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RPMPackage python2-repoze-retry-1.5-1.lbn36.noarch
repoze.retry This package implements a WSGI middleware filter which intercepts
RPMPackage python2-repoze-profile-2.3-1.lbn36.noarch
repoze.profile This package provides a WSGI middleware component which aggregates profiling
RPMPackage python2-repoze-obob-0.4-1.lbn36.noarch
repoze.obob is a reconstruction of the "bobo" precursor of Zope (the "object publisher" portion), stripped down to be used as a possible application endpoint in the 'repoze' stack.Installation Installing setuptools repoze.obob depends on setuptools for its installation. To install setuptools: - Download from - Run using Python 2.4.3 or better. You can use if you're...
RPMPackage python2-repoze-lru-0.7-1.lbn36.noarch
RPMPackage python2-repoze-errorlog-1.1-1.lbn36.noarch
repoze.errorlog This package implements a WSGI <
RPMPackage python2-releases-1.6.3-1.lbn36.noarch
What is Releases? Releases is a Python (2.7, 3.4+) compatible Sphinx <>_ (1.3+) extension designed to help you keep a source control friendly, merge friendly changelog file & turn it into useful, human readable HTML output.Specifically:* The source format (kept in your Sphinx tree as changelog.rst) is a stream-like timeline that plays well with source control & only requires one entry per...
RPMPackage python2-redturtle-importer-base-2.1.0-1.lbn36.noarch
RedTurtle importer base Tool to migrate contents between Plone sites based on transmogrifier.This tool works in addition with redturtle.exporter.base____ Dependencies This product is made over other useful tools:* collective.jsonmigrator__ * collective.transmogrifier__ * transmigrify.dexterity____ __ __ tools are not yet actively maintained, so we moved useful parts into this
RPMPackage python2-redturtle-exporter-base-1.3.1-1.lbn36.noarch
.. This README is meant for consumption by humans and pypi. Pypi can render rst files so please do not use Sphinx features. If you want to learn more about writing documentation, please check out: This text does not appear on pypi or github. It is a comment. Redturtle Exporter base Tool that exports Plone contents for a major migration.This should be used with **redturtle.importer.base/volto**...
RPMPackage python2-rednose-1.3.0-1.lbn36.noarch
A module for making nose pretty using colors.
RPMPackage python2-record-3.5-1.lbn36.noarch
Record provides special objects used in some Zope2 internals like ZRDB.Records are used to provide compact storage for catalog query results.They don't use instance dictionaries. Rather, they store they data in a compact array internally. They use a record schema to map names to positions within the array.Changelog 3.5 (2018-10-05) -- Add support for Python (2017-05-15) -- Add __hash__...
RPMPackage python2-readme-renderer-28.0-1.lbn36.noarch
Readme Renderer Readme Renderer is a library that will safely render arbitrary README files into HTML. It is designed to be used in Warehouse_ to render the long_description for packages. It can handle Markdown, reStructuredText (.rst), and plain text... _Warehouse: Check Description Locally -To locally check whether your long descriptions will render on PyPI, first build your distributions,...
RPMPackage python2-raptus-navexplorer-1.7-1.lbn36.noarch
Introduction This plone product has been developed to support customers and webmasters in keeping an overview of their plone site and helping them control and manipulate it. The complete content of the plone site is represented as a structured tree. This tree is presented in a separated frame not to compromise the display of the plone site itself. In addition, much information is shown for...
RPMPackage python2-raptus-multilanguageplone-1.0-1.lbn36.noarch
Introduction raptus.multilanguageplone provides a simple way to have internationalization on content objects. raptus.multilanguageplone isn't meant to be a fully fledged multilanguage tool, like LinguaPlone. Translation is done directly in the edit view of a content type and provides a widget to use google's translation api to translate the different fields.Unlike LinguaPlone...
RPMPackage python2-raptus-multilanguagefields-1.0-1.lbn36.noarch
Introduction raptus.multilanguagefields provides Archetypes fields and catalog indexes which are able to store multiple languages.Migrating Migration of already populated plone sites which where previously not running raptus.multilanguagefields is done by using the script **** in the **scripts** folder of this package.:: migrate -- migrate an existing single language site to a...
RPMPackage python2-raptus-article-core-2.2-1.lbn36.noarch
Introduction This package provides a configurable article content type, which replaces the default Page content type.The following features for raptus.article are provided by this package:Content * Article - Page Type - folderishComponents - * Related Items - Component - Component showing related Items.Other * zcml namespace (article) - used to initialize new components.Installation Standard...
RPMPackage python2-raptus-article-addthis-1.0-1.lbn36.noarch
.. contents::Introduction Shows addthis_ links below the article's text... _addthis: code will be wrapped in divraptus-article-addthis for including the addthis code with diazo. If the component is activated (and addthis_active is set to True in the raptus properties (see Configuration_) the addthis buttons are shown below the text.Configuration First register at addthis_ and get the most...
RPMPackage python2-random2-1.0.1-1.lbn36.noarch
CHANGES 1.0.1 (2013-03-15) - Fix so that an install of the package will actually work. 1.0.0 (2013-03-06) - Initial PyPI release.Random 2 This package provides a Python 3 ported version of Python 2.7's random module. It has also been back-ported to work in Python 2.6.In Python 3, the implementation of randrange() was changed, so that even with the same seed you get different sequences...
RPMPackage python2-pytz-2022.1-1.lbn36.noarch
pytz - World Timezone Definitions for Python :Author: Stuart Bishop <>Introduction pytz brings the Olson tz database into Python. This library allows accurate and cross platform timezone calculations using Python 2.4 or higher. It also solves the issue of ambiguous times at the end of daylight saving time, which you can read more about in the Python Library Reference...
RPMPackage python2-pytz-2022.1-1.lbn36.noarch
pytz - World Timezone Definitions for Python :Author: Stuart Bishop <>Introduction pytz brings the Olson tz database into Python. This library allows accurate and cross platform timezone calculations using Python 2.4 or higher. It also solves the issue of ambiguous times at the end of daylight saving time, which you can read more about in the Python Library Reference...
RPMPackage python2-pytest-random-0.02-1.lbn36.noarch