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RPMPackage Products.ZAUTZ-0.0.1-1.lbn13.noarch
AU Timezones for Zope Monkey Patch to Zope DateTime to correctly use Australian Timezones that clash with US timezones.
RPMPackage Products.UserAndGroupSelectionWidget-3.0b5-1.lbn13.noarch
UserAndGroupSelectionWidget is an Archetypes widget to search and select users and/or groups from a huge base of users. It uses a modernized, fast code-base and is tested with hundreds of groups and thousands of users. It is configureable to select only groups, only users, both or only user of a distinct group. Using translation-adaptors you can use generic group names and genric group filters. The translation adaptor will translate it into real group ids or group id filters.
RPMPackage Products.TinyMCE-1.3.6-1.lbn13.noarch
Adds support for TinyMCE, a platform independent web based Javascript HTML WYSIWYG editor, to Plone.
RPMPackage Products.TextIndexNG-
Features: * DocumentConverters * StemmerSupport for 13 languages * SimilaritySearch for english text (based on the Levenshtein distance) * NearSearch, * PluggableParsers * extended StopWords support * full integration in ZCatalog * TestFunctionality through ZMI * ExtensibleArchitecture * being MoreEfficient than the current !TextIndex * full globbing support (wildcard search) * NormalizationSupport (e.g. reducing accented characters to their base form) * full UnicodeAwareness * Relevance ranking of search results added. Searches are now ranked using an extended cosine measure. The cosine measure is based on a vector model and calculates the document "score" based on the frequency of the query terms inside the document result set. * Much faster phrase/near search: the old implementation of TextIndexNG had to perform a very expensive job at query time when phrase/near search was performed. Re-using the !WidCode module of !ZCTextIndex made this operation less expensive. * Left-truncation added: TextIndexNG can be configured creation-time time to support left-truncation (means you can search for "*suffix") Left-truncation is an option because this feature requires a second reverted index inside the lexicion and much more memory! * optional auto-expansion support: This optional feature allows you to get better search results when some of the query terms could not be found. The index expands a query term "foo" to "foo*" if there was no hit for "foo". This expansion is currently global for the index. This feature will be available on a per-query basis in a later version. (Auto-expansion will be extended in a later version to search for similiar terms) * improved HTML converter: now using Chris Withers "Strip-o-Gram" module instead of the Strip-Tag-Parser * added converter for text/sgml * Similarity search (soundex, metaphone, doublemetaphone) dropped and replace with a more general approach and language indepedant approach using the Levenshtein distance. * range searches like "Fi..Foo" * substring searches "substring"
RPMPackage Products.TemplateFields-1.2.5-1.lbn13.noarch
Supplies an Archetypes field useful for editing and storing Zope Page Templates
RPMPackage Products.TALESField-1.1.3-1.lbn13.noarch
An Archetypes field that stores TALES Expressions
RPMPackage Products.StandardCacheManagers-2.13.0-2.lbn13.noarch
Cache managers for Zope 2.
RPMPackage Products.SimpleAttachment-4.3-3.lbn13.noarch
Several Plone products have a need to handle simple attachments: content types that do not have a workflow of their own but will reuse the permissions on their container. SimpleAttachment implements simple file and image attachment types that can serve this need.
RPMPackage Products.SecureMailHost-1.1.2-4.lbn13.noarch
RPMPackage Products.RobotsTool-3.0.2-3.lbn13.noarch
You can read more about robots.txt at: * *
RPMPackage Products.ResourceRegistries-2.2.10-1.lbn13.noarch
A registry for linked Stylesheet files and Javascripts. This registry is mainly aimed at solving the following usecases: - Enable product authors to register stylesheets with their product installers without having to resort to override either or ploneCustom.css creating potential conflicts with other products. - Enable more componentialization of the stylesheets provided with Plone (and other products) without having to increase the number of http requests for a Plone page. - Enable condition checking on stylesheets. Great for variable look-and-feel for groups/roles/folders/departments/content-types/etc - Enable inline dynamic stylesheets. For those style rules that should vary for each request. Mainly used for things like header-bar- backgroundimages, department colors etc. - Enable developers to activate/deactivate their styles in a simpler way - Enable compression to safe bandwidth and download time If several stylesheets listed directly after each other in the registry have the same parameters and expression, they will be concatenated into a larger, composite, stylesheet on rendering. - This can be useful for splitting stylesheets into smaller components for overrideing, while preserving cacheability and minimising the number of http-requests to Plone. This tool was started at the excellent SnowSprint 2005 - Organised by Telesis in the Austrian Alps. Thanks, Jodok! :)
RPMPackage Products.QuotaFolder-0.1.1-2.lbn13.noarch
QuotaFolder is a folder-ish object that restricts the total number of objects, their total size and their individual maximum size. QuotaFolder takes subfolders (recursively) into account, so it should not be possible to escape the quota restrictions. The basic goal of QuotaFolder is not to put an absolute limit on ZODB usage - it is impossible to determine this. For example, each object may have several revisions in the ZODB, and some of the internal state of the object is stored in the ZODB that's not returned by get_size(). The goal is to limit the use of objects in general, to prevent people from offering large files or using up resources with enormous amounts of objects.
RPMPackage Products.Quills-remoteblogging-1.8a1-7.lbn13.noarch
Use your Blog with any Weblog Editor that supports the `MetaWeblog API`_. This feature requires the ``Products.MetaWeblogPASPlugin`` product to be installed into your Plone site. .. _MetaWeblog API:
RPMPackage Products.Quills-1.8a1-7.lbn13.noarch
Enterprise-strength blogging for Plone
RPMPackage Products.PythonScripts-2.13.2-2.lbn13.noarch
Provides support for restricted execution of Python scripts in Zope 2.
RPMPackage Products.PythonField-1.1.3-1.lbn13.noarch
Archetypes field for Python input
RPMPackage Products.PortalTransforms-2.1.3-1.lbn13.noarch
This Zope product provides two new tools for the CMF in order to make MIME types based transformations on the portal contents, and so an easy to way to plugin some new transformations for previously unsupported content types. The provided tools are : portal_transform (the transform tool) handle transformation of data from a mime type to another A bunch of ready to use transformations are also provided. Look at the documentation for more information. Notice this package can also be used as a standalone Python package. If you've downloaded the Python distribution, you can't make it a Zope product since Zope files have been removed from this distribution. This product is an off-spring of the Archetypes project.
RPMPackage Products.PluginRegistry-1.3-4.lbn13.noarch
Products.PluginRegistry offers a simple persistent registry which allows the site manager to registe components for specific interfaces, and to order them.
RPMPackage Products.PluggableAuthService-1.10.0-1.lbn13.noarch
This product defines a fully-pluggable user folder, intended for use in all Zope sites.
RPMPackage Products.PloneboardNotify-0.4.1-3.lbn13.noarch
An event based Plone product. Add some configuration to your Plone site for sending e-mail on new messages or replies added on forums.