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This package contains various visual components for Plone, such as viewlets and general views.
RPMPackage adds and some related overlay and form-handling JavaScript libraries to Plone. was developed for Plone 4. Earlier versions could be used in Plone 3.x by adding a zcml slug and running its GS Setup extension profile. This version requires Plone 4.x. Plone developers will wish to use to provide DOM popups, particularly if they require AJAX. There is extensive support for AJAX form posting. It's also useful for adding dateinput and forminput widgets that are HTML5 compatible. The AJAX and AJAX-form support is Plone-specific, and is documented in this module. Dateinput, rangeinput, accordions, and tooltips are all unchanged from jquerytools, and the jquerytools docs should be consulted.
RPMPackage adds jquery library to Plone. Version numbers of the package is the same as the jQuery library + packaging version.
iterate is a plone product that allows one to utilize a checkin / checkout procedure for content editing. It integrates in versioning, locking, and utilizes zope3 technology like adapters and events to allow for easy customization. Features -------- - versioning utilizing cmf editions - locking using zope dav locks - pluggable behavior for policies via adapters - observable behavior via events - specialized handling for archetypes references - simple, clean integration with the plone user interface Use Cases --------- iterate was designed to solve/enable the following use cases. Collaborative Document Editing Scenario ======================================= Workgroup or person working on a document, the ability to checkout and lock a document allows for a editing cycle, without concern of overwrites, and with an audit trail of versions. Publish/Modify/Review Cycles on a CMS ===================================== A common theme in content management, is publishing a web document, and then needing to revise it but not to change the published web content, till the modified document has undergone a review cycle. Iterate Lifecycle via the User Interface ---------------------------------------- iterate integrates with the plone user interface mainly through the actions menu. it adds three conditional actions to the menu.. checkout, checkin, and cancel checkout. checkout form ============= on this form a user is asked to which location they wish to checkout the current content, the vocabulary of checkouts is overridable via template customization and is currently the current folder, and the user's home folder. if the content is not yet versioned, versioning is applied and a new version is created before the checkout is performed. an adapter is utilized to perform the checkout mechanics and an object lifecycle event is generated with the baseline ( origin ) and checkout as attributes. the adapter is responsible for effecting a copy of the content to the checkout location and taking a lock on the origin content. whether this form and action are active on a given piece of content depends on the iterate policy adapter found for this content. checkouts have some system additional properties, versioning and workflow. they can be versioned independently of the baseline, with only changes from the latest version being merged into the baseline on checkin. they can undergoe separate workflows different from the baseline content. (this last feature requires some customization see docs/workflow.rst ). checkout status form ==================== visually checkouts are distinguished by an extra document icon (next to sendto, and rss links). clicking on this icon will lead to a checkout status page. which allows for looking at information regarding the checkout itself, such as when the checkout was performed and by whom. checkin form ============ a user is asked for a checkin message. on checkin the working copy is merged into the baseline, and a new version of the baseline is created, and the baseline is unlocked. cancel checkout =============== a confirmation dialog is displayed, if the checkout is canceled the working copy is destroyed, and the baseline is unlocked.
Installation and migration support for five.intid within Plone/CMF
User-configurable, blob-aware image scaling for Plone.
Plone specific i18n extensions.
This package enables zope.formlib forms to work in Zope 2 code, styled to look like Plone forms. Note that developers should use zope.formlib directly, not Products.Five.formlib.
Overview This package provides base classes for folderish Archetypes / ATContentTypes content types based on B-trees, a.k.a. "large folders" in Plone. Storing content in such folders provides significant performance benefits over regular folders. The package only contains the integration layer for the base class provided by plone.folder, however. Please see there for more detailed information. Caveats If you are using in your product you may notice that PloneTestCase will fail to setup a Plone site for your functional tests. This can be resolved by adding this line to your functional test source: from import bbb
RPMPackage is the calendaring framework for Plone. It provides Dexterity behaviors and an Archetypes type, Timezone support, RFC5545 icalendar export, Recurrence support, event views and a lot more. For a Dexterity event type using, use 1.1 or newer.
