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RPMPackage sflphone-daemon-1.4.1-15.lbn19.1.x86_64
SFLphone is a robust standards-compliant enterprise software phone, for desktop and embedded systems. It is designed to handle several hundreds of calls a day. It supports both SIP and IAX2 protocols. This package includes the SFLPhone daemon.
RPMPackage sflphone-common-1.4.1-15.lbn19.1.noarch
SFLphone is a robust standards-compliant enterprise software phone, for desktop and embedded systems. It is designed to handle several hundreds of calls a day. It supports both SIP and IAX2 protocols. This package includes common files for SFLPhone.
RPMPackage sflphone-1.4.1-1.lbn19.x86_64
SFLphone is a robust standards-compliant enterprise software phone, for desktop and embedded systems. It is designed to handle several hundreds of calls a day. It supports both SIP and IAX2 protocols.
RPMPackage python-sipvicious-0.2.8-2.lbn19.noarch
SIPVicious suite is a set of tools that can be used to audit SIP based VoIP systems. It currently consists of four tools: svmap - this is a sip scanner. Lists SIP devices found on an IP range svwar - identifies active extensions on a PBX svcrack - an online password cracker for SIP PBX svcrash - automatically send responses to attacks svreport - manages sessions and exports reports to various formats
RPMPackage python-sipphone-automation-0.0.4-1.lbn19.noarch
Robot Framework Automation Library for SIP Phones
RPMPackage python-robotframework-androidlibrary-0.2.0-1.lbn19.noarch
robotframework-androidlibrary is a Robot Framework test library for all your Android automation needs. It uses Calabash Android to communicate with your instrumented Android application similar to how Selenium WebDriver talks to your web browser.
RPMPackage python-ripcord-0.0.1-1.lbn19.noarch
REST APIs, written in python, for Kamailio. Official Ripcord documentation <>
RPMPackage python-kamcli-1.0-2.lbn19.noarch
Kamcli uses a configuration file with INI format. The name is kamcli.ini and it looks for it in: /etc/kamcli/kamcli.ini ~/.kamcli/kamcli.ini the value of --config command line parameter The installation process doesn't deploy the configuration file yet. A sample kamailio.ini is available in sources, at kamcli/kamcli.ini Note that not all configuration file options in kamcli.ini are used at this moment, some values are hardcoded, being planned to be replaced with the configuration options. Usage Read the help messages: $ kamcli --help $ kamcli <command> --help $ kamcli <command> <subcommand> --help Examples of Commands Sample commands to understand quicker the capabilities and how to use it: kamcli -v --config=kamcli/kamcli.ini --help kamcli --config=kamcli/kamcli.ini subscriber show kamcli --config=kamcli/kamcli.ini subscriber add test test00 kamcli --config=kamcli/kamcli.ini subscriber show test kamcli --config=kamcli/kamcli.ini subscriber show --help kamcli -v --config=kamcli/kamcli.ini subscriber passwd test01 test10 kamcli -v --config=kamcli/kamcli.ini subscriber add -t no test02 test02 kamcli -v --config=kamcli/kamcli.ini subscriber setattrs test01 rpid +123 kamcli -v --config=kamcli/kamcli.ini subscriber setattrnull test01 rpid kamcli -v --config=kamcli/kamcli.ini mi kamcli -v --config=kamcli/kamcli.ini mi which kamcli -v --config=kamcli/kamcli.ini mi get_statistics all kamcli -v --config=kamcli/kamcli.ini jsonrpc --help kamcli -v --config=kamcli/kamcli.ini jsonrpc core.psx kamcli -v --config=kamcli/kamcli.ini jsonrpc system.listMethods kamcli -v --config=kamcli/kamcli.ini jsonrpc stats.get_statistics kamcli -v --config=kamcli/kamcli.ini jsonrpc stats.get_statistics all kamcli -v --config=kamcli/kamcli.ini jsonrpc stats.get_statistics shmem: kamcli -v --config=kamcli/kamcli.ini jsonrpc --dry-run system.listMethods kamcli -v --config=kamcli/kamcli.ini config raw kamcli -v --config=kamcli/kamcli.ini config show main db kamcli -v --config=kamcli/kamcli.ini --no-default-configs config show main db kamcli -v --config=kamcli/kamcli.ini db connect kamcli -v --config=kamcli/kamcli.ini db show -F table version kamcli -v --config=kamcli/kamcli.ini db show -F json subscriber kamcli -v --config=kamcli/kamcli.ini db showcreate version kamcli -v --config=kamcli/kamcli.ini db showcreate -F table version kamcli -v --config=kamcli/kamcli.ini db showcreate -F table -S html version kamcli -v --config=kamcli/kamcli.ini db clirun "describe version" kamcli -v --config=kamcli/kamcli.ini db clishow version kamcli -v --config=kamcli/kamcli.ini db clishowg subscriber kamcli -v --config=kamcli/kamcli.ini ul showdb kamcli -v --config=kamcli/kamcli.ini ul show kamcli -v --config=kamcli/kamcli.ini ul rm test kamcli -v --config=kamcli/kamcli.ini ul add test sip:test@ kamcli -v --config=kamcli/kamcli.ini stats kamcli -v --config=kamcli/kamcli.ini stats usrloc kamcli -v --config=kamcli/kamcli.ini stats -s registered_users kamcli -v --config=kamcli/kamcli.ini stats usrloc:registered_users
RPMPackage python-dtmf-detector-0.1.0-1.lbn19.noarch
DTMF Detection Library that takes wav files as input and outputs DTMF digit string. Project hosted at: Written by David Luu.
