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RPMPackage python-mxNumber-3.0.0-4.lbn13.x86_64
mxNumber provides a set of new numeric types which feature arbitrary of configurable precision. It uses the LGPLed GMP library as basis and makes its numeric functions easily accessible in Python via methods and standard operators.
RPMPackage python-mx-experimental-3.0.0-4.lbn13.x86_64
mxTidy and mxNumbers implementations
RPMPackage python-mx-devel-3.1.1-2.lbn13.x86_64
Development files for python-mx
RPMPackage python-mx-3.1.1-2.lbn13.x86_64
The mx extensions for Python are a collection of Python software tools which enhance Python's usability in many areas.
RPMPackage python-munin.zope-1.3.2-2.lbn13.noarch
Introduction ------------ This package provides munin plugins for monitoring various aspects of a Zope instance. It uses `gocept.munin`_ for plugin registration. Please refer to its documentation if you want to write new plugins. Bits of the code is based on plugins found at `munin exchange`_ (many thanks to Gaute Amundsen and Arthur Lutz). Plugins ------- Currently there are 4 plugins available: * "zopethreads" - reports free Zope threads * "zopecache" - reports database cache parameters * "zodbactivity" - reports ZODB activity * "zopememory" - reports Zope memory usage (only works on Linux) How to use it ------------- * First include the package in your buildout `instance` slot:: [instance] ... eggs = ... munin.zope zcml = ... munin.zope * To create the pluging helper script you'll also need to include the following, additional section and extend your `parts` definition:: [buildout] parts = ... munin [munin] recipe = zc.recipe.egg eggs = munin.zope arguments = http_address='${instance:http-address}', user='${instance:user}' The `arguments` option is used to pass configuration values to the generated helper script, which is then used as the actual munin plugin (see below). Any settings for `ip-address`, `http-address`, `port-base` and `user` given in the `instance` section should be repeated here, separated by commas. .. |---| unicode:: U+2014 .. em dash Please be aware, that the variable names use underscores instead of dashes here |---| the following list shows all supported settings and their respective default values: * ip_address='<ip-address>' ['localhost'] * http_address=<http-address> [8080] * port_base=<port-base> [0] * user=<user-credentials> [n.a.] Either literal values or references to the `instance` part can be used here, i.e. "http_address='${instance:http-address}', user='${instance:user}'". Please note that the resulting line will be verbosely copied into the generated `bin/munin` script, so the extra quoting is required. * When monitoring more than one Zope instance, i.e. in a ZEO setup, separate helper scripts need to be generated. In order to do so the `scripts` option of `zc.recipe.egg` can be used like so:: [buildout] parts = ... munin1 munin2 [munin1] recipe = zc.recipe.egg eggs = munin.zope scripts = munin=munin1 arguments = http_address='${instance1:http-address}', user='${instance1:user}' [munin2] recipe = zc.recipe.egg eggs = munin.zope scripts = munin=munin2 arguments = http_address='${instance2:http-address}', user='${instance2:user}' The necessary symlinks can then be created with each of the scripts in turn (see below). Please note, that in this case you should explicitly provide at least a differing `prefix` argument. * Now you should be able to call the plugins as follow:: http://localhost:8080/@@munin.zope.plugins/zopethreads Where `zopethreads` is you plugin name. Please note that for security reasons the view requires the `View management screens` permission. * Next you need to make symlinks from the helper script inside your buildout's `bin/` to the munin plugin directory. The helper script itself can assist you with this:: $ bin/munin install /opt/munin/etc/plugins [<prefix>] [<suffix>] This will install the necessary symlinks in the given directory using either the provided prefix and suffix or else the hostname and current directory to assemble their names (see below). Alternatively, you may also install the desired symlinks yourself:: $ cd /opt/munin/etc/plugins $ ln -s ~/zope/bin/munin company_zodbactivity_site1 Here `/opt/munin/etc/plugins` is your munin directory, `~/zope/` is the root directory of your buildout, `zodb_activity` the name of the plugin you want to enable, `company` a placeholder for an arbitrary prefix and `site1` the name which will be shown in munin. * Finally configure the plugin in munin (this step can be skipped if you have correctly set up the `arguments` option as described in step 2 above):: $ cd /opt/munin/etc/plugin-conf.d/ $ vi munin.zope.conf ... [company_*_site1] ... env.AUTH myuser:myuser ... env.URL http://localhost:8080/@@munin.zope.plugins/%s Here `myuser:myuser` are your Zope user credentials and `localhost:8080` your site url. Please check `munin`_ for more information about plugin configuration.
