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RPMPackage python3-products-pluginregistry-1.11-1.lbn36.noarch
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RPMPackage python3-products-pluggableauthservice-2.8.1-1.lbn36.noarch
Products.PluggableAuthService :alt: Documentation Status
RPMPackage python3-products-plonetestcase-0.9.18-1.lbn36.noarch
PloneTestCase Integration testing framework for Plone Introduction PloneTestCase is a thin layer on top of the ZopeTestCase package. It has been developed to simplify testing of Plone-based applications and products.The PloneTestCase package provides -- The function installProduct to install a Zope product into the test environment.- The function installPackage to install a Python package...
RPMPackage python3-products-plonepas-6.0.8-1.lbn36.noarch
This product extends PluggableAuthService < (PAS) for use in Plone.It adds- group support - auto group assignment - support for mutable properties - cookie based login - local role support - password policy support - enhanced user objects - enhanced cmf tools (groups, members) - simple passwordpolicy - new event for users initial log inPlonePAS also adds the API of the old GroupUserFolder...
RPMPackage python3-products-ploneldap-1.2-2.lbn36.noarch
Introduction The PloneLDAP product is intended to make it easier to use LDAP connections in a Plone website. It builds upon the excellent LDAPMultiPlugins_ and LDAPUserFolder_ products which provide the basic LDAP infrastructure. For Plone 3.3 or higher, we recommend using for having a nicer user interface for using LDAP with Plone. This uses PloneLDAP... extra...
RPMPackage python3-products-plonelanguagetool-3.2.10-1.lbn36.noarch
PloneLanguageTool allows you to set the available languages in your Plone site, select various fallback mechanisms, and control the use of flags for language selection and translations.Credits PloneLanguageTool was built by:- Jodok Batlogg, "Solution2U": Simon Eisenmann, "Struktur AG": Geir Baekholt, "Jarn AS": Alexander Limi, "Jarn AS": Helge Tesdal, "Jarn AS": Dorneles Tremea, "Jarn AS":...
RPMPackage python3-products-placelesstranslationservice-2.0.7-1.lbn36.noarch
PlacelessTranslationService Copyright (C) 2001-2007 Lalo Martins <>, Zope Corporation and Contributors This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. See license.txt for more details....
RPMPackage python3-products-pdbdebugmode-2.0-1.lbn36.noarch
Products.PDBDebugMode Enable various PDB debugging when debug-modeon --When Zope is running in debug mode this product hooks PDB debugging into various parts of a Zope instance. Some additional Plone specific hooks are also included.Requirements This version of PDBDebugMode has been tested with Zope4 and Plone 5.2 in Python 2.7, 3.6 and 3.7For Zope 2 (until Plone 5.1) please use...
RPMPackage python3-products-passwordresettool-2.2.4-1.lbn36.noarch
The Password Reset Tool hooks into the standard mechanisms for password mailing provided by the CMF in the Registration Tool and certain skins and replaces this with a facility for resetting passwords with email authentication.This is useful not only to keep passwords out of cleartext email and is absolutely necessary if you choose to encrypt your passwords (and you should.)See the INSTALL.txt...
RPMPackage python3-products-ofolder-2.0.1-1.lbn36.noarch
An OFolder contains an ordered sequence of objects much like OrderedFolder. In addition, you can reorder the objects by assigning new order numbers (these are float values) and then press 'reorder'.History * OFolder now derives from OrderedFolder (instead of Folder) * OFolder now uses Manage properties to protect its manage_reorder (to be more in line with OrderedFolder) 1.0.1 * Zope 2.12...
RPMPackage python3-products-mimetypesregistry-2.1.9-1.lbn36.noarch
Mimetypes Registry Provide a registry of mimetypes, accessible via the mimetypes_registry tool. Upgrade from older versions If you want to use the updated mimetypes registry database from the version after 2.0.6 and you don't have important customizations you need to keep, just delete the old mimetypes_registry tool from ZMI and import all steps from the MimetypesRegistry profile. How to...
RPMPackage python3-products-membrane-6.0.0-1.lbn36.noarch
membrane is a set of PluggableAuthService (PAS) plug-ins that allow for the user-related behaviour and data (authentication, properties, roles, groups, etc.) to be obtained from content within a Plone site. It does not actually provide a full member implementation, it is intended to be a set of tools from which a full implementation can be constructed. It is meant to be flexible and pluggable,...
RPMPackage python3-products-marshall-2.4.1-1.lbn36.noarch
--People coming to Plone from other CMS or from no CMS at all often want to be able to bulk import existing content. There are also cases of sites which produce a high volume of content that needs to be published constantly.The easiest way to achieve the goal of allowing import/export of structured content currently is through introspectable schemas. Archetypes provides this right now....
RPMPackage python3-products-managableindex-2.1.5-1.lbn36.noarch
ManagableIndex Products.ManagableIndex is a framework for the easy construction of efficient, flexible, via the ZMI fully customizable indexes for Zope 2.11 (or above). It comes with a set of predefined indexes: Field, Keyword, Path, Range, Word and SimpleText index. Usually, they are more flexible and more efficient than the corresponding indexes from the Zope core.Products.ManagableIndex...
RPMPackage python3-products-mailhost-4.13-1.lbn36.noarch
RPMPackage python3-products-ldapuserfolder-4.0-1.lbn36.noarch
RPMPackage python3-products-ldapmultiplugins-4.0-1.lbn36.noarch
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RPMPackage python3-products-isurlinportal-1.2.1-1.lbn36.noarch
isURLInPortal patch for Plone This patches the isURLInPortal method in Plone. The method is in Products.CMFPlone/ in the URLTool class. Basic use in a page template is:: <a tal:define"url request/came_from" tal:attributes"href url" tal:condition"python:context.portal_url.isURLInPortal(url)"> This link is only shown when it is somewhere in the Plone portal.What does isURLInPortal do?...
RPMPackage python3-products-genericsetup-3.0.1-1.lbn36.noarch
RPMPackage python3-products-fatsyndication-1.0.1-3.lbn36.noarch
Products.fatsyndication Generic syndication support for Archetypes content. For supported feed types see package Products.basesyndication. Changelog for Products.fatsyndication 1.0.1 - let the egg depend on 'Products.basesyndication'; fixes Quills issue 190 (r85361)1.0.0 (rev. 85110) - updated egg metadata, package description and history (r85095, r83999)- set translation domain for ZCML...