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RPMPackage R-GenomicAlignments-1.14.1-1.lbn25.x86_64
Provides efficient containers for storing and manipulating short genomic alignments (typically obtained by aligning short reads to a reference genome). This includes read counting, computing the coverage, junction detection, and working with the nucleotide content of the alignments.
RPMPackage R-FMStable-0.1.2-1.lbn25.x86_64
This package implements some basic procedures for dealing with log maximally skew stable distributions, which are also called finite moment log stable distributions.
RPMPackage R-Cairo-1.5.9-3.lbn25.x86_64
Cairo graphics device that can be use to create high-quality vector (PDF, PostScript and SVG) and bitmap output (PNG,JPEG,TIFF), and high-quality rendering in displays (X11 and Win32). Since it uses the same back-end for all output, copying across formats is WYSIWYG. Files are created without the dependence on X11 or other external programs. This device supports alpha channel (semi-transparent drawing) and resulting images can contain transparent and semi-transparent regions. It is ideal for use in server environments (file output) and as a replacement for other devices that don't have Cairo's capabilities such as alpha support or anti-aliasing. Backends are modular such that any subset of backends is supported.
RPMPackage R-BufferedMatrixMethods-1.40.0-3.lbn25.x86_64
Microarray analysis methods that use BufferedMatrix objects
RPMPackage R-BufferedMatrix-1.40.0-3.lbn25.x86_64
A tabular style data object where most data is stored outside main memory. A buffer is used to speed up access to data. This library is part of the bioconductor ( project.
RPMPackage R-Biostrings-2.44.0-3.lbn25.x86_64
Memory efficient string containers, string matching algorithms, and other utilities, for fast manipulation of large biological sequences or set of sequences.
RPMPackage R-BiocParallel-1.12.0-1.lbn25.x86_64
This package provides modified versions and novel implementation of functions for parallel evaluation, tailored to use with Bioconductor objects.
RPMPackage R-Biobase-2.36.2-3.lbn25.x86_64
Base functions for Bioconductor ( Biobase provides functions that are needed by many other Bioconductor packages or which replace R functions.
RPMPackage R-AUC-0.3.0-1.lbn25.noarch
This package includes functions to compute the area under the curve of selected measures: The area under the sensitivity curve (AUSEC), the area under the specificity curve (AUSPC), the area under the accuracy curve (AUACC), and the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUROC). The curves can also be visualized. Support for partial areas is
RPMPackage prometheus-node-exporter-0.18.0-0.lbn25.x86_64
Prometheus exporter for machine metrics, written in Go with pluggable metric collectors. Collectors There is varying support for collectors on each operating system. The tables below list all existing collectors and the supported systems. Which collectors are used is controlled by the --collectors.enabled flag. Enabled by default Name Description OS conntrack Shows conntrack statistics (does nothing if no /proc/sys/net/netfilter/ present). Linux cpu Exposes CPU statistics FreeBSD diskstats Exposes disk I/O statistics from /proc/diskstats. Linux entropy Exposes available entropy. Linux filefd Exposes file descriptor statistics from /proc/sys/fs/file-nr. Linux filesystem Exposes filesystem statistics, such as disk space used. FreeBSD, Dragonfly, Linux, OpenBSD loadavg Exposes load average. Darwin, Dragonfly, FreeBSD, Linux, NetBSD, OpenBSD, Solaris mdadm Exposes statistics about devices in /proc/mdstat (does nothing if no /proc/mdstat present). Linux meminfo Exposes memory statistics. Dragonfly, FreeBSD, Linux netdev Exposes network interface statistics such as bytes transferred. Dragonfly, FreeBSD, Linux, OpenBSD netstat Exposes network statistics from /proc/net/netstat. This is the same information as netstat -s. Linux stat Exposes various statistics from /proc/stat. This includes CPU usage, boot time, forks and interrupts. Linux textfile Exposes statistics read from local disk. The flag must be set. any time Exposes the current system time. any vmstat Exposes statistics from /proc/vmstat. Linux Disabled by default Name Description OS bonding Exposes the number of configured and active slaves of Linux bonding interfaces. Linux devstat Exposes device statistics FreeBSD gmond Exposes statistics from Ganglia. any interrupts Exposes detailed interrupts statistics. Linux, OpenBSD ipvs Exposes IPVS status from /proc/net/ip_vs and stats from /proc/net/ip_vs_stats. Linux ksmd Exposes kernel and system statistics from /sys/kernel/mm/ksm. Linux logind Exposes session counts from logind. Linux megacli Exposes RAID statistics from MegaCLI. Linux meminfo_numa Exposes memory statistics from /proc/meminfo_numa. Linux ntp Exposes time drift from an NTP server. any runit Exposes service status from runit. any supervisord Exposes service status from supervisord. any systemd Exposes service and system status from systemd. Linux tcpstat Exposes TCP connection status information from /proc/net/tcp and /proc/net/tcp6. (Warning: the current version has potential performance issues in high load situations.) Linux Textfile Collector The textfile collector is similar to the Pushgateway, in that it allows exporting of statistics from batch jobs. It can also be used to export static metrics, such as what role a machine has. The Pushgateway should be used for service-level metrics. The textfile module is for metrics that are tied to a machine. To use it, set the flag on the Node exporter. The collector will parse all files in that directory matching the glob *.prom using the text format.
RPMPackage python3-watson-developer-cloud-1.0.1-1.lbn25.noarch
Client library to quickly get started with the various [Watson Developer Cloud][wdc] services.
RPMPackage auditbeat-7.3.0-1.git6f0ec01.lbn25.x86_64
Collect your Linux audit framework data and monitor the integrity of your files. Auditbeat ships these events in real time to the rest of the Elastic Stack for further analysis. To learn more about Auditbeat, check out
RPMPackage rubygem-mimemagic-0.3.2-1.lbn25.noarch
Fast mime detection by extension or content in pure ruby (Uses shared-mime-info database).
RPMPackage rubygem-iruby-0.3-1.lbn25.noarch
A Ruby kernel for Jupyter/IPython frontends (e.g. notebook). Try it at
RPMPackage rubygem-data_uri-0.1.0-1.lbn25.noarch
URI class for parsing data URIs.
RPMPackage rubygem-cztop-0.13.1-1.lbn25.noarch
CZMQ Ruby binding, based on the generated low-level FFI bindings of CZMQ.
RPMPackage rubygem-bond-0.5.1-1.lbn25.noarch
Bond is on a mission to improve autocompletion in ruby, especially for irb/ripl. Aside from doing everything irb's can do and fixing its quirks, Bond can autocomplete argument(s) to methods, uniquely completing per module, per method and per argument. Bond brings ruby autocompletion closer to bash/zsh as it provides a configuration system and a DSL for creating custom completions and completion rules. With this configuration system, users can customize their autocompletions and share it with others. Bond can also load completions that ship with gems. Bond is able to offer more than irb's completion since it uses the full line of input when completing as opposed to irb's last-word approach.
RPMPackage winlogbeat-7.3.0-1.git6f0ec01.lbn25.x86_64
You know, for windows event logs Winlogbeat is an open-source log collector that ships Windows Event Logs to Elasticsearch or Logstash. It installs as a Windows service on all versions since Windows XP.
RPMPackage rubygem-logstash-patterns-core-4.0.2-1.lbn25.noarch
This gem is a Logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipeline using $LS_HOME/bin/logstash-plugin install gemname. This gem is not a stand-alone program.
RPMPackage rubygem-logstash-output-zabbix-0.1.1-1.lbn25.noarch
This gem is a logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipeline using $LS_HOME/bin/plugin install gemname. This gem is not a stand-alone program.