RPMPackage implements services for managing auto-saved content drafts in Plone. This addresses two problems: * If the browser is accidentally closed or crashes whilst a page is being edited, all changes are lost. * Some data may need to be managed asynchronously, e.g. via a pop-up dialogue box in the visual editor. This data should not be saved until the form is saved (and in the case of an add form, it is impossible to do so). The former problem pertains to any content add or edit form. The latter applies in particular to the "tiles" model as implemented by and its dependencies.
RPMPackage replaces the old commenting system in Plone 4.1 and is also available as an add-on product for Plone 3 and 4.
Dexterity is a content type framework for CMF applications, with particular emphasis on Plone. It can be viewed as an alternative to Archetypes that is more light-weight and modular.
Debug toolbar for Plone
This package integrates five.customerize_ into Plone, which enables site administrators to customize templates used for five/zope3-style views, viewlets and portlets through the web via the ZMI in a way similar to overriding filesystem-based skin elements via the portal skin "customize" procedure.
This package provides various control panels for Plone and some infrastrucuture to make it as easy as possible to create those with the help of zope.formlib. The general approach taken is to re-use as much of formlib as possible. This lead to the decision to use formlib's EditForm's functionality, as these provide the most automation found in formlib today. As a result of this decision we needed to take a slightly unconventional approach as EditForm's only work on one single context, as they are targeted at editing content objects, which usually are available as one context only. Control panels on the other side most commonly present settings from various sources and group these in a user-friendly way. In order to still be able to use EditForm's we introduce one abstract adapter as a middleware layer per control panel, that is used as the one context formlib's EditForm's need but internally pulls in the various settings from all the possible sources and pushes them back to the right places again. Following this approach a control panel consists of at least three classes: - An interface that describes the settings to be available in the control panel with the help of zope.schema. This gives us automatic type checking and some other basic validation of the settings. It also lets us specify vocabularies to be used for Choice-type properties. - An adapter implementing the above interface, exposing all the different settings as properties. As we don't want to have those control panels available all over the place, we restrict them to adapt the 'IPloneSiteRoot' only. Sometimes we use the 'SchemaAdapterBase' class from CMFDefault.formlib and the property wrapper 'ProxyFieldProperty' to automatically convert the values found in our site to the types expected by formlib and vica versa. For example we often need to store tuples while formlib expects sets, store encoded strings in site encoding rather than unicode or use Zope2's DateTime class instead of Python's datetime package. - And finally the form itself. We can use the common base class 'ControlPanelForm' to provide us with a consistent look and feel for all control panels. This is accomplished by using the '' template. For most cases this should be the only template that needs to be written. The 'ControlPanelForm' also provides us with two common actions and as a side effect overrides the 'handle_edit_action' in a Zope2-compatible way, where the default implementation needs the current locale to be present as part of the REQUEST, which is not the case in a Zope2 environment so far. The form is also the place to specify custom widgets for some properties. There are some custom widgets available in the module in this package. While the above-mentioned works pretty well for simple cases it is not yet clear if it will work for complex control panels in the same way. Especially forms that use a multitude of actions (for example user/group management) or consist of more than one 'tab' (for example kupu but also smart folder settings) are not easily implemented so far. Hopefully we will be able to provide common helper classes and templates for those complex cases as well, though.
