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RPMPackage texlive-kpathsea-bin-svn30088.0-7.1.20140525_r34255.lbn19.x86_64
Binaries for kpathsea
RPMPackage texlive-kpathsea-svn32266.0-7.1.lbn19.noarch
Kpathsea is a library and utility programs which provide path searching facilities for TeX file types, including the self- locating feature required for movable installations, layered on top of a general search mechanism. It is not distributed separately, but rather is released and maintained as part of the TeX live sources. date: 2012-03-14 12:38:42 +0100
RPMPackage texlive-koma-script-svn32489.3.12-7.1.lbn19.noarch
The KOMA-Script bundle provides drop-in replacements for the article/report/book classes with emphasis on typography and versatility. There is also a letter class, different from all other letter classes. The bundle also offers: - a package for calculating type areas in the way laid down by the typographer Jan Tschichold, - a package for easily changing and defining page styles, - a package scrdate for getting not only the current date but also the name of the day, and - a package scrtime for getting the current time. All these packages may be used not only with KOMA-Script classes but also with the standard classes. Since every package has its own version number, the version number quoted only refers to the version of scrbook, scrreprt, scrartcl, scrlttr2 and typearea. These are the main parts of the bundle. date: 2013-12-26 07:56:41 +0100
RPMPackage texlive-kastrup-svn15878.0-7.1.lbn19.noarch
kastrup package
RPMPackage texlive-index-svn24099.4.1beta-7.1.lbn19.noarch
This is a reimplementation of LaTeX's indexing macros to provide better support for indexing. For example, it supports multiple indexes in a single document and provides a more robust \index command. It supplies short hand notations for the \index command (^{word}) and a * variation of \index (abbreviated _{word}) that prints the word being indexed, as well as creating an index entry for it. date: 2008-04-20 19:53:04 +0200
RPMPackage texlive-ifxetex-svn19685.0.5-7.1.lbn19.noarch
A simple package which provides an \ifxetex conditional, so that other code can determine that it is running under XeTeX. The package requires the e-TeX extensions to the TeX primitive set. date: 2009-01-27 08:30:55 +0100
RPMPackage texlive-ifetex-svn24853.1.2-7.1.lbn19.noarch
The package provides the switch \ifetex which indicates whether e-TeX is available or not. The package can be loaded as LaTeX package using \usepackage{ifetex} or in plain TeX using \input ifetex. In either case it aborts silently if the \ifetex macro is already defined. The package's test is whether \eTeXversion is defined as a primitive; if it is, the package assumes e-TeX features are available. date: 2011-12-15 16:49:50 +0100
RPMPackage texlive-hyphen-base-svn31131.0-7.1.lbn19.noarch
hyphen-base package
RPMPackage texlive-hyperref-svn28213.6.83m-7.1.lbn19.noarch
The hyperref package is used to handle cross-referencing commands in LaTeX to produce hypertext links in the document. The package provides backends for the \special set defined for HyperTeX DVI processors; for embedded pdfmark commands for processing by Acrobat Distiller (dvips and Y&Y's dvipsone); for Y&Y's dviwindo; for PDF control within pdfTeX and dvipdfm; for TeX4ht; and for VTeX's pdf and HTML backends. The package is distributed with the backref and nameref packages, which make use of the facilities of hyperref. The package depends on the author's kvoptions, ltxcmdsand refcount packages. date: 2012-11-08 00:51:05 +0100
RPMPackage texlive-graphics-svn32655.1.0o-7.1.lbn19.noarch
The package was designed to accommodate all needs for inclusion of graphics in LaTeX documents, replacing many earlier packages used in LaTeX 2.09. The package aims to give a consistent interface to including the file types that are understood in your output, by use of 'printer drivers' (now known, simply, as 'drivers'). The distribtion of the package contains several drivers, but others (for example, pdfTeX) are distributed separately. The package also offers several means of manipulating graphics in the course of inserting them into a document (for example, rotation and scaling). For extended documentation see epslatex. The package is part of the graphics bundle, which is one of the collections in the LaTeX 'required' set of packages. date: 2013-01-29 15:35:44 +0100
RPMPackage texlive-geometry-svn19716.5.6-7.1.lbn19.noarch
The package provides an easy and flexible user interface to customize page layout, implementing auto-centering and auto- balancing mechanisms so that the users have only to give the least description for the page layout. For example, if you want to set each margin 2cm without header space, what you need is just \usepackage[margin=2cm,nohead]{geometry}. The package knows about all the standard paper sizes, so that the user need not know what the nominal 'real' dimensions of the paper are, just its standard name (such as a4, letter, etc.). An important feature is the package's ability to communicate the paper size it's set up to the output (whether via DVI \specials or via direct interaction with PDF(La)TeX). date: 2010-09-13 00:36:13 +0200
