap-authentication-7.4.0-1.lbn36.noarch
LDAP Authentication Module The LDAP authentication module allows to authenticate users via a LDAP server.The configuration of the LDAP connection is set in the ldap_authentication To be activated, the ldap method must be added to the authentications methods list of the session section of the configuration.Configuration *************uri The LDAP URL to use to connect to the server following the...
RPMPackage python3-trytond-incoterm-7.4.0-1.lbn36.noarch
This Incoterm Model is used to manage the Incoterms on sales, purchases and shipments. The module contains the Incoterm versions of 2010 and 2020.
RPMPackage python3-trytond-google-maps-7.4.0-1.lbn36.noarch
Google Maps Module The Google Maps module add a new URL field on the party addresses. This link open the Google Maps page on the default browser with the map centered on the selected address.
RPMPackage python3-trytond-gis-7.4.0-1.lbn36.noarch
It adds GIS support to Tryton.