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RPMPackage collective.jqganalytics-1.1.1-2.lbn13.noarch
Introduction collective.jqganalytics uses the jQuery Google Analytics plugin to load Google Analytics asynchronously by default. Custom Variables Google Analytics tracking now provides for setting at most 5 user variables. These can be managed through the control panel in Plone under the 'Google Analytics settings' tab. There is no limit on the number of variables that can be set in the control panel since they can be disabled or optionally disabled using an expression. In the end though, the last one that is set for each slot is the one that will end up getting sent to Google for that slot. The name and value for the variables are both TALES expressions with the normal context variables (context,`here`,`request`, etc) available for use. For a complete list, see Products.CMFCore.Expression.createExprContext.
RPMPackage collective.indexing-2.0a3-2.lbn13.noarch
collective.indexing is an approach to provide an abstract framework for queuing and optimizing index operations in Plone as well as dispatching them to various backends. The default implementation aims to replace the standard indexing mechanism of CMF to allow index operations to be handled asynchronously in a backwards-compatible way. Queuing these operations on a transaction level allows to get rid of redundant indexing of objects and thereby providing a substantial performance improvement. By leveraging the component architecture and Zope event system collective.indexing also makes it much easier to use backends other than or in addition to the standard portal catalog for indexing, such as dedicated search engine solutions like Solr, Xapian or Google Search Appliance. One backend implementation designed to be used with this package has already been started in the form of collective.solr.
RPMPackage collective.idashboard-1.2.5-2.lbn13.noarch
Pimp your Plone dashboard! This is a Plone Product that makes your user dashboard behave similarly to the iGoogle dashboard. Specifically, it adds the following functionality: * Drag and drop portlets within and between rows * Ajax enabled inline portlet editing and saving * Ajax removal/deletion of portlets with themable confirmation modal dialog. * Toggle show/hide portlets
RPMPackage collective.googleanalytics-1.4.3-1.lbn13.noarch
collective.googleanalytics is a product that integrates Plone with Google Analytics. It includes both tracking and reporting functionality. The product enables easy tracking of the standard Google statistics as well as external links, e-mail address clicks and file downloads. It also defines Analytics reports that are used to query Google and display the results using Google Visualizations. Reports are Zope objects that can be imported and exported using GenericSetup XML and modified on a site-by-site basis. The product currently provides a portlet that can display results of reports as well as a control panel for authorizing your site and configuring settings.
RPMPackage collective.geotransform-1.0a2-1.lbn13.noarch
GEO stands for "Gracefully E-mail Obfuscation". This package implements the solution exposed in this post of List Apart web site authored by Roel Van Gils: collective.geotransform uses plone.transformchain to transform the response output from Zope before it reaches your browser. It searches for all "mailto:" occurences inside the response and transform them into encoded harmless links. This codification is done via a simple base64 encoding, but enough to fool a spam robot. This is the form of the encoded mail link: ::<a rel="nofollow" href="contact/dmljdG9yLmZlcm5hbmRlejJAdXBjbmV0LmVz">mymail</a> On the browser side, the encoded links are decoded to their original form by using a Javascript that restore them to normal "mailto:" links. The text of the link is replaced by the full E-mail specified in the original mailto attribute. Authenticated responses are NOT affected by this transform. Only anonymous responses are modified.
RPMPackage collective.geolocationbehavior-
A behavior which makes it possible to mark and item with a geographic location.