RPMPackage python-munin.plone-1.2-2.lbn13.noarch
Introduction ------------ This package provides munin plugins for monitoring various aspects of a Plone instance. It uses `gocept.munin`_ for plugin registration. Please refer to its documentation if you want to write new plugins. Plugins ------- Currently there is 1 plugin available: * "contentcreation" - reports content creation and modification taken from portal_catalog How to use it ------------- * First include the package in your buildout `instance` slot:: [instance] ... eggs = ... munin.plone zcml = ... munin.plone * To create the pluging helper script you'll also need to include the following, additional section and extend your `parts` definition:: [buildout] parts = ... munin [munin] recipe = zc.recipe.egg eggs = munin.plone arguments = http_address='${instance:http-address}', user='${instance:user}', plone='plone' The `arguments` option is used to pass configuration values to the generated helper script, which is then used as the actual munin plugin (see below). Any settings for `ip-address`, `http-address`, `port-base` and `user` given in the `instance` section should be repeated here, separated by commas. .. |---| unicode:: U+2014 .. em dash Please be aware, that the variable names use underscores instead of dashes here |---| the following list shows all supported settings and their respective default values: * ip_address='<ip-address>' ['localhost'] * http_address=<http-address> [8080] * port_base=<port-base> [0] * user=<user-credentials> [n.a.] * plone=<plone-site-id> ['plone'] Either literal values or references to the `instance` part can be used here, i.e. "http_address='${instance:http-address}', user='${instance:user}'". Please note that the resulting line will be verbosely copied into the generated `bin/munin` script, so the extra quoting is required. * Now you should be able to call the plugins as follow:: http://localhost:8080/plone/@@munin.plone.plugins/contentcreation Where `contentcreation` is you plugin name. Please note that for security reasons the view requires the `View management screens` permission. * Next you need to make symlinks from the helper script inside your buildout's `bin/` to the munin plugin directory. The helper script itself can assist you with this:: $ bin/munin install /opt/munin/etc/plugins [<prefix>] [<suffix>] This will install the necessary symlinks in the given directory using either the provided prefix and suffix or else the hostname and current directory to assemble their names (see below). Alternatively, you may also install the desired symlinks yourself:: $ cd /opt/munin/etc/plugins $ ln -s ~/zope/bin/munin company_contentcreation_site1 Here `/opt/munin/etc/plugins` is your munin directory, `~/zope/` is the root directory of your buildout, `contentcreation` the name of the plugin you want to enable, `company` a placeholder for an arbitrary prefix and `site1` the name which will be shown in munin. * Finally configure the plugin in munin (this step can be skipped if you have correctly set up the `arguments` option as described in step 2 above):: $ cd /opt/munin/etc/plugin-conf.d/ $ vi munin.plone.conf ... [company_*_site1] ... env.AUTH myuser:myuser ... env.URL http://localhost:8080/plone/@@munin.plone .plugins/%s Here `myuser:myuser` are your Zope user credentials and `localhost:8080` your site url. Please check `munin`_ for more information about plugin configuration.
RPMPackage python-munin.async-0.5-2.lbn13.noarch
This package provides munin plugins for monitoring zc.async queues. It uses gocept.munin for plugin registration and was based on munin.zope. Please refer to its documentation if you want to write new plugins. Plugins Currently there is 3 plugins available providing: * Size of the job queue and * Started jobs in the poll interval. * Successful jobs in the poll interval. * Failed jobs in the poll interval * Jobs with yet unknown state in the poll interval. and * time it took to run the longest successful job * time it took to run the shortest successful job * time it took to run the longest failed job * time it took to run the shortest failed job
RPMPackage python-mr.migrator-1.0.1-1.lbn13.noarch
Transmogrifier is a powerful tool for creating transformation processes called "pipelines". Transmogrifier gives you the tools to create and share these pipelines but doesn't provide an easy way to run the pipeline. Mr.migrator aims to bridge that gap. Mr.Migrator provides the following: * A buildout recipe with you can override a given pipeline and will also create a the commandline script to run the pipeline. * A commandline script with help which lets you run pipelines and see their progress. This is useful used in conjunction with transmogrify.ploneremote or other blueprints which don't need expect to be run inside the Plone process. * A Plone plugin which when installed lets you pick which pipeline you want to run, provides a form to override the pipeline options and then provides progress on the running pipeline. This is useful when you want to use blueprints which expect to be run inside the Plone process.
RPMPackage python-mr.developer-1.25-1.lbn13.noarch
RPMPackage python-mr.awsome-0.10-2.lbn13.noarch
A script allowing to setup Amazon EC2 instances through configuration files.
RPMPackage python-mr-1.25-1.lbn13.noarch
mr Python module/namespace base
RPMPackage python-mocker-1.1.1-2.lbn13.noarch
A Mocker instance is used to command recording and replaying of expectations on any number of mock objects
RPMPackage python-mglob-0.4-1.lbn13.noarch
Usable as stand-alone utility (for xargs, backticks etc.), or as a globbing library for own python programs. Some enhanced features are recursion, exclusion, and directory omission.
RPMPackage python-memcached-1.47-1.fc13.noarch
This software is a 100% Python interface to the memcached memory cache daemon. It is the client side software which allows storing values in one or more, possibly remote, memcached servers. Search google for memcached for more information.
RPMPackage python-meld3-0.6.7-6.fc18.armv6hl
meld3 is an HTML/XML templating system for Python 2.3+ which keeps template markup and dynamic rendering logic separate from one another. See for a treatise on the benefits of this pattern.
RPMPackage python-meld3-0.6.5-1.lbn13.x86_64
meld3 is an HTML/XML templating system for Python 2.3+ which keeps template markup and dynamic rendering logic separate from one another. See for a treatise on the benefits of this pattern.
RPMPackage python-mechanize-0.2.5-2.lbn13.noarch
Stateful programmatic web browsing.
RPMPackage python-matplotlib-tk-1.1.0-1.lbn13.x86_64
Tk backend for python-matplotlib
RPMPackage python-matplotlib-1.1.0-1.lbn13.x86_64
Matplotlib is a pure python plotting library with the goal of making publication quality plots using a syntax familiar to Matlab users. The library uses numpy for handling large data sets and supports a variety of output back-ends.
RPMPackage python-martian-0.14-2.lbn13.noarch
Martian is a library that allows the embedding of configuration information in Python code. Martian can then grok the system and do the appropriate configuration registrations. One example of a system that uses Martian is the system where it originated: Grok (