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RPMPackage erlang-sasl-R15B-03.2.lbn13.x86_64
The System Architecture Support Libraries is a set of tools for release upgrades and alarm handling etc.
RPMPackage erlang-sasl-R15B-01.4.fc18.1.armv6hl
The System Architecture Support Libraries is a set of tools for release upgrades and alarm handling etc.
RPMPackage erlang-runtime_tools-R15B-03.2.lbn13.x86_64
A set of tools to include in a production system.
RPMPackage erlang-runtime_tools-R15B-01.4.fc18.1.armv6hl
A set of tools to include in a production system.
RPMPackage erlang-rpm-macros-R13B-04.15.fc13.x86_64
Necessary macros for building Erlang.
RPMPackage erlang-reltool-R15B-03.2.lbn13.x86_64
Reltool is a release management tool. It analyses a given Erlang/OTP installation and determines various dependencies between applications. The graphical frontend depicts the dependencies and enables interactive customization of a target system. The backend provides a batch interface for generation of customized target systems.
RPMPackage erlang-reltool-R15B-01.4.fc18.1.armv6hl
Reltool is a release management tool. It analyses a given Erlang/OTP installation and determines various dependencies between applications. The graphical frontend depicts the dependencies and enables interactive customization of a target system. The backend provides a batch interface for generation of customized target systems.
RPMPackage erlang-public_key-R15B-03.2.lbn13.x86_64
API to public key infrastructure.
RPMPackage erlang-public_key-R15B-01.4.fc18.1.armv6hl
API to public key infrastructure.
RPMPackage erlang-protobuffs-0-0.6.20100930git58ff962.fc18.armv6hl
A set of Protocol Buffers tools and modules for Erlang applications.
RPMPackage erlang-protobuffs-0-0.4.20100930git58ff962.fc13.x86_64
A set of Protocol Buffers tools and modules for Erlang applications.
RPMPackage erlang-pman-R15B-03.2.lbn13.x86_64
A graphical process manager used to inspect Erlang processes.
RPMPackage erlang-pman-R15B-01.4.fc18.1.armv6hl
A graphical process manager used to inspect Erlang processes.
RPMPackage erlang-pgsql-0-9.20101203svn.fc18.1302260900kf.armv6hl
Library that gives possibility to Erlang programs to connect PostgreSQL databases by plain TCP and execute simple SQL statements.
RPMPackage erlang-pgsql-0-6.20101203svn.fc13.x86_64
Library that gives possibility to Erlang programs to connect PostgreSQL databases by plain TCP and execute simple SQL statements.
RPMPackage erlang-percept-R15B-03.2.lbn13.x86_64
A concurrency profiler tool.
RPMPackage erlang-percept-R15B-01.4.fc18.1.armv6hl
A concurrency profiler tool.
RPMPackage erlang-parsetools-R15B-03.2.lbn13.x86_64
A set of parsing and lexical analysis tools.
RPMPackage erlang-parsetools-R15B-01.4.fc18.1.armv6hl
A set of parsing and lexical analysis tools.
RPMPackage erlang-otp_mibs-R15B-03.2.lbn13.x86_64
SNMP management information base for Erlang/OTP nodes.