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RPMPackage freepbx-module-extensionsettings-13.0.4-1.lbn19.noarch
Creates a list of all extensions and their current settings for CW, CF, CFB, CFU, VMXB and VMXU
RPMPackage freepbx-module-endpointman-
PBX End Point Manager supports automated deployment of multiple manufacturers IP telephones.
RPMPackage freepbx-module-endpoint-
Endpoint Manager - COMMERCIAL MODULE REQUIRES A LICENSE FOR IT TO FUNCTION. Please visit Supports provisioning of devices.
RPMPackage freepbx-module-dundicheck-
This module will check all configured and enabled DUNDi trunks as part of the extension registry function, and report back conflicts if other sites have the same extensions. This does not filter against the route patterns - it will take any number being created and report a conflict if that trunk could be used to call that number.
RPMPackage freepbx-module-donotdisturb-13.0.3-1.lbn19.noarch
Provides donotdisturb featurecodes
RPMPackage freepbx-module-disa-13.0.5-1.lbn19.noarch
DISA Allows you 'Direct Inward System Access'. This gives you the ability to have an option on an IVR that gives you a dial tone, and you're able to dial out from the FreePBX machine as if you were connected to a standard extension. It appears as a Destination.
RPMPackage freepbx-module-directory-
FreePBX "directory" module
RPMPackage freepbx-module-digium_phones-
RPMPackage freepbx-module-dictate-13.0.5-1.lbn19.noarch
This uses the app_dictate module of Asterisk to let users record dictate into their phones. When complete, the dictations can be emailed to an email address specified in the extension page
RPMPackage freepbx-module-daynight-
Call Flow manual toggle control - allows for two destinations to be chosen and provides a feature code that toggles between the two destinations.
RPMPackage freepbx-module-dashboard-13.0.19-1.lbn19.noarch
Module of FreePBX (System Dashboard) :: Provides a system information dashboard, showing information about Calls, CPU, Memory, Disks, Network, and processes.
RPMPackage freepbx-module-dahdiconfig-
RPMPackage freepbx-module-customcontexts-13.0.2-1.lbn19.noarch
Creates custom contexts which can be used to allow limited access to dialplan applications. Allows for time restrictions on any dialplan access. Allows for pattern matching to allow/deny. Allows for failover destinations, and PIN protected failover. This can be very useful for multi-tennant systems. Inbound routing can be done using DID or zap channel routing, this module allows for selective outbound routing. House/public phones can be placed in a restricted context allowing them only internal calls
RPMPackage freepbx-module-customappsreg-
Module of FreePBX (Custom Applications) :: Registry to add custom extensions and destinations that may be created and used so that the Extensions and Destinations Registry can include these.
RPMPackage freepbx-module-core-13.0.44-1.lbn19.noarch
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RPMPackage freepbx-module-contactdir-
Add servers users can import contacts from
RPMPackage freepbx-module-conferences-13.0.17-1.lbn19.noarch
Allow creation of conference rooms (meet-me) where multiple people can talk together.
RPMPackage freepbx-module-cidlookup-13.0.9-1.lbn19.noarch
Allows CallerID Lookup of incoming calls against different sources (MySQL, HTTP, ENUM, Phonebook Module)
RPMPackage freepbx-module-cel-13.0.15-1.lbn19.noarch
Module of FreePBX (Call Event Logging) :: Call Event Logging
RPMPackage freepbx-module-cdr-13.0.22-1.lbn19.noarch
Module of FreePBX (CDR Reports) :: Call Data Record report tools for viewing reports of your calls