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RPMPackage rabbitmq-server-2.8.7-2.lbn13.noarch
RabbitMQ is an implementation of AMQP, the emerging standard for high performance enterprise messaging. The RabbitMQ server is a robust and scalable implementation of an AMQP broker.
RPMPackage ZenPacks.zenoss.NtpMonitor-4.2.5_2.2.0-1.lbn13.noarch
RPMPackage ZenPacks.zenoss.NNTPMonitor-4.2.5_1.1.0-1.lbn13.noarch
RPMPackage ZenPacks.zenoss.MySqlMonitor-4.2.5_3.0.4-4.lbn13.noarch
MySqlMonitor provides a method for pulling performance metrics from the MySQL database server ( directly into Zenoss without requiring the use of an agent. This is accomplished by utilizing the MySQL client library to connect to the database remotely. The following metrics will be collected and graphed for MySQL server. * Command Statistics (SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE) * Select Statistics (Scan, Range Check, Range Join, Full Join) * Handler Statistics (Keyed & Unkeyed Reads, Writes, Updates, Deletes) * Network Traffic (Received & Sent)
RPMPackage ZenPacks.zenoss.Microsoft.Windows-4.2.5_2.0.0.beta1-1.lbn13.noarch
This ZenPack provides support for monitoring Microsoft Windows. Monitoring is performed using the Windows Remote Management (WinRM) and Windows Remote Shell (WinRS) to collect Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) and perfmon data.
RPMPackage ZenPacks.zenoss.Memcached-4.2.5_1.0.0-1.lbn13.noarch
This ZenPack allows for monitoring of memcached. See the Usage section for details on what is monitored. This ZenPack previously existed as a commercial-only extension to Zenoss called ZenPacks.zenoss.MemcachedMonitor. Upon being released as open source its name was changed to better match today's standards. There already exists a very good community ZenPack for memcached by braudel. As far as I can see there is no compelling reason to use this version over that. Ultimately I'd like to see the ZenPacks come together to reduce confusion. At the time that this ZenPack was originally written, the community version didn't exist.
RPMPackage ZenPacks.zenoss.MSSQLServer-4.2.5_2.0.3-1.lbn13.noarch
MS SQL Server
RPMPackage ZenPacks.zenoss.MSMQMonitor-4.2.5_1.2.1-1.lbn13.noarch
MS Message Queue
RPMPackage ZenPacks.zenoss.MSExchange-4.2.5_2.0.4-1.lbn13.noarch
MS Exchange Monitoring
RPMPackage ZenPacks.zenoss.LinuxMonitor-4.2.5_1.2.1-1.lbn13.noarch
This ZenPack provides RRD templates and command parsers for monitoring Linux hosts.
RPMPackage ZenPacks.zenoss.LDAPMonitor-4.2.5_1.4.0-1.lbn13.noarch
ZenPacks.zenoss.LDAPMonitor monitors the response time of an LDAP server (in milliseconds).
RPMPackage ZenPacks.zenoss.JabberMonitor-4.2.5_1.1.0-1.lbn13.noarch
RPMPackage ZenPacks.zenoss.IRCDMonitor-4.2.5_1.1.0-1.lbn13.noarch
RPMPackage ZenPacks.zenoss.IISMonitor-4.2.5_2.0.2-1.lbn13.noarch
IISMonitor collects key metrics from Microsoft IIS. The metrics are collected using Windows Perfmon and require no agent to be installed on the IIS server. The following metrics will be collected and graphed for Microsoft IIS. * Connections Attempts * Throughput (Bytes & Files) * Requests (GET, HEAD, POST, CGI, ISAPI) Standard: GET, HEAD, POST, CGI, ISAPI WebDAV: PUT, COPY, MOVE, DELETE, OPTIONS, PROPFIND, PROPPATCH, MKCOL Other: SEARCH, TRACE, LOCK, UNLOCK Follow these steps to setup your IIS server to have this information collected. 1. Verify that your Zenoss Windows service account has access to the IIS server. Within Zenoss this is specified using zWinUser and zWinPassword. 2. Bind the IIS performance template to the IIS server device within Zenoss.
RPMPackage ZenPacks.zenoss.HttpMonitor-4.2.5_2.1.0-1.lbn13.noarch
ZenPacks.zenoss.HttpMonitor monitors connection response time to an HTTP server and determines whether specific content exists on a Web page.
RPMPackage ZenPacks.zenoss.HPMonitor-4.2.5_2.1.0-1.lbn13.noarch
HPMonitor provides custom modeling of devices running the HP/Compaq Insight Management Agents. It also contains hardware identification for HP proprietary hardware. The information is collected through the SNMP interface. The following information is modeled. * Hardware Model * Hardware Serial Number * Operating System * CPU Information (socket, speed, cache)
RPMPackage ZenPacks.zenoss.FtpMonitor-4.2.5_1.1.0-1.lbn13.noarch
RPMPackage ZenPacks.zenoss.EsxTop-4.2.5_1.1.0-1.lbn13.noarch
The VMWare ESX Server ZenPack for Core allows you to monitor ESX hosts and guests via VMWares EsxTop utility. The ZenPack uses the resxtop command to gather performance information about VMware Infrastructure ESX servers.
RPMPackage ZenPacks.zenoss.DnsMonitor-4.2.5_2.1.0-1.lbn13.noarch
RPMPackage ZenPacks.zenoss.DigMonitor-4.2.5_1.1.0-1.lbn13.noarch