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RPMPackage python3-products-zsyncer-1.0.3-2.lbn36.noarch
ZSyncer ZSyncer also allows you to see at a glance which objects are out-of- sync.ZSyncer also allows you to view a diff against the destination object, for many types of objects. The Subversion repository from which these releases are made can be found here:
RPMPackage python3-products-zsqlmethods-3.9-1.lbn36.noarch
RPMPackage python3-products-zscheduler-5.2.9-1.lbn36.noarch
Base/shim classes for Bastion Suite
RPMPackage python3-products-zopeversioncontrol-3.0.0-1.lbn36.noarch
Zope Version Control for the Zope application server.Changelog 2.0.0 (2020-03-09) Breaking changes:- Drop support for Python 3.4.New features:- Add support for Python 3.7 and 3.8.Bug fixes:- Added compatibility with Zope 5 by not registering for the help system.- Fix for retaining order of ordered folders upon cloning.- Fix for data error encountered when dealing with data imported by ZEXP...
RPMPackage python3-products-zodbmountpoint-1.0-1.lbn36.noarch
RPMPackage python3-products-zmintrospection-1.0-1.lbn36.noarch
Products.ZMIntrospection Products.ZMIntrospection appends an Introspection tab to an object's management tabs in the ZMI, which shows various information about the object such as it's attributes etc.It is written by Stefane Fermigier, Nuxeo.Changelog 1.0 (2020-02-17) - - Zope4 / Python3 support [avoinea]0.3.1 (2016-04-05) - Also introspect OOBTree and OIBTree objects (e.g. __annotations__)...
RPMPackage python3-products-zctextindex-4.0.3-1.lbn36.noarch
This distribution used to contain a full text indexing facility for Zope and more specifically for Products.ZCatalog.The code was moved directly into the Products.ZCatalog distribution, leaving behind an empty distribution shell.Changelog 4.0.3 (2019-02-17) - Specify supported Python versions using python_requires in (Zope481 < Dropped support for Python 3.4 as Zope does not support...
RPMPackage python3-products-zcatalog-5.4-1.lbn36.noarch
The ZCatalog is Zope's built in search engine. It allows you to categorize and search all kinds of Zope objects.It comes with a variety of indexes for different types of data.Changelog 5.4 (2022-04-14) -- Avoid error in search when the parameter received by IndexQuery is a record. (plone/Products.CMFPlone3007 < 5.3 (2021-01-29) -- Fix case where multiple indexes with similar name seperated by...
RPMPackage python3-products-zautz-0.0.1-1.lbn36.noarch
AU Timezones for Zope Monkey Patch to Zope DateTime to correctly use Australian Timezones that clash with US timezones.
RPMPackage python3-products-userandgroupselectionwidget-3.0~b5-1.lbn36.noarch
UserAndGroupSelectionWidget --UserAndGroupSelectionWidget is a widget to search and select users and/or groups from a huge base of users. It uses a modernized, fast code-base and is tested with hundreds of groups and thousands of users.It is configurable to select only groups, only users, both or only user of a distinct group.Widgets for both Archetypes and z3c.form are available....
RPMPackage python3-products-temporaryfolder-5.3-1.lbn36.noarch
RPMPackage python3-products-statusmessages-5.0.5-1.lbn36.noarch
Introduction statusmessages provides an easy way of handling internationalized status messages managed via an BrowserRequest adapter storing status messages in client-side cookies.It is quite common to write status messages which should be shown to the user after some action. These messages of course should be internationalized. As these messages normally are defined in Python code, the common...
RPMPackage python3-products-standardcachemanagers-4.2-1.lbn36.noarch
.. image::
RPMPackage python3-products-siteerrorlog-5.7-1.lbn36.noarch
.. image::
RPMPackage python3-products-sessions-4.15-1.lbn36.noarch
RPMPackage python3-products-securemailhost-1.1.2-1.lbn36.noarch
RPMPackage python3-products-robotstool-3.0.2-1.lbn36.noarch
You can read more about robots.txt at: * *
RPMPackage python3-products-pythonscripts-4.15-1.lbn36.noarch
RPMPackage python3-products-printingmailhost-1.1.6-1.lbn36.noarch
Products.PrintingMailHost This is a hack. :)This product, when installed, will check if Zope is running in debug mode, and if so, monkey patch (that is, grab the internals of, squeeze tight, then rip hard, just like monkeys do) Zope's MailHost class, meaning that *any and all* uses of a MailHost will be "fixed" so that instead of sending mail, it prints messages to the zope event log.This is...
RPMPackage python3-products-portaltransforms-3.2.2-2.lbn36.noarch
Introduction This Zope product provides two new tools for the CMF in order to make MIME types based transformations on the portal contents, and so an easy to way to plugin some new transformations for previously unsupported content types. The provided tools are:portal_transform (the transform tool) handle transformation of data from a mime type to anotherA bunch of ready to use transformations...