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RPMPackage python2-XStatic-roboto-fontface-
XStatic-roboto-fontface is a roboto-fontface JavaScript library packaged for setuptools (easy_install) / pip. This package is intended to be used by any project that needs these files. It intentionally does not provide any extra code except some metadata nor has any extra requirements.
RPMPackage python2-XStatic-mdi-
mdi javascript library packaged for setuptools (easy_install) / pip.
RPMPackage python2-XStatic-bootswatch-
bootswatch javascript library packaged for setuptools (easy_install) / pip. Free themes for Bootstrap
RPMPackage python2-XStatic-Magic-Search-
MagicSearch is an AngularJS directive that provides a UI for both faceted filtering and as-you-type filtering. It is intended for filtering tables, such as an AngularJS smart-table, but it can be used in any situation where you can provide it with facets/options and consume its events.
RPMPackage python2-XStatic-Angular-Bootstrap-
JavaScript library packaged for setuptools (easy_install) / pip. This package is intended to be used by any project that needs these files. It intentionally does not provide any extra code except some metadata nor has any extra requirements. This package provides Python 2 build of XStatic-Angular-Bootstrap.
RPMPackage python2-XStatic-1.0.1-7.lbn19.noarch
The goal of XStatic family of packages is to provide static file packages with minimal overhead - without selling you some dependencies you don't want. XStatic has some minimal support code for working with the XStatic-* packages.
RPMPackage python2-SoftLayer-5.1.0-1.lbn19.noarch
SoftLayer API Python Client =========================== .. image:: https :// :target: .. image:: :target: .. image:: ...
RPMPackage python2-AppDynamicsREST-0.4.9-1.lbn19.noarch
AppDynamics REST API Library Current version: 0.4.9 Released: 26Feb2016.. image:: :target: image:: :target: Introduction AppDynamicsREST is a library that provides a clean Python interface ...
RPMPackage python-zuul-2.0.0-1.lbn19.noarch
Zuul is a trunk gating system developed for the OpenStack Project.
RPMPackage python-zaqarclient-0.2.0-1.lbn19.noarch
Python client to Zaqar messaging service API v1
RPMPackage python-yaql-0.3-1.lbn19.noarch
Yet Another Query Language
RPMPackage python-xmltodict-0.4.1-1.lbn19.noarch
`xmltodict` is a Python module that makes working with XML feel like you are working with [JSON] as in this ["spec"]
RPMPackage python-wsme-0.6-3.lbn19.noarch
Web Services Made Easy, simplifies the implementation of multiple protocol REST web services by providing simple yet powerful typing which removes the need to directly manipulate the request and the response objects.
RPMPackage python-wsgiref-0.1.2-1.lbn19.noarch
WSGI (PEP 333) Reference Library
RPMPackage python-wrapt-1.10.4-5.lbn19.x86_64
The aim of the wrapt module is to provide a transparent object proxy for Python, which can be used as the basis for the construction of function wrappers and decorator functions.
RPMPackage python-werkzeug-0.8.3-3.fc19.noarch
Werkzeug ======== Werkzeug started as simple collection of various utilities for WSGI applications and has become one of the most advanced WSGI utility modules. It includes a powerful debugger, full featured request and response objects, HTTP utilities to handle entity tags, cache control headers, HTTP dates, cookie handling, file uploads, a powerful URL routing system and a bunch of community contributed addon modules. Werkzeug is unicode aware and doesn't enforce a specific template engine, database adapter or anything else. It doesn't even enforce a specific way of handling requests and leaves all that up to the developer. It's most useful for end user applications which should work on as many server environments as possible (such as blogs, wikis, bulletin boards, etc.).
