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RPMPackage nagios-plugins-breeze-1.4.15-2.fc13.x86_64
Provides check_breeze support for Nagios.
RPMPackage nagios-plugins-apt-1.4.15-2.fc13.x86_64
Provides check_apt support for Nagios.
RPMPackage nagios-plugins-all-1.4.15-2.fc13.x86_64
This package provides all Nagios plugins.
RPMPackage nagios-plugins-1.4.15-2.fc13.x86_64
Nagios is a program that will monitor hosts and services on your network, and to email or page you when a problem arises or is resolved. Nagios runs on a Unix server as a background or daemon process, intermittently running checks on various services that you specify. The actual service checks are performed by separate "plugin" programs which return the status of the checks to Nagios. This package contains those plugins.
RPMPackage nagios-common-3.2.3-8.fc13.x86_64
Provides common directories, uid and gid among nagios-related packages.
RPMPackage libnet10-1.0.2a-18.fc12.x86_64
Libnet is a high-level API (toolkit) allowing the application programmer to construct and inject network packets. It provides a portable and simplified interface for low-level network packet shaping, handling and injection. Libnet hides much of the tedium of packet creation from the application programmer such as multiplexing, buffer management, arcane packet header information, byte-ordering, OS-dependent issues and much more. Libnet features portable packet creation interfaces at the IP layer and link layer, as well as a host of supplementary and complementary functionality. This package contains an old and deprecated version of libnet. You need it only if the software you are using hasn't been updated to work with the newer version and the newer API.
RPMPackage lbn.zenoss-3.0.8-1.lbn13.noarch
The core libraries and utilities to support writing ZenPacks etc in Bastion-style.
RPMPackage lbn.recipe.zenoss-egginfo-1.0.1-1.lbn13.noarch
easy_install egg information
RPMPackage lbn.recipe.zenoss-1.0.1-1.lbn13.noarch
RPMPackage lbn-3.0.7-1.lbn13.noarch
Last Bastion Network Base Python module
RPMPackage bastion-monit-zenoss-mysqld-3.2.1-1.lbn13.noarch
Zenoss/mysql start/stop/control
RPMPackage bastion-monit-zenoss-3.2.1-1.lbn13.noarch
BastionLinux monit services configuration and control scripts for Zenoss 3.
RPMPackage bastion-monit-mysqld-1.2.1-5.lbn13.noarch
MySQL server daemon start/stop/control
RPMPackage amcharts-stock-
AmCharts is a set of Flash charts for your websites and Web-based products. AmCharts can extract data from simple CSV or XML files, or they can read dynamic data generated with PHP, .NET, Java, Ruby on Rails, Perl, ColdFusion, and many other programming languages.
RPMPackage amcharts-scatter-
AmCharts is a set of Flash charts for your websites and Web-based products. AmCharts can extract data from simple CSV or XML files, or they can read dynamic data generated with PHP, .NET, Java, Ruby on Rails, Perl, ColdFusion, and many other programming languages.
RPMPackage amcharts-radar-
AmCharts is a set of Flash charts for your websites and Web-based products. AmCharts can extract data from simple CSV or XML files, or they can read dynamic data generated with PHP, .NET, Java, Ruby on Rails, Perl, ColdFusion, and many other programming languages.
RPMPackage amcharts-pie-
AmCharts is a set of Flash charts for your websites and Web-based products. AmCharts can extract data from simple CSV or XML files, or they can read dynamic data generated with PHP, .NET, Java, Ruby on Rails, Perl, ColdFusion, and many other programming languages.
RPMPackage amcharts-line-
AmCharts is a set of Flash charts for your websites and Web-based products. AmCharts can extract data from simple CSV or XML files, or they can read dynamic data generated with PHP, .NET, Java, Ruby on Rails, Perl, ColdFusion, and many other programming languages.
RPMPackage amcharts-column-
AmCharts is a set of Flash charts for your websites and Web-based products. AmCharts can extract data from simple CSV or XML files, or they can read dynamic data generated with PHP, .NET, Java, Ruby on Rails, Perl, ColdFusion, and many other programming languages.
RPMPackage ZenPacks.zenoss.ZenossVirtualHostMonitor-3.2.1_2.3.6-1.lbn13.noarch
Zenoss Virtual Host Monitor --------------------------- ZenossVirtualHostMonitor is a ZenPack that allows you to monitor virtually hosted operating systems. This ZenPack refers to a Virtual Machine Host as the one running on the bare metal, and Guest for those running within the virtual hardware. This zenpack: 1) Extends Devices to support a relationship from Host to Guest. 2) Provides screens displaying resources allocated to Guest OSs. 3) Collects nothing on its own. It provides base functionality for other zenpacks (XenMonitor, VMwareESXMonitor)