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RPMPackage python2-plone-app-folder-1.3.2-1.lbn36.noarch
Overview This package provides base classes for folderish Archetypes_ / ATContentTypes_ content types based on B-trees_, a.k.a. "large folders" in Plone_. Storing content in such folders provides significant performance benefits_ over regular folders. .. _Archetypes: .. _ATContentTypes: .. _B- trees: .. _Plone: .. _performance benefits: package only contains the integration layer for the base...
RPMPackage python2-plone-app-event-3.2.14-1.lbn36.noarch is the calendaring framework for Plone. It provides Dexterity behaviors and an Archetypes type, Timezone support, RFC5545 icalendar export, Recurrence support, event views and a lot more.For a Dexterity event type using, use 1.1 or newer.The complete documentation can be found on: Installation For Standalone installation...
RPMPackage python2-plone-app-drafts-1.1.3-1.lbn36.noarch
Introduction implements services for managing auto-saved content drafts in Plone. This addresses two problems:* If the browser is accidentally closed or crashes whilst a page is being edited, all changes are lost. * Some data may need to be managed asynchronously, e.g. via a pop-up dialogue box in the visual editor.
RPMPackage python2-plone-app-discussion-3.4.7-1.lbn36.noarch
Introduction replaces the old commenting system in Plone 4.1 and is also available as an add-on product for Plone 3 and 4. It was initially developed as part of the Google Summer of Code 2009 by Timo Stollenwerk (student) and Martin Aspeli (mentor)... note:: Make sure you pin down to versions < 2.0 if you want to install it as an add- on product (see...
RPMPackage python2-plone-app-dexterity-2.6.11-1.lbn36.noarch
.. contents:: Table of Contents.. note:: 2.1.1 is the last Plone 4 compatible release. Introduction Dexterity wants to make some things really easy. These are:* Create a "real" content type entirely through-the-web without having to know programming. * As a business user, create a schema using visual or through- the-web tools, and augment it with adapters, event handlers, and other Python code...
RPMPackage python2-plone-app-debugtoolbar-1.2.3-1.lbn36.noarch
Introduction provides a wealth of debug information about a running Plone site at your fingertips. Simply install it in your build (e.g. by adding it to the eggs list in your Buildout and re-running buildout) and install it into your Plone site.You should now see a Debug link at the top of your site. Click it to open the debug drawer. Click on a panel to view relevant...
RPMPackage python2-plone-app-customerize-1.3.12-1.lbn36.noarch
This package integrates five.customerize_ into Plone, which enables site administrators to customize templates used for Five/Zope-style views, viewlets and portlets through the web via the ZMI in a way similar to overriding filesystem-based skin elements via the portal skin "customize" procedure. .. _five.customerize: Changelog .. You should *NOT* be adding new change log entries to this file....
RPMPackage python2-plone-app-controlpanel-4.0.1-1.lbn36.noarch
Introduction All functionality was moved to Products.CMFPlone!This package provides backward compatible imports and zcml only.Do not use, except you need to support non migrated addons.. Changelog .. You should *NOT* be adding new change log entries to this file. You should create a file in the news directory instead. For helpful instructions, please see: towncrier release notes start4.0.1...
RPMPackage python2-plone-app-contenttypes-2.2.3-1.lbn36.noarch
.. contents:: documentation
RPMPackage python2-plone-app-contentrules-4.1.6-1.lbn36.noarch
Introduction provides Plone-specific conditions and actions, as well as a user interface for plone.contentrules.Compatibility with Plone versions The 3.x series is intended for usage with Plone 4.3 and up and features the new content rules UI. Development of this package continues in the master branch.For use with versions of Plone earlier than 4.3, use versions < 2.2.1....
RPMPackage python2-plone-app-contentmenu-2.3.4-1.lbn36.noarch
Introduction contains the logic that powers Plone's content menu which is part of the toolbar.It provides the menus items (and its submenues) for- factories menu (order10) - workflows menu (order20) - actions menu (order30) - display menu (order40) - manage portlets menu (order50)Note that menu items are ordered by an 'ordered' property. To allow third party products to...
RPMPackage python2-plone-app-contentlisting-2.0.7-1.lbn36.noarch
Listing and working with Plone content objects using This is valid for Plone 4.1 upwards.Many of the operations for customizations, templates, views and portlets in Plone are related to lists of content objects. Their sources can be different, although usually they are some sort of catalog search, the contents of a particular folder or a list of objects from a...
RPMPackage python2-plone-app-content-3.8.8-1.lbn36.noarch
Introduction contains various views for Plone, such as folder_contents, as well as general content infrastructure, such as base classes and name choosers. Source Code Contributors please read the document Process for Plone core's development < are at the Plone code repository hosted at Github < Changelog .. You should *NOT* be adding new change log entries to this file. You...
RPMPackage python2-plone-app-collection-1.2.8-1.lbn36.noarch
Collections in Plone are the most powerful tool content editors and site managers have to construct navigation and site sections.This is a brand new implementation of collections for Plone, using ajax/javascript to make a simpler, easier and streamlined user experience for using collections. Having a more lightweight backend that does not depend on many nested criteria types.It's designed with...
RPMPackage python2-plone-app-changeownership-1.0-1.lbn36.noarch
Introduction as it sounds is a Plone package to change objects ownership.Problem While for a single content you can call the /change- owner view, there is no way in Plone to transfer **ownership of all objects** owned by an user to a new user. To delete a Plone member in such case is not an option. Solution makes easy to transfer ownership...
RPMPackage python2-plone-app-caching-2.1.0-1.lbn36.noarch Introduction provides a Plone UI and default rules for managing HTTP response caching in Plone. It builds on z3c.caching, plone.caching and version 2.x requires Plone 5.2 or later. For earlier Plone versions, use a release from branch 1.x. Installation is shipped as a dependency of the Plone package....
RPMPackage python2-plone-app-blocks-5.1.0-1.lbn36.noarch
Introduction to Blocks This package implements the 'blocks' rendering model, by providing several transform stages that hook into plone.transformchain.The rendering stages (order 8000) Turns the response in a repoze.xmliter XMLSerializer object. This is then used by the subsequent stages. If the input is not HTML, the transformation is...
RPMPackage python2-plone-app-blocks-5.1.0-1.lbn36.noarch
Introduction to Blocks This package implements the 'blocks' rendering model, by providing several transform stages that hook into plone.transformchain.The rendering stages (order 8000) Turns the response in a repoze.xmliter XMLSerializer object. This is then used by the subsequent stages. If the input is not HTML, the transformation is...
RPMPackage python2-plone-app-blob-1.8.2-1.lbn36.noarch Overview This package aims to be an add-on for Plone (> 3.x) integrating ZODB (>3.8) blob support, which allows large binary data to be managed by the ZODB, but separately from your usual FileStorage database, i.e. Data.fs. This has several advantages, most importantly a much smaller Data.fs and better performance both cpu- as well as memory-wise. .. |__| unicode:: U+20 .....
RPMPackage python2-plone-api-1.11.1-1.lbn36.noarch
plone.api A simple API, built for humans wishing to develop with Plone.The intention is* to cover as much as possible the tasks carried out by a Plone developer * to provide clear API methods for Plone functionality which may be confusing or difficult to access, * keeping everything in one place, * staying introspectable and discoverable, important aspects of being Pythonic.