RPMPackage texlive-fp-svn15878.0-7.1.lbn19.noarch
An extensive collection of arithmetic operations for fixed point real numbers of high precision. date: 2009-09-26 11:43:36 +0200
RPMPackage texlive-footmisc-svn23330.5.5b-7.1.lbn19.noarch
A collection of ways to change the typesetting of footnotes. The package provides means of changing the layout of the footnotes themselves (including setting them in 'paragraphs' -- the para option), a way to number footnotes per page (the perpage option), to make footnotes disappear when an argument moves (stable option) and to deal with multiple references to footnotes from the same place (multiple option). The package also has a range of techniques for labelling footnotes with symbols rather than numbers. Some of the functions of the package are overlap with the functionality of other packages. The para option is also provided by the manyfoot and bigfoot packages, though those are both also portmanteau packages. (Don't be seduced by fnpara, whose implementation is improved by the present package.) The perpage option is also offered by footnpag and by the rather more general-purpose perpage date: 2011-06-09 17:50:36 +0200
RPMPackage texlive-fontspec-svn32416.v2.3c-7.1.lbn19.noarch
Fontspec is a package for XeLaTeX and LuaLaTeX. It provides an automatic and unified interface to feature-rich AAT and OpenType fonts through the NFSS in LaTeX running on XeTeX or LuaTeX engines. The package requires the l3kernel and xparse bundles from the LaTeX 3 development team. date: 2013-05-26 19:01:07 +0200
RPMPackage texlive-float-svn15878.1.3d-7.1.lbn19.noarch
Improves the interface for defining floating objects such as figures and tables. Introduces the boxed float, the ruled float and the plaintop float. You can define your own floats and improve the behaviour of the old ones. The package also provides the H float modifier option of the obsolete here package. You can select this as automatic default with \floatplacement{figure}{H}. date: 2009-09-26 09:33:53 +0200
RPMPackage texlive-filehook-svn24280.0.5d-7.1.lbn19.noarch
The package provides several file hooks (AtBegin, AtEnd, ...) for files read by \input, \include and \InputIfFileExists. General hooks for all such files (e.g. all \include'd ones) and file specific hooks only used for named files are provided; two hooks are provided for the end of \included files -- one before, and one after the final \clearpage. date: 2011-10-13 10:45:00 +0200
RPMPackage texlive-filecontents-svn24250.1.3-7.1.lbn19.noarch
LaTeX2e's filecontents and filecontents* environments enable a LaTeX source file to generate external files as it runs through LaTeX. However, there are two limitations of these environments: they refuse to overwrite existing files, and they can only be used in the preamble of a document. The filecontents package removes these limitations, letting you overwrite existing files and letting you use filecontents/filecontents* anywhere. date: 2011-10-09 16:42:04 +0200
RPMPackage texlive-fancyvrb-svn18492.2.8-7.1.lbn19.noarch
Flexible handling of verbatim text including: verbatim commands in footnotes; a variety of verbatim environments with many parameters; ability to define new customized verbatim environments; save and restore verbatim text and environments; write and read files in verbatim mode; build "example" environments (showing both result and verbatim source). date: 2010-05-25 20:13:54 +0200
RPMPackage texlive-etoolbox-svn20922.2.1-7.1.lbn19.noarch
The etoolbox package is a toolbox of programming facilities geared primarily towards LaTeX class and package authors. It provides LaTeX frontends to some of the new primitives provided by e-TeX as well as some generic tools which are not strictly related to e-TeX but match the profile of this package. Note that the initial versions of this package were released under the name elatex. The package provides functions that seem to offer alternative ways of implementing some LaTeX kernel commands; nevertheless, the package will not modify any part of the LaTeX kernel. date: 2011-01-03 19:54:22 +0100
RPMPackage texlive-etex-pkg-svn15878.2.0-7.1.lbn19.noarch
The package provides a straightforward interface to many of the extensions offered by e-TeX; in particular, it modifies LaTeX's register allocation macros to make use of the extended register range. The etoolbox and etextools packages provide macros that make more sophisticated use of e-TeX's facilities. date: 2009-07-22 12:43:06 +0200