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RPMPackage collective.monkeypatcher-1.0.1-1.lbn13.noarch
Sometimes, a monkey patch is a necessary evil. This package makes it easier to apply a monkey patch during Zope startup. It uses the ZCML configuration machinery to ensure that patches are loaded "late" in the startup cycle, so that the original code has had time to be fully initialised and configured. This is similar to using the `initialize()` method in a product's, except it does not require that the package be a full-blown Zope 2 product with a persistent Control_Panel entry. Applying a monkey patch ======================= Here's an example:: <configure xmlns="" xmlns:monkey="" i18n_domain="collective.monkeypatcher"> <include package="collective.monkeypatcher" /> <monkey:patch description="This works around issue http://some.tracker.tld/ticket/123" class="Products.CMFPlone.CatalogTool.CatalogTool" original="searchResults" replacement=".catalog.patchedSearchResults" /> </configure> In this example, we patch Plone's CatalogTool's searchResults() function, replacing it with our own version in To patch a module level function, you can use `module` instead of `class`. The original class and function/method name and the replacement symbol will be checked to ensure that they actually exist. If patching happens too soon (or too late), use the `order` attribute to specify a higher (later) or lower (earlier) number. The default is 1000. By default, `DocFinderTab <>`_ and other TTW API browsers will emphasize the monkey patched methods/functions, appending the docstring with "Monkey patched with 'my.monkeypatched.function'". If you don't want this, you could set the `docstringWarning` attribute to `false`. If you want to do more than just replace one function with another, you can provide your own patcher function via the `handler` attribute. This should be a callable like:: def apply_patch(scope, original, replacement): ... Here, `scope` is the class/module that was specified. `original` is the string name of the function to replace, and `replacement` is the replacement function. Full list of options: - ``class`` The class being patched - ``module`` The module being patched - ``handler`` A function to perform the patching. Must take three parameters: class/module, original (string), and replacement - ``original`` Method or function to replace - ``replacement`` Method to function to replace with - ``preservedoc`` Preserve docstrings? - ``preserveOriginal`` Preserve the original function so that it is reachable view prefix _old_. Only works for default handler - ``preconditions`` Preconditions (multiple, separated by space) to be satisified before applying this patch. Example: Products.LinguaPlone-=1.4.3 or Products.TextIndexNG3+=3.3.0 - ``preserveOriginal`` Preserve the original function so that it is reachable view prefix _old_. Only works for default handler - ``preconditions`` Preconditions (multiple, separated by space) to be satisified before applying this patch. Example: Products.LinguaPlone-=1.4.3 or Products.TextIndexNG3+=3.3.0 - ``ignoreOriginal`` Ignore if the orginal function isn't present on the class/module being patched - ``docstringWarning`` Add monkey patch warning in docstring - ``description`` Some comments about your monkey patch - ``order`` Execution order Handling monkey patches events ============================== Applying a monkey patch fires an event. See the `` module. If you to handle such event add this ZCML bunch:: ... <subscriber for="collective.monkeypatcher.interfaces.IMonkeyPatchEvent" handler="" /> ... And add such Python:: def myHandler(event): """see collective.monkeypatcher.interfaces.IMonkeyPatchEvent""" ...
RPMPackage collective.localrolesdatatables-1.0.1-1.lbn13.noarch
Once the addon is installed you have a controlpanel that provide a direct access to @@localrolesdatatables_catalog_view view where you can see every localroles of every content types. Because it use jquery datatbles you can search and filter per content / users / content type. This view use the portal_catalog, and build a query using the context path. So if you want to have a report with only a folder (for an extranet) you just have to call the view on this folder: mysite/extranet/@@localrolesdatatables_catalog_view
RPMPackage collective.lineage-1.0.1-2.lbn13.noarch
Lineage is a Plone product that allows subfolders of a Plone site to appear as autonomous Plone sites to the everyday user. This hub and spoke structure allows site administrators to easily manage multiple, seemingly independent, sub-entity websites in one Plone. Furthermore, the "parent" site can access and view the content in all the "child" sites while the child sites only view their own content. The parent site can also syndicate chosen content to the selected child sites. Lineage is less complex and easier to manage than a cluster of nested Plone sites but gives users all the same benefits. Lineage can be used within a large organization to manage multiple microsites, such as school district sites, university departments, corporate product sites, public library satellites, professional association events, and more.
RPMPackage collective.lastlogin-0.1-3.lbn13.noarch
Introduction With this package it's easy to get a list of the users of a Plone site and the last time they logged in. This package has been developed for a customer of Zest Software to get an overview of active users. Only a minimal version was required and that's exactly what this is. Usage The easiest way to use this package is to include it in your buildout configuration. Then go to <plone_site>/@@lastlogin to get a list of Plone users and the last time they logged in.
