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RPMPackage collective.zopeedit-1.0.0-2.lbn13.noarch
ZopeEdit : External Editor Client
RPMPackage collective.z3cform.datetimewidget-1.2.6-1.lbn13.noarch
z3c.form date and datetime widgets
RPMPackage collective.z3cform.datagridfield-demo-0.5-2.lbn13.noarch
This package provides the demo views for collective.z3cform.datagridfield. Examples of configurations are in the demo folder. Once you install this package, the demo views will be visible on your site. * http://localhost:8080/Plone/@@demo-collective.z3cform.datagrid
RPMPackage collective.z3cform.datagridfield-0.11-2.lbn13.noarch
Version of DataGridField for use with Dexterity / z3c.form
RPMPackage collective.z3cform.colorpicker-1.1-1.lbn13.noarch
collective.z3cform.colorpicker provides two different jQuery based widgets: Farbtastic, a simple color picker. jPicker, a jQuery Color Picker Plugin supporting transparency.
RPMPackage collective.xmltestreport-1.3.1-1.lbn13.noarch
This package provides an extension to the test runner to the one that ships with zope.testrunner, as well as a buildout recipe based on zc.recipe.testrunner to install a test script for this test runner. The test runner is identical to the one in zope.testrunner, but it is capable of writing test reports in the XML format output by JUnit/Ant. This allows the test results to be analysed by tools such as the Jenkins continuous integration server. The recipe accepts the same options as zc.recipe.testrunner, so look at its documentation for details. When buildout is run, you should have a script in bin/test and a directory parts/test. To run the tests, use the bin/test script. If you pass the --xml option, test reports will be written to parts/test/testreports directory: $ bin/test --xml -s my.package Use bin/test --help for a full list of options. If you are using Jenkins, you can now configure the build to publish JUnit test reports for <buildoutdir>/parts/test/testreports/*.xml.
RPMPackage collective.usernamelogger-1.2-2.lbn13.noarch
Log user names when using cookie authentication in Zope/Plone.
RPMPackage collective.uploadify-1.1-1.lbn13.noarch
Multifileupload for Plone using uploadify Usage After install, go to http://your-plone-site/@@upload
RPMPackage collective.twitter.portlets-1.0b3-1.lbn13.noarch
Usage Twitter profile portlet * Add a "Twitter profile Portlet" wherever you want. * Enter a header (if you want one). * Choose the Twitter account to use from the drop-down (see Prerequisites). * Enter the user you want to get the feed from. (username can be with @ or not). * Mark the checkbox for showing the avatars next to the username, or leave it unmarked for not. * Choose the maximum results you want to show each time. Twitter search portlet * Add a "Twitter search Portlet" wherever you want. * Enter a header (if you want one). * Choose the Twitter account to use from the drop-down (see Prerequisites). * Enter the search string you want to use. * Mark the checkbox for showing the avatars next to the username, or leave it unmarked for not. * Choose the maximum results you want to show each time. Extras From any portlet, you can: * Click on a "#" starting word (hashtag) to go to Twitter and get further results * Click on an "@" starting word (usernames) to go to the user profile in Twitter.
RPMPackage collective.twitter.action-1.0.1-2.lbn13.noarch
Introduction This product provides a content rule action that will tweet an object's title and a short URL for it. Usage Simply add this product to your buildout and the new action should be available. You need to have at least one twitter account authorized for the current site, to do so, read the documentation for a dependency of this package
RPMPackage collective.twitter.accounts-1.0.1-2.lbn13.noarch
Introduction This product allows you to add twitter accounts to a Plone site. It uses oAuth authentication. Usage * Go to the "Site Setup", then to the "Twitter" tool. * Choose wether to use Plone's default twitter application (PloneTweet) or a custom one. * If you choose to use a custom Twitter application, enter your consumer key and secret for it * Click on "Request twitter token" * A new link should've appeared below "Allow permission to your account". Click it in order to allow the app to use your Twitter account * Copy the given token into the "Token" input field. * Click "Add" * If something went wrong, you need to click on "Request twitter token" and the following link to get a new token and try again. Done. If you want to remove an account, simply click on its red cross next to its name. Be carefull, it will delete the account without confirmation, and it cannot be undone. Twitter Applications In order to allow external access to a twitter account, you need to register an "Application" in There's already a "PloneTweet" application registered that can be used, but if you want to use your own, just regiter it there. Actually posting or getting to/from Twitter This product just saves the needed data in order to post tweets or read them. You'll need additional products in order to do so, for example
RPMPackage collective.transmogrifier-1.4-1.lbn13.noarch
A configurable pipeline, aimed at transforming content for import and export A "transmogrifier pipeline" refers to a description of a set of pipe sections, slotted together in a set order. The stated goal is for these sections to transform data and ultimately add content to a Plone site based on this data. Sections deal with tasks such as sourcing the data (from textfiles, databases, etc.) and characterset conversion, through to determining portal type, location and workflow state. Note that a transmogrifier pipeline can be used to process any number of things, and is not specific to Plone content import. However, it's original intent is to provide a pluggable way to import legacy content.
