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RPMPackage python2-colorama-0.4.5-1.lbn36.noarch
Colorama Makes ANSI escape character sequences (for producing colored terminal text and cursor positioning) work under MS Windows... |donate| image::
RPMPackage python2-colorama-0.4.5-1.lbn36.noarch
Colorama Makes ANSI escape character sequences (for producing colored terminal text and cursor positioning) work under MS Windows... |donate| image::
RPMPackage python2-collective-z3cform-select2-2.1.0-1.lbn36.noarch
.. This README is meant for consumption by humans and pypi. Pypi can render rst files so please do not use Sphinx features. If you want to learn more about writing documentation, please check out: This text does not appear on pypi or github. It is a comment.
RPMPackage python2-collective-z3cform-datetimewidget-1.2.9-1.lbn36.noarch
Various z3c.form date and datetime widgets Improved datetime widgets for z3c.form When the emphasis of the application you are designing is on speed and speed alone, then the single field pattern might be your friend. It's particularly useful for data entry applications in which the person who has to enter the data will have to use the same input form time and time again. .. _Date Input...
RPMPackage python2-collective-z3cform-datagridfield-1.5.3-1.lbn36.noarch
.. contents:: Table of ContentsIntroduction Provides a field with a datagrid (table), where each row is a sub form.It is a z3c.form < implementation of the Products.DataGridField < .This product was developed for use with Plone and Dexterity. Requirements * Versions > 1.4 are for Plone 5+, if you use Plone 4.3, use versions 1.3.x * For Python 3.7 at least PyYAML 4.2b1
RPMPackage python2-collective-xmltestreport-2.0.2-1.lbn36.noarch
Introduction This package provides an extension to the test runner to the one that ships with zope.testrunner, as well as a buildout recipe based on zc.recipe.testrunner to install a test script for this test runner.The test runner is identical to the one in zope.testrunner, but it is capable of writing test reports in the XML format output by JUnit/Ant. This allows the test results to be...
RPMPackage python2-collective-venue-4.1-1.lbn36.noarch
collective.venue This package provides an Dexterity Venue type with geolocation support for use with events or any other location specific content. Geolocation If you want to use collective.venue with geolocation behavior, you should add the following line to your eggs buildout section:: eggs collective.venue [geolocation] Changelog 4.1 (2020-07-10) -- fix indexer to work on Zope 4/Python 3....
RPMPackage python2-collective-themesitesetup-2.1.2-1.lbn36.noarch
collective.themesitesetup **collective.themesitesetup** is a plugin for embedding GenericSetup_-steps into zipped theme packages.**collective.themesitesetup** can automatically import one embedded set of generic setup steps during theme activation and another one (so called *uninstall profile*) when theme is deactivated. Yet, also additionals ets can be embedded and...
RPMPackage python2-collective-testcaselayer-1.6.1-1.lbn36.noarch
.. -*-doctest-*- collective.testcaselayer The support for layers provided by zope.testing helps to lessen the amount of time consumed during test driven development by sharing expensive test fixtures, such as is often requires for functional test. This package provides several well tested facilities to make writing and using layers faster and easier.The...
RPMPackage python2-collective-taxonomy-2.2.1-1.lbn36.noarch
Taxonomy Vocabularies |CI| |Coverage|.. |C .. |Coverag Create, edit and use hierarchical taxonomies in Plone_.This add-on provides support for hierarchical taxonomies in multiple languages, letting users easily associate existing content with terms from one or more taxonomies. Taxonomy < is the
RPMPackage python2-collective-takeaportrait-0.2.0-1.lbn36.noarch
This product use super-modern browser feature for **accessing the user's webcam** (if any) to directly save a new portrait photo inside Plone personal preferences... contents::How it works Just add the product to your buildout and activate the *collective.takeaportrait* add-on.After that you will probably see a new button inside your "*Personal Information*" labeled "*Take a photo*". If you...
RPMPackage python2-collective-recipe-template-2.2-1.lbn36.noarch
Introduction ************This recipe can be used to generate textfiles from a (text) template... contents::A short example:: [buildout] parts message [message] recipe collective.recipe.template input templates/ output ${buildout:parts-directory}/etc/message mymessage Hello, World! In the template you can use the exact same variables as you can use in the buildout configuration. For...
RPMPackage python2-collective-recipe-sphinxbuilder-1.1-1.lbn36.noarch
.. contents::- Code repository: (since June 2016).- Documentation: .- Questions and comments to Reinout van Rees <>_,, Detailed Documentation ********************** What is Sphinx? Sphinx is the mainly tool in the Python community to build documentation. See is now used for instance by Python. See and many...
RPMPackage python2-collective-recipe-omelette-1.1.0-1.lbn36.noarch
Detailed Documentation **********************Introduction Namespace packages offer the huge benefit of being able to distribute parts of a large system in small, self-contained pieces. However, they can be somewhat clunky to navigate, since you end up with a large list of eggs in your egg cache, and then a seemingly endless series of directories you need to open to actually find the contents...
RPMPackage python2-collective-prettydate-1.2.2-1.lbn36.noarch
********************* collective.prettydate *********************.. contents:: Table of ContentsLife, the Universe, and Everything -collective.prettydate is a package that helps developers to solve some usability issues associated with the utilization of absolute date formating on sites used among different timezones.When a date is printed as "01/02/2012" it could represent "February 1" or...
RPMPackage python2-collective-portlet-calendar-0.6-1.lbn36.noarch
.. contents:: Table of Contents :depth: 2Extended Calendar Portlet ****************************************Overview This package provides a configurable implementation of a Calendar Portlet. It is possible to give the calendar portlet a header, to search only for events with given keywords and constrain its results to only an area of your site.Even though Plone's default Calendar Portlet...
RPMPackage python2-collective-polls-1.8.1-1.lbn36.noarch
**************** collective.polls ****************.. contents:: Table of ContentsLife, the Universe, and Everything -A content type, workflow and portlet for conducting online polls, for anonymous and logged-in users.Mostly Harmless :target:
RPMPackage python2-collective-monkeypatcher-1.2.1-1.lbn36.noarch
collective.monkeypatcher .. image::
RPMPackage python2-collective-mockmailhost-2.0.0-1.lbn36.noarch
Introduction collective.MockMailHost enables integration testing of email functionality from Plone_. Simply add this egg to your [test] runner section, and install this product through your Layer or TestCase.Note THIS IS FOR TESTING PURPOSE ONLY, do not use this product on your running Plone site. It replaces the standard MailHost with a Mock MailHost that you can poke at to check email...
RPMPackage python2-collective-jsonmigrator-2.0.0-1.lbn36.noarch
collective.jsonmigrator JSON based migrations for Plonecollective.jsonmigrator is a ready tool for you to migrate from old Plone sites (2.0, 2.1, 2.5) to new Plone 4.0 (or higher). Its based extensivly collective.transmogrifier_ and custom blueprints avaliable.What makes it different from other migration tools is that is fully documented_ and proven to work on lots of migration projects....