RPMPackage collective.jsonmigrator-0.2-2.lbn13.noarch
collective.jsonmigrator is a ready tool for you to migrate from old Plone sites (2.0, 2.1, 2.5) to new Plone 4.0 (or higher). Its based extensivly collective.transmogrifier and custom blueprints avaliable. What makes it different from other migration tools is that is fully documented and proven to work on lots of migration projects. Real beauty of it lays in ability to easily customize it and extend to support all your custom content types that you are using.
RPMPackage collective.jsonify-0.1-4.lbn13.noarch
collective.jsonify exports your Plone content to JSON. Many packages that export data from Plone have complicated dependencies, and so only work with Plone 3.0 or higher (or not even with 3.0). collective.jsonify's only dependency is simplejson. It can be installed in any Plone version, probably as far back as Plone 2.0 (not tested!). The exported JSON is a collective.transmogrifier friendly format. Install collective.jsonify on a site you want to export from, and setup an import transmogrifier pipeline on the site you're importing to, using the blueprints in the collective.jsonmigrator package. The @@jsonify BrowserView is also available with actions: query, list, get: Parameters are important. Here are some interesting examples: - ACTION = QUERY : get MODIFIED (from date - to date) objects ?action=query &portal_type=my_at_or_dexterity_type &show_inactive=True &modified:list:date=2013-01-01 &modified:list:date=2013-03-01 &modified_usage=range:min:max MORE: if "available" parameter is added, it returns the NUMBER of objects the query returned, NULL if no returns MORE: "send_bin" parameter is "False" by default. You can change this by passing "send_bin=True" MORE: "absolute_urls" parameter is "True" by default. You can change this by passing "absolute_urls=False" IMPORTANT: "path" parameter is not needed: is always considered in the query, from URL path - ACTION = LIST : COMPACT LIST OF LIVE OBJECTS Why should I get it? Because by comparing it with the objects list in your mobile APP, you can have an evidence of DELETED objects. What is returned: [{"uid":value,"path":value}] What you cannot get: when an object has been deleted. * BINARY FIELDS: - binary fields names starts with "_datafield_" and are exported as dictionary, so you can download data separatly. Example: An Image field called "photo" from a custom Archetype content is exported as: "_datafield_photo": "{\"filename\": \"alpino-pizzeria.jpg\", \"data\": \" \", \"content_type\": \"image/jpeg\", \"size\": 55536, "md5": "fa2b0abcf540d2dde71d68071140a803"}"
RPMPackage collective.js.ui.multiselect-1.0-1.lbn13.noarch
This package turns HTML multiple select fields into a fancy widget. It integrates the jQuery UI multiselect plugin into plone. jQuery UI multiselect The plugin and a demo is located at The plugin is published under the MIT license, this package is released under GPL2.
RPMPackage collective.js.throttledebounce-1.1-2.lbn13.noarch
jQuery throttle / debounce allows you to rate-limit your functions in multiple useful ways. See: Current plugin version: jQuery throttle / debounce - v1.1 - 3/7/2010
RPMPackage text/h323 collective.js.showmore-1.0a4-2.lbn13.noarch
collective.js.showmore provides a JQuery plugin. The plugin hides a set of nodes and replaces them with a "Show more..." link. When the link is clicked, the hidden nodes are made visible again.
RPMPackage collective.js.nivoslider-
Integration of nivoslider in Plone This version include nivoslider v3.0.1 (first responsive version) It is used by collective.plonetruegallery
RPMPackage collective.js.nivogallery-1.0-1.lbn13.noarch
Integration of nivogallery in Plone4(tested) and Plone3 (untested). This version include nivogallery v0.7.1 It was made for using it with collective.plonetruegallery
RPMPackage collective.js.jqueryui-1.10.3-1.lbn13.noarch
Integration of jqueryui in Plone, like collective.js.jquery. It is different from collective.jqueryui in many ways: * no skin dirs (js and css are in resource dirs) * no all the bunch of files and documentations from original jqueryui * this one is minified * just add all jqueryui to portal_js, and default css to portal_css (if you apply the profile) Notes ===== There are three profiles in this package: - ``default``: use this one with Plone 3.2/3.3 if you don't use It will replace the jQuery version in Plone by the one included in collective.js.jquery because Plone <= 3.3rc2 include an old version of jQuery (1.2) and jqueryui 1.7 requires jQuery 1.3+. - ``withjqtoolsplone3``: use this one if you include yourself in a Plone 3.2, this profile installs a jqueryui library without the tabs plugin which conflicts with It will replace the jQuery version in Plone by the one included in collective.js.jquery. - ``withjqtools``: use this one if you use Plone 3.3/4. It will keep the jQuery version included in Plone and is compatible with You need to include yourself on Plone 3.3.