RPMPackage python-websockify-0.8.0-1.lbn19.noarch
websockify was formerly named wsproxy and was part of the [noVNC]( project. At the most basic level, websockify just translates WebSockets traffic to normal socket traffic. Websockify accepts the WebSockets handshake, parses it, and then begins forwarding traffic between the client and the target in both directions. Starting with websockify 0.5.0, only the HyBi / IETF 6455 WebSocket protocol is supported. Websockify negotiates whether to base64 encode traffic to and from the client via the subprotocol header (Sec-WebSocket-Protocol). The valid subprotocol values are 'binary' and 'base64' and if the client sends both then the server (the python implementation) will prefer 'binary'. The 'binary' subprotocol indicates that the data will be sent raw using binary WebSocket frames. Some HyBi clients (such as the Flash fallback and older Chrome and iOS versions) do not support binary data which is why the negotiation is necessary. To encrypt the traffic using the WebSocket 'wss://' URI scheme you need to generate a certificate and key for Websockify to load. By default, Websockify loads a certificate file name `self.pem` but the `--cert=CERT` and `--key=KEY` options can override the file name. You can generate a self-signed certificate using openssl. When asked for the common name, use the hostname of the server where the proxy will be running: ``` openssl req -new -x509 -days 365 -nodes -out self.pem -keyout self.pem ``` For a self-signed certificate to work, you need to make your client/browser understand it. You can do this by installing it as accepted certificate, or by using that same certificate for a HTTPS connection to which you navigate first and approve. Browsers generally don't give you the "trust certificate?" prompt by opening a WSS socket with invalid certificate, hence you need to have it acccept it by either of those two methods. If you have a commercial/valid SSL certificate with one ore more intermediate certificates, concat them into one file, server certificate first, then the intermediate(s) from the CA, etc. Point to this file with the `--cert` option and then also to the key with `--key`. Finally, use `--ssl-only` as needed. The `include/websock.js` Javascript library library provides a Websock object that is similar to the standard WebSocket object but Websock enables communication with raw TCP sockets (i.e. the binary stream) via websockify. This is accomplished by base64 encoding the data stream between Websock and websockify. Websock has built-in receive queue buffering; the message event does not contain actual data but is simply a notification that there is new data available. Several rQ* methods are available to read binary data off of the receive queue. The Websock API is documented on the [websock.js API wiki page]( These are not necessary for the basic operation. * Daemonizing: When the `-D` option is specified, websockify runs in the background as a daemon process. * SSL (the wss:// WebSockets URI): This is detected automatically by websockify by sniffing the first byte sent from the client and then wrapping the socket if the data starts with '\x16' or '\x80' (indicating SSL). * Flash security policy: websockify detects flash security policy requests (again by sniffing the first packet) and answers with an appropriate flash security policy response (and then closes the port). This means no separate flash security policy server is needed for supporting the flash WebSockets fallback emulator. * Session recording: This feature that allows recording of the traffic sent and received from the client to a file using the `--record` option. * Mini-webserver: websockify can detect and respond to normal web requests on the same port as the WebSockets proxy and Flash security policy. This functionality is activated with the `--web DIR` option where DIR is the root of the web directory to serve. * Wrap a program: see the "Wrap a Program" section below. * Log files: websockify can save all logging information in a file. This functionality is activated with the `--log-file FILE` option where FILE is the file where the logs should be saved.
RPMPackage python-webpy-0.37-3.fc19.noarch is a web framework for python that is as simple as it is powerful. is in the public domain; you can use it for whatever purpose with absolutely no restrictions.
RPMPackage python-warlock-1.0.1-1.fc19.noarch
Build self-validating python objects using JSON schemas
RPMPackage python-waitress-0.8.8-1.fc19.noarch
Waitress is meant to be a production-quality pure-Python WSGI server with very acceptable performance. It has no dependencies except ones which live in the Python standard library. It runs on CPython on Unix and Windows under Python 2.6+ and Python 3.2. It is also known to run on PyPy 1.6.0 on UNIX. It supports HTTP/1.0 and HTTP/1.1. For more information, see /usr/share/doc/python-waitress-0.8.8/docs or .