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RPMPackage freepbx-module-voicemail-13.0.33-1.lbn19.noarch
Module of FreePBX (Voicemail) :: This module allows you to configure Voicemail for a user or extension
RPMPackage freepbx-module-vmnotify-
COMMERCIAL MODULE REQUIRES A LICENSE FOR IT TO FUNCTION. Please visit You can configure a new Voicemail Notification to monitor a mailbox for new messages. When a new message is left in that mailbox the system will call the recipients listed below until one of them accepts responsibility for the message. All numbers in the first priority will be called simultaneously, then if nobody has accepted the message it will continue to call all recipients in the next higher priority until it runs out of priorities to call. It will then retry the entire list if configured to do so.
RPMPackage freepbx-module-vmblast-13.0.8-1.lbn19.noarch
Creates a group of extensions that calls a group of voicemail boxes and allows you to leave a message for them all at once.
RPMPackage freepbx-module-userpaneltab-
Provides a Module Menu that launches the ARI User Panel. Requires the User Portal (ARI) to be installed
RPMPackage freepbx-module-userman-13.0.50-1.lbn19.noarch
This Module manages all FreePBX users. It allows an Administrator to create a User Account that can be used by other applications for login or API purposes. Modules like iSymphony, Rest API and User Control Panel and FreePBX itself use this module to manage their users
RPMPackage freepbx-module-ucp-13.0.22-1.lbn19.noarch
Module of FreePBX (User Control Panel) :: Formerly ARI, now called User Control Panel
RPMPackage freepbx-module-ttsengines-13.0.7-1.lbn19.noarch
Allows you to configure text to speech engines
RPMPackage freepbx-module-tts-13.0.8-1.lbn19.noarch
RPMPackage freepbx-module-timeconditions-
Creates a condition where calls will go to one of two destinations (eg, an extension, IVR, ring group..) based on the time and/or date. This can be used for example to ring a receptionist during the day, or go directly to an IVR at night.
RPMPackage freepbx-module-sysadmin-
System Administration - COMMERCIAL MODULE REQUIRES A LICENSE FOR PRO FEATURES TO BE ENABLED ABOVE THE INCLUDED FREE FEATURES. Please visit System Administration - provides access to various system administration tools. This module is designed to work with some very specific distributions such as the FreePBX Distro and PBXact. There are dependencies that are not all listed in this module.xml package so the module should not be used except on the distributions that it is designed for.
RPMPackage freepbx-module-superfecta-
Provides simultaneous use of, and complete control over multiple caller id data sources
RPMPackage freepbx-module-speeddial-
Speed dial functions
RPMPackage freepbx-module-soundlang-13.0.6-1.lbn19.noarch
Module of FreePBX (Sound Languages) :: Management of sound prompt languages.
RPMPackage freepbx-module-sng_mcu-
Modules to setup and manage Sangoma MCU
RPMPackage freepbx-module-sipstation-
This module is used to configure, manage and troubleshoot your SIPSTATION(tm) SIP trunks and DIDs. The license on this source code is NOT GPL Open Source, it is a proprietary Free to Use license.
RPMPackage freepbx-module-sipsettings-13.0.17-1.lbn19.noarch
Use to configure Various Asterisk SIP Settings in the General section of sip.conf. Also includes an auto-configuration tool to determine NAT settings.
RPMPackage freepbx-module-setcid-13.0.4-1.lbn19.noarch
Adds the ability to change the CallerID within a call flow.
RPMPackage freepbx-module-ringgroups-
Creates a group of extensions that all ring together. Extensions can be rung all at once, or in various 'hunt' configurations. Additionally, external numbers are supported, and there is a call confirmation option where the callee has to confirm if they actually want to take the call before the caller is transferred.
RPMPackage freepbx-module-restart-13.0.6-1.lbn19.noarch
This module allows users to restart one or multiple phones that support being restarted via a SIP NOTIFY command through Asterisk's sip_notify.conf
RPMPackage freepbx-module-restapps-