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RPMPackage apache-commons-daemon-jsvc-1.0.10-4.fc18.armv6hl
Java daemon launcher.
RPMPackage apache-commons-daemon-jsvc-1.0.7-1.lbn13.x86_64
Java daemon launcher.
RPMPackage apache-commons-daemon-1.0.10-4.fc18.armv6hl
The scope of this package is to define an API in line with the current Java Platform APIs to support an alternative invocation mechanism which could be used instead of the public static void main(String[]) method. This specification covers the behavior and life cycle of what we define as Java daemons, or, in other words, non interactive Java applications.
RPMPackage apache-commons-daemon-1.0.7-1.lbn13.x86_64
The scope of this package is to define an API in line with the current Java Platform APIs to support an alternative invocation mechanism which could be used instead of the public static void main(String[]) method. This specification covers the behavior and life cycle of what we define as Java daemons, or, in other words, non interactive Java applications.
RPMPackage apache-commons-configuration-1.6-5.lbn13.noarch
Configuration is a project to provide a generic Configuration interface and allow the source of the values to vary. It provides easy typed access to single, as well as lists of configuration values based on a 'key'. Right now you can load properties from a simple properties file, a properties file in a jar, an XML file, JNDI settings, as well as use a mix of different sources using a ConfigurationFactory and CompositeConfiguration. Custom configuration objects are very easy to create now by just subclassing AbstractConfiguration. This works similar to how AbstractList works.
RPMPackage apache-commons-collections-testframework-3.2.1-11.lbn13.noarch
Testframework for apache-commons-collections.
RPMPackage apache-commons-collections-3.2.1-11.lbn13.noarch
The introduction of the Collections API by Sun in JDK 1.2 has been a boon to quick and effective Java programming. Ready access to powerful data structures has accelerated development by reducing the need for custom container classes around each core object. Most Java2 APIs are significantly easier to use because of the Collections API. However, there are certain holes left unfilled by Sun's implementations, and the Jakarta-Commons Collections Component strives to fulfill them. Among the features of this package are: - special-purpose implementations of Lists and Maps for fast access - adapter classes from Java1-style containers (arrays, enumerations) to Java2-style collections. - methods to test or create typical set-theory properties of collections such as union, intersection, and closure.
RPMPackage apache-commons-codec-1.4-12.lbn13.noarch
Commons Codec is an attempt to provide definitive implementations of commonly used encoders and decoders. Examples include Base64, Hex, Phonetic and URLs.
RPMPackage apache-commons-cli-1.2-4.lbn13.noarch
The CLI library provides a simple and easy to use API for working with the command line arguments and options.
RPMPackage apache-commons-beanutils-1.8.3-5.lbn13.noarch
The scope of this package is to create a package of Java utility methods for accessing and modifying the properties of arbitrary JavaBeans. No dependencies outside of the JDK are required, so the use of this package is very lightweight.
RPMPackage ZenPacks.lbn.LDAPMonitor-4.2.4_4.0.2-1.lbn13.noarch
LDAPMonitor ----------- LDAPMonitor provides a method for pulling performance metrics from any LDAP server which implements the cn=Monitor standard. The monitor works by directly querying the LDAP server using the configured user dn and password credentials. Make sure that your LDAP server is available from your Zenoss console, you've enabled cn=monitor on it, and that the user has sufficient permissions to perform a 'cn=snmp,cn=monitor' search. The following metrics will be collected and graphed for the LDAP Server: * Operations o Add Entry o Modify Entry o Delete Entry o Search Entry * Bindings o Anonymous o Simple Auth o Unauthorised * Errors o Bind Security o Security o Other Errors o Failures * Response Time * Referrals You can add LDAP monitoring to the device within Zenoss by simply binding the LDAPMonitor template to the device. 1. Navigate to the device in the Zenoss web interface. 2. Click the device menu, choose More then Templates. 3. Click the templates menu, choose Bind Templates. 4. Ctrl-click the LDAPMonitor template from /Devices/Server to choose it. 5. Click OK. You will now be collecting the LDAP Server metrics from this device.
RPMPackage 389-dsgw-1.1.10-1.lbn13.x86_64
389 Directory Server Gateway is a collection of 3 web applications that run on top of the Administration Server used by the Directory Server. These 3 applications are: * phonebook - a simple phonebook application geared towards end users, with simple search screens and simple self-service management * orgchart - an organization chart viewer * gateway - a more advanced search interface that allows admins to create and edit user entries, and allows creation of templates for different types of user and group entries
RPMPackage 389-dsgw-1.1.9-3.fc18.armv6hl
389 Directory Server Gateway is a collection of 3 web applications that run on top of the Administration Server used by the Directory Server. These 3 applications are: * phonebook - a simple phonebook application geared towards end users, with simple search screens and simple self-service management * orgchart - an organization chart viewer * gateway - a more advanced search interface that allows admins to create and edit user entries, and allows creation of templates for different types of user and group entries
RPMPackage 389-ds-console-doc-1.2.7-2.lbn13.noarch
Web docs for 389 Directory Server Management Console
RPMPackage 389-ds-console-1.2.7-2.lbn13.noarch
A Java based remote management console used for managing 389 Directory Server. The 389 Console is required to load and run these jar files.
RPMPackage 389-ds-base-libs-
Core libraries for the 389 Directory Server base package. These libraries are used by the main package and the -devel package. This allows the -devel package to be installed with just the -libs package and without the main package.
RPMPackage 389-ds-base-libs-1.3.0-0.1.a1.fc18.armv6hl
Core libraries for the 389 Directory Server base package. These libraries are used by the main package and the -devel package. This allows the -devel package to be installed with just the -libs package and without the main package.
RPMPackage 389-ds-base-devel-
Development Libraries and headers for the 389 Directory Server base package.
RPMPackage 389-ds-base-devel-1.3.0-0.1.a1.fc18.armv6hl
Development Libraries and headers for the 389 Directory Server base package.
RPMPackage 389-ds-base-
389 Directory Server is an LDAPv3 compliant server. The base package includes the LDAP server and command line utilities for server administration.