Introduction offers default content types for Plone based on Dexterity. This package replaces Products.ATContenttypes and will provide the default-types in Plone 5. It contains the following types: Folder Document News item File Image Link Event (Using behaviors from Collection (this already replaces which is no longer needed then) The main difference from a users perspective is that these types are extendable through-the-web. This means you can add or remove fields and behaviors using the control-panel "Dexterity Content Types" (/@@dexterity-types). The aim is to mimick the default-types as closely as possible. has been merged into the Plone 5.0 branch and will be shipped with the next Plone release: Warning: Using on a site with existing content requires migrating the sites content. Please see the chapter "Migration". It can be used on a new site without problems. Compatibility Version 1.1b1 is tested with Plone 4.3.x. The versions 1.1.x will stay compatible with Plone 4.3.x. For support of Plone 4.1 and 4.2 please use version 1.0.x. Please note that they do not provide the full functionality. The future versions 1.2.x will be compatible with Plone 5 only and add support for Installation Add this line in the eggs section of your buildout.cfg eggs = ... If you have a Plone site with mixed Archetypes and Dexterity content use the extra requirement atrefs. eggs = ... [atrefs] This will also install the package that allows you to reference dexterity-based content from archetypes-based content. You will have to enable the behavior for all types that need to be referenced by Archetypes-content. What happens to existing content? If you install in a existing site all Archetypes-based content of the default types still exists and can be viewed but can't be edited. On installation removes the type-definitions for the old default-types like this: <object name="Document" remove="True" /> They are then replaced by new Definitions: <object meta_type="Dexterity FTI" name="Document" /> To make the existing content editable again you need to migrate it to Dexterity (please see the section on migration) or uninstall (see the section on uninstalling). Archetypes-based content provided by add-ons (e.g. Products.PloneFormGen) will still work since only the default-types are replaced. If you install on a fresh site (i.e. when no content has been edited or added) the usual default-content (Events, News, Members...) will be created as dexterity-content. Uninstalling To remove and return full functionality to old content and restore the AT-based default-types you have to install the import step "Types Tool" of the current base profile. Follow the following steps: in the ZMI navigate to portal_setup and the tab "import" in "Select Profile or Snapshot" leave "Current base profile (<Name of your Plonesite>)" selected. This is usually Products.CMFPlone select the Types Tool (usually Step 44) click "import selected steps" Any content you created based on will not be editable until you reinstall Dependencies >= 2.0.7. Dexterity is shipped with Plone 4.3.x. Version pinns for Dexterity are included in Plone 4.2.x. For Plone 4.1.x you need to pin the correct version for Dexterity in your buildout. See Installing Dexterity on older versions of Plone. plone.dexterity >= 2.2.1. Olders version of plone.dexterity break the rss-views because uses behaviors for the richtext-fields. >= 1.1b1. This provides the behaviors used for the event-type. >= 2.5a1. In older version the event-portlet will not work with the new event-type. These are the version-pinns for Plone 4.3.3: [buildout] versions = versions [versions] = 1.1b1 = 2.5a1 Plone-versions before 4.3.3 need to pinn more packages: [buildout] versions = versions [versions] plone.dexterity = 2.2.1 = 2.0.11 plone.schemaeditor = 1.3.5 = 1.1b1 = 2.5a1 Migration To migrate your existing content from Archetypes to Dexterity use the form at /@@atct_migrator. For migrations to work you need at least Products.contentmigration = 2.1.3 (part of Plone since Plone 4.2.5) and (part of Plone since Plone 4.1.0). Migrating Archetypes-based content to can migrate the following default types: Document Event File Folder Image Link News Item Collection The following non-default types will also be migrated: The AT-based Event-type provided by The DX-based Event-type provided by The Event-type provided by until version 1.0 News Items with blobs (provoded by Files and Images without blobs AT-based collection provided by Migrations that might come in a future version: from ATTopic to Collections Please note that migrating versions of content is not supported. Only the current state of items is migrated without any content- or workflow-history. Migrating content that is translated with LinguaPlone Since LinguaPlone does not support Dexterity you need to migrate from LinguaPlone to ( The migration from Products.LinguaPlone to should happen before the migration from Archetypes to For details on the migration see Migrating from old versions of Before version 1.0a2 the content-items did not implement marker-interfaces. They will break in newer versions since the views are now registered for these interfaces (e.g. To fix this you can call the view /@@fix_base_classes on your site-root. Since 1.1a1, the Collection type uses the new Collection behavior and the Event type utilizes behaviors from In order to upgrade: First run the default profile ( or reinstall Then run the upgrade steps. Migrating default-content that was extended with archetypes.schemaextender The migration should warn you if any of your types are extended with archetypes.schemaextender. The data contained in these fields will be lost. You need to implement a custom migration for your types and dexterity-behaviors for the functionality provided by the schemaextenders. This is an advanced