RPMPackage collective.js.jquery-
collective.js.jquery is a simple packaging of the jQuery library that uses setuptools for version selection and adds as a Zope browser resource. If CMF/Plone is available it is also added to the JavaScript registry.
RPMPackage collective.js.galleria-1.2.5-1.lbn13.noarch
This addon register Galleria JQuery plugin in Plone's resource registries. About Galleria Galleria is a JavaScript image gallery framework built on top of the jQuery library. The aim is to simplify the process of creating professional image galleries for the web and mobile devices. How to install This addon can be installed as any other Plone addon. Please follow official documentation. Have an idea? Found a bug? Let us know by opening a support ticket. Notes Galleria in its way to manage theme parse all link tags to find the css attached to the theme. To make it work in production mode you must add themes javascript and css called by the template. // look for manually added CSS $('link').each(function( i, link ) { reg = new RegExp( theme.css.replace('\+\+resource\+\+','\\+\\+resource\\+\\+') ); if ( reg.test( link.href ) ) { // we found the css css = true; Galleria.theme = theme; return false; } }); As you can see the original code has been patched to support ++resource++ url.
RPMPackage collective.js.fullcalendar-1.6.4-1.lbn13.noarch
This package include javascripts and css resources from arshaw fullcalendar. It does not provide any view or template. Is meant to be used as dependecy for building your own calendar views. Tested with Plone 3.3.5/4.0.
RPMPackage collective.js.datatables-2.0-1.lbn13.noarch
DataTables is a plug-in for the jQuery Javascript library. It is a highly flexible tool, based upon the principle of progressive enhancement, which will add advanced interaction controls to any HTML table. This version includes datatables 1.9.4 without the examples available in the source distribution of the plugin. It is provided with an @@example.datatables view. Install A genericsetup profile is provided to add jquery.dataTables to portal_javascript in a non-minified version with compression option set to safe. Key features of jquery.dataTables * Variable-length pagination * On-the-fly filtering * Multi-column sorting with data type detection * Smart handling of column widths * Display data from almost any data source * Scrolling options for table viewport * Fully internationalisable * jQueryUI ThemeRoller support * Rock solid - backed by a suite of 1400+ unit tests * Wide variety of plug-ins inc. TableTools, FixedHeader and KeyTable * It's free! * State saving * Hidden columns * Dynamic creation of tables * Ajax auto-loading of data * Custom DOM positioning * Single-column filtering * Alternative pagination types * Non-destructive DOM interaction * Sorting column(s) highlighting * Extensive plug-in support * Fully themeable by CSS * Solid documentation * 60+ pre-built examples * Full support for Adobe AIR * Source available at github Plugins This addon embed extras plugins: * AutoFill 1.1.2 * ColReorder 1.0.5 * ColVis 1.0.7 * FixedColumns 2.0.3 * FixedHeader 2.0.6 * KeyTable 1.1.7 * Scroller 1.0.1 * TableTools 2.0.3 How to use tabletools First include dependencies in your template, or register theses in portal_javascripts: <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" href="++resource++jquery.datatables/media/css/jquery.dataTables.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" href="++resource++jquery.datatables/extras/TableTools/media/css/TableTools.css"> <script type="text/javascript" src="++resource++jquery.datatables.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="++resource++jquery.datatables/extras/TableTools/media/js/ZeroClipboard.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="++resource++jquery.datatables/extras/TableTools/media/js/TableTools.js"></script> <style type="text/css">.clear{clear:both}</style> Next you can create your datatable: var oTable = $('#mydatatable').dataTable({ "sDom": 'T<"clear">lfrtip', "oTableTools": {"sSwfPath": "++resource++jquery.datatables/extras/TableTools/media/swf/copy_csv_xls_pdf.swf"} });
RPMPackage collective.js.d3-
D3.js is a JavaScript library for manipulating documents based on data. D3 helps you bring data to life using HTML, SVG and CSS. D3’s emphasis on web standards gives you the full capabilities of modern browsers without tying yourself to a proprietary framework, combining powerful visualization components and a data-driven approach to DOM manipulation. This products integrates D3.js library in Plone.
RPMPackage collective.js.colorpicker-1.0-2.lbn13.noarch
This product is an integration of JQuery Colorpicker plugin for Plone. Installation This isn't a standalone product. If you need colorpicker jquery plugin for your needs in a plone package, just add collective.js.jquery in the install_requires of your product. And add your own javascript code setting colorpicker on your input.
RPMPackage collective.js-
collective.js module
RPMPackage collective.jqueryuithememanager-1.0-2.lbn13.noarch
This add-on let you manage the jqueryui theme used in Plone. Features: * Import a theme from a zip file built on * Import multiple themes from a zip file * Create or modify themes within the control panel * Load all default jqueryui themes in one click in the control panel * Delete selected themes * Update themes * External add-on can embed themes within a zope browser resource directory * Select a theme