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RPMPackage ZenPacks.lbn.Base-3.2.1_3.0.1-5.lbn13.noarch
Last Bastion Network product information into your Zenoss Server, and all the necessary monkey patches to your Zope environment.
This ZenPack leverages the libvirt API for monitoring virtualization servers (e.g. XEN, KVM, etc...). This uses the system python and libvirt python API to monitor various virtualization platforms remotely. It provides a /Server/libvirtHost device class and this module is tested using ssh as a transport for the libvirt API, it could be made to use TLS or TCP with further development. It provides a libvirtvirtualHostlist report as well. You can set zLibvirtUsername and zLibvirtConnectType to customize access to the hosts, though only qemu+ssh:// was tested at the moment. libvirt supports: * The Xen hypervisor on Linux and Solaris hosts. * The QEMU emulator * The KVM Linux hypervisor * The LXC Linux container system * The OpenVZ Linux container system * The User Mode Linux paravirtualized kernel * The VirtualBox hypervisor * The VMware ESX and GSX hypervisors * Storage on IDE/SCSI/USB disks, FibreChannel, LVM, iSCSI, NFS and filesystems
This SSH-based ZenPack supplements the Linux Monitor ZenPack and provides perf monitoring for Interfaces and adds routing and memory as well.
Description: This ZenPack provides UI for configuring multiple collectors with Zenoss Core. It implement remote collector configuration method described in How to install distributed collectors manual ( Adding Remote Collector 1. install DistributedCollectors ZenPack on master server 2. install Zenoss on remote collector without any ZenPacks 3. configure "ssh public key authentication" on remote collector for user 'zenoss' 4. in "Collectors" -> select menu item "Add Remote Monitor..." and enter name or ip address of remote collector Updating Remote Collectors (after zenpacks install or remove) 1. in "Collectors" select all remote collectors you want update. 2. in "Collectors" -> select menu item "Update Remote Monitors..."
RPMPackage SOAPpy-0.11.6-10.fc12.noarch
The goal of the SOAPpy team is to provide a full-featured SOAP library for Python that is very simple to use and that fully supports dynamic interaction between clients and servers.
RPMPackage Products.Zuul-egginfo-3.2.1-1.lbn13.noarch
easy_install egg information
RPMPackage Products.Zuul-3.2.1-1.lbn13.noarch
Zenoss Zuul module
RPMPackage Products.ZenossStartup-egginfo-3.2.1-1.lbn13.noarch
easy_install egg information
RPMPackage Products.ZenossStartup-3.2.1-1.lbn13.noarch
Zenoss ZenossStartup module
RPMPackage Products.ZenWin-egginfo-3.2.1-1.lbn13.noarch
easy_install egg information
RPMPackage Products.ZenWin-3.2.1-1.lbn13.noarch
Zenoss ZenWin module
RPMPackage Products.ZenWidgets-egginfo-3.2.1-2.lbn13.noarch
easy_install egg information
RPMPackage Products.ZenWidgets-3.2.1-2.lbn13.noarch
Zenoss ZenWidgets module
RPMPackage Products.ZenUtils-egginfo-3.2.1-1.lbn13.noarch
easy_install egg information
RPMPackage Products.ZenUtils-3.2.1-1.lbn13.noarch
Zenoss ZenUtils module
RPMPackage Products.ZenUI3-egginfo-3.2.1-1.lbn13.noarch
easy_install egg information
RPMPackage Products.ZenUI3-3.2.1-1.lbn13.noarch
Zenoss ZenUI3 module
RPMPackage Products.ZenTestCase-egginfo-3.2.1-1.lbn13.noarch
easy_install egg information
RPMPackage Products.ZenTestCase-3.2.1-1.lbn13.noarch
Zenoss ZenTestCase module
RPMPackage Products.ZenStatus-egginfo-3.2.1-1.lbn13.noarch
easy_install egg information