RPMPackage collective.testcaselayer-1.6-1.lbn13.noarch
Use test cases as zope.testing layers
RPMPackage collective.templateengines-0.3.4-2.lbn13.noarch
collective.templateengines is an template engine abstraction layer for Python. It defines generic Zope interfaces for communicating with various Python template engines to achieve higher code reuse value. This package is still much in development. All contributions and comments are welcome. Features collective.templateengines helps you to achieve * Easy, pluggable, template language switching. Write template tag code only once and use it across all template engines using abstracted tag plug-ings * Clean your codebase from template engine dependencies * Generic error and warning reporting mechanism across template engines * EGG deployment and easy_install support from PyPi repository * Interfaces defined using standard Zope interfaces package * Backends for Django template Language, Cheetah and Jinja2 * Unit tests
RPMPackage collective.sylvester-0.2-2.lbn13.noarch
collective.sylvester (Sylvester for short) is a twitter client for Plone. It aims to make tweeting and twitter account management available from within a Plone site. Overview ======== Sylvester has a pluggable dashboard. All other views are loaded via ajax into the dashboard. These pages are currently available: - The main feed. Eerily similar to the homepage on - Friends page. Shows people your are following as tiled portlets. - Replies. Shows messages where you are mentioned. These actions are currently available: - Publish to twitter. Tweet about Plone content on twitter. The URL is shortened by - A "Twitter Dashboard" link appears in your personal bar.
RPMPackage collective.sugarcrm-1.2-1.lbn13.noarch
Introduction SugarCRM is an open-source software-solution vendor which produces the Sugar Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system. This add-on provide components to use SugarCRM in Plone. Status Useable in production tests Integration tests are run with a trial URL If it is not available, please fill the demand for a new demo at and export the URL into environnement: export SUGARCRM_SOAP_URL="NEW TRIAL URL" you can exclude integration tests with sugarcrm by using use ./bin/test -t UnitTest Components pasplugin A PAS plugin has been implemented. You can logged into Plone with sugarcrm credentials. webservice suds has been used to provide a simple api over soap's sugarcrm. >>> webservice = ISugarCRM(context) >>> results ='JeanMichel') source z3c.formwidget.query.interfaces.IQuerySource for contacts and accounts are provided. password A utility is available to crypt password for using with webservice (sic) portlet contact With a condition on installed, it provides a backend from your sugarCRM contact address book to the contact portlet
RPMPackage collective.splashdancing-1.1a-3.lbn13.noarch
SplashDancing aka Sensible Defaults Aims to add some "sensible defaults" to the Singing And Dancing Product The features include: ------------------------ - pictures sent with news items - A control panel for "zapping" HTML ids and classes that should not show up in newsletters More detail ------------------ This product registers an adapter for the Singing and Dancing newsletter product that detects if a news item has a picture and sends the picture along with the news item. It also provides a "through the web" (TTW), control panel where a user can list ids and classes that should not be sent in a newsletter. An Out of the box S&D newsletter does not allow newsitems to "travel" with their pictures and instead has a very basic representation of newsitems.
RPMPackage collective.solr-3.0b5-2.lbn13.noarch
collective.solr integrates the Solr search engine with Plone. Apache Solr is based on Lucene and is the enterprise open source search engine. It powers the search of sites like Twitter, the Apple and iTunes Stores, Wikipedia, Netflix and many more. Solr does not only scale to any level of content, but provides rich search functionality, like facetting, geospatial search, suggestions, spelling corrections, indexing of binary formats and a whole variety of powerful tools to configure custom search solutions. It has integrated clustering and load-balancing to provide a high level of robustness. collective.solr comes with a default configuration and setup of Solr that makes it extremely easy to get started, yet provides a vastly superior search quality compared to Plone's integrated text search based on ZCTextIndex.
RPMPackage collective.singing-0.7.1-3.lbn13.noarch
Singing is a Zope 3 library for sending notifications and newsletters.
RPMPackage collective.recipe.template-1.10-1.lbn13.noarch
Buildout recipe to generate a text file from a template