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RPMPackage python-voluptuous-0.8.5-2.fc19.noarch
Voluptuous, despite the name, is a Python data validation library. It is primarily intended for validating data coming into Python as JSON, YAML, etc.
RPMPackage python-virt-back-0.1.0-2.lbn19.noarch
A backup utility for QEMU, KVM, XEN, and Virtualbox guests. Virt-back is a python application that uses the libvirt api to safely shutdown, gzip, and restart guests. The backup process logs to syslog for auditing and virt-back works great with cron for scheduling outages. Note that there is a --amount flag which controls the number of generations kept. The default number is 3 generations. Example cronjob: 15 2 * * 1 /usr/bin/virt-back --path=/var/backups --quiet --backup vm1 15 23 * * 5 /usr/bin/virt-back --quiet --backup vm2 Virt-back guest restore procedure In this guide our guest vm2 has failed with a major corruption and we would like to restore from our backups. We have our running production guest images in /KVMROOT and our virt-back guest backups in /KVMBACK. Overview: Ensure the guest is shut off. move the bad image file out of the way untar the virt-back backup into place power up the guest Detailed Procedure: Verify the guest is shut off by running: virt-back --info-all We noticed that vm2 was still running so we invoked: virt-back --shutdown vm2 Move the corrupted image file out of the way: mv /KVMROOT/vm2.img /KVMROOT/vm2.img.NFG Unzip and unarchive the backup using the following command (note --strip depends on your original --path depth): sudo tar -xzvf /KVMBACK/vm2.tar.gz -C /KVMROOT --strip 1 When the untar completes, start the guest: virt-back --create vm2
RPMPackage python-versiontools-1.9.1-4.fc19.noarch
Smart replacement for plain tuple used in __version__
RPMPackage python-vault-client-1.0.0-1.lbn19.noarch
Vault is used to protect secrets in a secure way using a golang restful web api. This client is a wrapper to enable authentication and restful interactions with the vault rest endpoint.
RPMPackage python-urwid-1.2.1-1.lbn19.x86_64
Urwid is a Python library for making text console applications. It has many features including fluid interface resizing, support for UTF-8 and CJK encodings, standard and custom text layout modes, simple markup for setting text attributes, and a powerful, dynamic list box that handles a mix of widget types. It is flexible, modular, and leaves the developer in control.
RPMPackage python-unicodecsv-0.13.0-1.lbn19.noarch
The unicodecsv is a drop-in replacement for Python 2’s csv module which supports unicode strings without a hassle. More fully Python 2’s csv module doesn’t easily deal with unicode strings, leading to the dreaded “‘ascii’ codec can’t encode characters in position …” exception.
RPMPackage python-tzlocal-1.2-1.lbn19.noarch
This Python module returns a tzinfo object with the local timezone information. It requires pytz, and returns pytz tzinfo objects. This module attempts to fix a glaring hole in pytz, that there is no way to get the local timezone information, unless you know the zoneinfo name.
RPMPackage python-tuskarclient-0.1.4-1.lbn19.noarch
python-tuskarclient is a Python client and a command-line interface for Tuskar <>.
RPMPackage python-troveclient-1.0.5-1.lbn19.noarch
This is a client for the OpenStack Trove API. There's a Python API (the troveclient module), and a command-line script (trove). Each implements 100% of the OpenStack Trove API. See the OpenStack CLI guide for information on how to use the trove command-line tool. You may also want to look at the OpenStack API documentation. The project is hosted on Launchpad, where bugs can be filed. The code is hosted on Github. Patches must be submitted using Gerrit, not Github pull requests. This code a fork of Jacobian's python-cloudservers If you need API support for the Rackspace API solely or the BSD license, you should use that repository. python-troveclient is licensed under the Apache License like the rest of OpenStack.
RPMPackage python-trove-2014.1-1.lbn19.noarch
OpenStack DBaaS (codename trove) provisioning service. This package contains the trove python library.
RPMPackage python-trollius-2.1-2.lbn19.noarch
Trollius provides infrastructure for writing single-threaded concurrent code using coroutines, multiplexing I/O access over sockets and other resources, running network clients and servers, and other related primitives. Trollius is a portage of the asyncio project (PEP 3156) on Python 2. Trollius works on Python 2.6-3.5. It has been tested on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, FreeBSD and OpenIndiana.
RPMPackage python-tripleoclient-2.0.0-1.lbn19.noarch
python-tripleoclient is a Python plugin to OpenstackClient for TripleO <>.
RPMPackage python-treq-15.0.0-1.lbn19.noarch
treq is an HTTP library inspired by requests but written on top of Twisted’s Agents. It provides a simple, higher level API for making HTTP requests when using Twisted.
RPMPackage python-tooz-0.3-1.lbn19.noarch
The Tooz project aims at centralizing the most common distributed primitives like group membership protocol, lock service and leader election by providing a coordination API helping developers to build distributed applications.
RPMPackage python-tlslite-0.4.8-1.lbn19.noarch
TLS Lite is an open source python library that implements SSL and TLS. TLS Lite supports RSA and SRP ciphersuites. TLS Lite is pure python, however it can use other libraries for faster crypto operations. TLS Lite integrates with several stdlib neworking libraries. API documentation is available in the 'docs' directory. If you have questions or feedback, feel free to contact me. For discussing improvements to tlslite, also see ''.
RPMPackage python-testscenarios-0.4-4.lbn19.noarch
testscenarios provides clean dependency injection for python unittest style tests. This can be used for interface testing (testing many implementations via a single test suite) or for classic dependency injection (provide tests with dependencies externally to the test code itself, allowing easy testing in different situations).
RPMPackage python-testresources-0.2.7-6.lbn19.noarch
testresources: extensions to python unittest to allow declarative use of resources by test cases.
RPMPackage python-testrepository-0.0.20-5.lbn19.noarch
Provides a database of test results which can be used to support easy developer workflows, supporting functionality like isolating failing tests. Testrepository is compatible with any test suite that can output subunit. This includes any TAP test suite and any pyunit compatible test suite.
RPMPackage python-tempest-lib-1.0.0-1.lbn19.noarch
Library for creating test suites for OpenStack projects.
RPMPackage python-taskflow-0.3.21-1.lbn19.noarch
A library to do [jobs, tasks, flows] in a HA manner using different backends to be used with OpenStack projects.