RPMPackage collective.geo.zugmap-1.0.2-1.lbn13.noarch
collective.geo.zugmap provides a maplayer for zugmap
RPMPackage collective.geo.wms-0.2-1.lbn13.noarch
collective.geo.wms is a product which enables you to embed WMS, TMS and WMTS layers in your website. It is designed to make adding WMS, TMS or WMTS layers as easy as possible. Why WMS/TMS/WMTS You will find thousands of public Map Servers with interesting and valuable information which you can display on your website. Many of these services provide WMS,TMS or WMTS only. Usage First you have to add a WMS Server to your site. The initial add form only allows you to enter the url and type of a webservice. The title, description and keywords are taken from the service if it produces a valid response to the getCapabilities query. When the server could be successfully added you can change the title, descripton and keywords. You are not allowed to change the server url or protocol. A list of layers that are available on this server will be requested directly from the server. The list of layers will be cached for 100 minutes so if layers are added on the server you may have to wait up to 2 hours for them to refresh. After you added the servers you can add layers to your website. Layers are displayed as a Map. In the add form you choose the service for your maps. You cannot change the server later by editing the layer. After you added the layer you have to choose the layers of the service you want to display in your map. Some WMS Servers do not support overlaying layers on the serverside if this is the case for the server you are connecting to you have to check 'Single Layers' for them to display. When you click on a feature on the map a request is sent to the server to get information about this feature (or features) which are displayed in a pop up. This behaviour can be disabled by unchecking 'Feature Info'
RPMPackage collective.geo.settings-3.0b1-1.lbn13.noarch
collective.geo settings
RPMPackage collective.geo.polymaps-0.1-1.lbn13.noarch
Polymaps provides speedy display of multi-zoom datasets over maps, and supports a variety of visual presentations for tiled vector data, in addition to the usual cartography from OpenStreetMap, CloudMade, Bing, and other providers of image-based web maps. collective.geo.polymaps uses collective.geo to store the mapcontent. It is a drop in replacement for collective.geo.mapwidget. Known issues, limitations and caveats It can only display GeoJson, no KML or other formats It does not play well with older browsers (especially IE) No support for google maplayers
RPMPackage collective.geo.opensearch-0.4-1.lbn13.noarch
opensearch for plone maps (collective.geo) Introduction Collective.geo.Opensearch builds on collective.geo (Plone Maps) and collective.opensearch. Produce Spatial Open Search Feeds collective.geo.opensearch adds the possibility to add OpenSearch compatible search results to your Plone site. site wide: this is a simple copy of the plone search so all option that you may pass to the standard /search will be recognized as well. for a collection/topic: You can search inside a topic, i.e. you define a 'base query' as a topic and additional parameters of the query are applied additional. OpenSearch is a collection of simple formats for the sharing of search results. OpenSearch helps search engines and search clients communicate by introducing a common set of formats to perform search requests and syndicate search results. OpenSearch helps search engines and search clients communicate by introducing a common set of formats to perform search requests and syndicate search results. The OpenSearch description document format can be used to describe a search engine so that it can be used by search client applications. The OpenSearch response elements can be used to extend existing syndication formats, such as RSS and Atom, with the extra metadata needed to return search results collective.geo.opensearch enables you to syndicate the search results of your plone site by formatting them in the RSS, Atom or KML formats, augmented with OpenSearch response elements. Implemented extensions and conventions opensearch relevance opensearch description for autodiscovery suggestions so that browsers can autocomplete response elements and first, previous, next, last links georss (for Atom and RSS Results) Consume Open Search Feeds collective.geo.opensearch adds a view to the link type that lets you search OpenSearch (or other searches that return RSS or Atom, pretty much any other format feed parser supports and KML) compatible search providers within your site. The feeds do not need to implement the opensearch extensions it suffices that they are valid feeds. As there is no way of knowing if the feed returns georss or KML you have to choose 'Open Search Map View' manually for this link. You can combine several open search links as a metasearch. All OpenSearch links inside a folder will be queried and their results displayed when you change the view of a folder to 'Open Search Map View' Usage: 1) Display a map view of a georss RSS, Atom or KML search results Add a link content type that points to a remote (search) feed or KML. You have to choose 'Open Search Map View' manually for this link. georss feeds will be converted into a html search result and a kml map layer. kml sources will be passed on 'as is' (the description is passed through htmllaundry) and the name and description of the placemarks displayed as search results. The view consits of a simple searchform, the map displaying the georss or kml information and the results of the query 2) search multiple sources at once To build a simple metasearch create a folder and add your query links to it. Change the view of the folder to 'Open Search Map View'. The view consist of a search form (currently only for full text search) which input will be applied to all open search links (i.e. any link that has 'Open Search Map View' set as its view). The results of the searches will be displayed as layers in the map and in tabs beneath the form. The queries are executed asynchronously via AJAX, so you do not have to wait until the last query has finished. Abusing collective.geo.opensearch to Display miscelaneous Feeds and KMLs 3) Display an abritary 'static' feed or a remote KML Files Allthough the main focus of this product is to produce and display search feeds you may use it to display any valid feed. If the url of the link you added does not contain the {searchTerm} parameter and 'Open Search Map View' (you have to select the view manually from the 'display' menu) is selected as the view of the link, the feed will be fetched regardless of the presence of a query parameter and its results will be displayed. The search form will not be displayed in the absence of the {searchTerms} parameter. 4) Display multiple feeds or KMLs Add your feeds to display to a folder (as in [2]) and select'Open Search Map View' as the display view of the folder All feeds that do not have a {searchTerm} parameter in their url will be fetched immediately, regardless if a search input was provided. The search form will only be displayed if at least one of the links inside the folder has a {searchTerm} parameter. 5) Use collective.geo.opensearch to search inside your collections As opensearch results are added to all collections you may use it as a searchform to search inside your collections. if you use a relative link (e.g. /mycollection/SearchableText={searchTerms}) you have to choose 'Open Search Map View' manually to display the search results.