development task and beyond the scope of this documentation. Migrating custom content Custom content-types will not be touched by the migration and will continue to work as expeced. However if you'd like to migrate your content-types to Dexterity (you'll have to create these types in Dexterity first) you might want to have a look at the code of as a blueprint. Widgets When used in Plone 4.x uses the default z3c.form widgets. All widgets work as they used to with Archetypes except for the keywords-widget for which a simple linesfield is used. It is recommended to use to switch to the widgets that will be used in Plone 5. How to use with TODO How to override widgets To override the default keywords-widgets with a nicer widget you can use the package collective.z3cform.widgets. Add collective.z3cform.widgets to your buildout and in your own package register the override in your configure.zcml: <adapter factory=".subjects.SubjectsFieldWidget" /> Then add a file from collective.z3cform.widgets.token_input_widget import TokenInputFieldWidget from import ICategorization from import IPloneFormLayer from z3c.form.interfaces import IFieldWidget from z3c.form.util import getSpecification from z3c.form.widget import FieldWidget from zope.component import adapter from zope.interface import implementer @adapter(getSpecification(ICategorization['subjects']), IPloneFormLayer) @implementer(IFieldWidget) def SubjectsFieldWidget(field, request): widget = FieldWidget(field, TokenInputFieldWidget(field, request)) return widget Once you install collective.z3cform.widgets in the quickinstaller, the new widget will then be used for all types. Information for Addon-Developers Design decicions The schemata for the types File, Image and Link are defined in xml-files using plone.supermodel. This allows the types to be editable trough the web. The types Document, News Item, Folder and Event have no schemata but only use behaviors to provide their fields. Installation as a dependency from another product If you want to add as a dependency from another products use the profile plone-content in your metadata.xml to have Plone populate a new site with DX-based default-content. <metadata> <version>1</version> <dependencies> <dependency></dependency> </dependencies> </metadata> If you use the profile default then the default-content in new sites will still be Archetypes-based. You'll then have to migrate that content using the migration-form @@atct_migrator or delete it by hand. Extending the types You have several options: Extend the types through-the-web by adding new fields or behaviors in the types-controlpanel /@@dexterity-types. Extend the types with a custom type-profile that extends the existing profile with behaviors, or fields. You will first have to add the type to your [yourpackage]/profiles/default/types.xml. <?xml version="1.0"?> <object name="portal_types" meta_type="Plone Types Tool"> <object name="Folder" meta_type="Dexterity FTI" /> </object> Here is an example that enables the image-behavior for Folders in [yourpackage]/profiles/default/types/Folder.xml: <?xml version="1.0"?> <object name="Folder" meta_type="Dexterity FTI"> <property name="behaviors" purge="False"> <element value=""/> </property> </object> By adding a schema-definition to the profile you can add fields. <?xml version="1.0"?> <object name="Folder" meta_type="Dexterity FTI"> <property name="model_file">your.package.content:folder.xml</property> <property name="behaviors" purge="False"> <element value=""/> </property> </object> Put the schema-xml in your/package/content/folder.xml (the folder content needs a <model xmlns:security="" xmlns:marshal="" xmlns:form="" xmlns=""> <schema> <field name="teaser_title" type="zope.schema.TextLine"> <description/> <required>False</required> <title>Teaser title</title> </field> <field name="teaser_subtitle" type="zope.schema.Text"> <description/> <required>False</required> <title>Teaser subtitle</title> </field> <field name="teaser_details" type=""> <description/> <required>False</required> <title>Teaser details</title> </field> </schema> </model> For more complex features you should create custom behaviors and/or write your own content-types. For more information on creating custom dexterity-types or custom behaviors to extend these types with read the dexterity documentation. Reordering fields provided by behaviors TODO Differences to Products.ATContentTypes The image of the News Item is not a field on the contenttype but a behavior that can add a image to any contenttypes (similar to All richtext-fields are also provided by a reuseable behavior. The functionality to transform (rotate and flip) images has been removed. There is no more field Location. If you need georeferenceable consider using collective.geo.behaviour The link on the image of the newsitem triggers an overlay The link-type now allows the of the variables ${navigation_root_url} and ${portal_url} to construct relative urls. The keywords-widget is not implemented and is replaced by a simple lines-widget unless you override it or use Please see the section on widgets. Toubleshooting Please report issues in the bugtracker at ValueError on installing When you try to install < 1.1a1 in a existing site you might get the following error: (...) Module Products.GenericSetup.utils, line 509, in _importBody Module Products.CMFCore.exportimport.typeinfo, line 60, in _importNode Module Products.GenericSetup.utils, line 730, in _initProperties ValueError: undefined property 'schema' Before installing you have to reinstall to update collections to the version that uses Dexterity.
RPMPackage provides Plone-specific conditions and actions, as well as a user interface for plone.contentrules.
============ contains the logic that powers Plone's content menu (the green one with the drop-down menus).