RPMPackage python-Kivy-examples-1.8.0-1.lbn19.x86_64
Kivy is an open source software library for rapid development of applications that make use of innovative user interfaces, such as multi-touch apps. This package contains the examples
RPMPackage python-Kivy-1.8.0-1.lbn19.x86_64
Kivy is an open source library for developing multi-touch applications. It is completely cross platform (Linux/OSX/Win/Android) and released under the terms of the GNU LGPL V3. . It comes with native support for many multi-touch input devices, a growing library of multi-touch aware widgets, hardware accelerated OpenGL drawing, and an architecture that is designed to let you focus on building custom and highly interactive applications as quickly and easily as possible. . Kivy is a mixed Python library with Cython code, to take advantage of its highly dynamic nature and use any of the thousands of high quality and open source python libraries out there, with the speed of C code.
RPMPackage ptlib-2.10.10-8.lbn19.x86_64
PTLib (Portable Tools Library) is a moderately large class library that has it's genesis many years ago as PWLib (portable Windows Library), a method to product applications to run on both Microsoft Windows and Unix systems. It has also been ported to other systems such as Mac OSX, VxWorks and other embedded systems. It is supplied mainly to support the OPAL project, but that shouldn't stop you from using it in whatever project you have in mind if you so desire.
RPMPackage prosody-0.8.2-11.fc19.x86_64
Prosody is a flexible communications server for Jabber/XMPP written in Lua. It aims to be easy to use, and light on resources. For developers it aims to be easy to extend and give a flexible system on which to rapidly develop added functionality, or prototype new protocols.
RPMPackage prosody-0.8.2-8.fc19.armv6hl
Prosody is a flexible communications server for Jabber/XMPP written in Lua. It aims to be easy to use, and light on resources. For developers it aims to be easy to extend and give a flexible system on which to rapidly develop added functionality, or prototype new protocols.
RPMPackage pjsua-2.4.5-1.lbn19.x86_64
pjsua is an open source command line SIP user agent (softphone) that is used as the reference implementation for PJSIP, PJNATH, and PJMEDIA. Despite its simple command line appearance, it does pack many features!
RPMPackage pjproject-2.4.5-1.lbn19.x86_64
This package provides the Open Source, comprehensive, high performance, small footprint multimedia communication libraries written in C language for building embedded/non-embedded VoIP applications. It contains: - PJSIP - Open Source SIP Stack - PJMEDIA - Open Source Media Stack - PJNATH - Open Source NAT Traversal Helper Library - PJLIB-UTIL - Auxiliary Library - PJLIB - Ultra Portable Base Framework Library - PJSUA2 - Object Oriented abstractions layer for PJSUA
RPMPackage opal-3.10.10-5.lbn19.x86_64
Open Phone Abstraction Library, implementation of the ITU H.323 teleconferencing protocol, and successor of the openh323 library.
RPMPackage mysql-connector-odbc-5.2.5-2.fc19.armv6hl
An ODBC (rev 3) driver for MySQL, for use with unixODBC.
RPMPackage mysql-connector-odbc-5.2.5-2.fc19.x86_64
An ODBC (rev 3) driver for MySQL, for use with unixODBC.
RPMPackage mysql-connector-odbc-5.2.5-2.fc19.x86_64
An ODBC (rev 3) driver for MySQL, for use with unixODBC.