RPMPackage collective.geo.openlayers-3.1-1.lbn13.noarch
collective.geo.openlayers enables Openlayers machinery into Plone. This package registers two javascript files into Plone javascript registry: OpenLayers.js proj4js-compressed.js
RPMPackage collective.geo.mapwidget-2.1.2-1.lbn13.noarch
collective.geo.mapwidget provides some handy page macros and adapters to easily manage multiple maps on one page.
RPMPackage collective.geo.mapcontent-0.1-1.lbn13.noarch
This is a very small and lightweight integration of OpenLayers and collective.geo.mapwidget. Idea is to have a map content type to create full customizable maps with the collective.geo flexibility. And the final goal is to store some javascript boilerplate on a content type to initiliaze the map. As it requires writing some javascript with OpenLayers and jquery, it is not an 'end user' solution but a convenient and flexible way to integrate OpenLayers in plone.
RPMPackage collective.geo.kml-3.2-1.lbn13.noarch
collective.geo.kml provides KML views for georeferenced objects, allowing Plone containers and collections to be visualized in Google Earth. It also provides a map view to Plone Folder and Topic content types to display kml data.
RPMPackage collective.geo.json-0.1-1.lbn13.noarch
Some web mapping clients like leaflet or polymaps only accept json as an input format. This product produces it. It does not have any user interface, it just provides a GeoJson view for contentitems, folders and collections. To test just append @@geo-json.json at the url.
RPMPackage collective.geo.index-0.1-1.lbn13.noarch
This Product adds a geospatial index to the zope catalog for collective.geo. OOTB it only adds the index and a searchform, query_spatialcatalog.html, which lets you explore the usage of the index. It is meant to be used in custom products that need a spatial search. It depends on the spatialindex and tools libraries from SpatialIndex
RPMPackage collective.geo.geopoint-0.1-1.lbn13.noarch
collective.geo.geopoint provides some generic classes for collective.geo.* packages.
RPMPackage collective.geo.geographer-2.0b1-1.lbn13.noarch
collective.geo.geographer provides geo annotation for Plone. This package is based on Sean Gillies's idea (zgeo.geographer) and integrates its functionalities in collective.geo project.
RPMPackage collective.geo.flexitopic-0.5-1.lbn13.noarch
Use collective.geo.flexitopic to easily build interactive maps out of plone collections. It combines plone maps (collective.geo) with collective.flexitopic. collective.flexitopic Flexitopic integrates the easy use of plone collections with a Flexigrid AJAX view. The criteria from the topic are taken to construct a simple query form to narrow down a search inside a collection. For old style colletions subtopics are displayed inside tabs of the collection. Flexitopic does not install a new content type but just adds an additional view to the collection type. it degrades for non javascript browsers to a simple table - (almost) same usability, no information loss. it requires JQuery only (built into plone 4) no JQueryUI lightweight JS Flexigrid: 24 KB packed JSlider: 15 KB packed